
2024-01-17 更新

Adversarial Examples are Misaligned in Diffusion Model Manifolds

Authors:Peter Lorenz, Ricard Durall, Janis Keuper

In recent years, diffusion models (DMs) have drawn significant attention for their success in approximating data distributions, yielding state-of-the-art generative results. Nevertheless, the versatility of these models extends beyond their generative capabilities to encompass various vision applications, such as image inpainting, segmentation, adversarial robustness, among others. This study is dedicated to the investigation of adversarial attacks through the lens of diffusion models. However, our objective does not involve enhancing the adversarial robustness of image classifiers. Instead, our focus lies in utilizing the diffusion model to detect and analyze the anomalies introduced by these attacks on images. To that end, we systematically examine the alignment of the distributions of adversarial examples when subjected to the process of transformation using diffusion models. The efficacy of this approach is assessed across CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets, including varying image sizes in the latter. The results demonstrate a notable capacity to discriminate effectively between benign and attacked images, providing compelling evidence that adversarial instances do not align with the learned manifold of the DMs.
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Left-right Discrepancy for Adversarial Attack on Stereo Networks

Authors:Pengfei Wang, Xiaofei Hui, Beijia Lu, Nimrod Lilith, Jun Liu, Sameer Alam

Stereo matching neural networks often involve a Siamese structure to extract intermediate features from left and right images. The similarity between these intermediate left-right features significantly impacts the accuracy of disparity estimation. In this paper, we introduce a novel adversarial attack approach that generates perturbation noise specifically designed to maximize the discrepancy between left and right image features. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior capability of our method to induce larger prediction errors in stereo neural networks, e.g. outperforming existing state-of-the-art attack methods by 219% MAE on the KITTI dataset and 85% MAE on the Scene Flow dataset. Additionally, we extend our approach to include a proxy network black-box attack method, eliminating the need for access to stereo neural network. This method leverages an arbitrary network from a different vision task as a proxy to generate adversarial noise, effectively causing the stereo network to produce erroneous predictions. Our findings highlight a notable sensitivity of stereo networks to discrepancies in shallow layer features, offering valuable insights that could guide future research in enhancing the robustness of stereo vision systems.


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