
2024-01-17 更新

MIMIC: Mask Image Pre-training with Mix Contrastive Fine-tuning for Facial Expression Recognition

Authors:Fan Zhang, Xiaobao Guo, Xiaojiang Peng, Alex Kot

Cutting-edge research in facial expression recognition (FER) currently favors the utilization of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) backbone which is supervisedly pre-trained on face recognition datasets for feature extraction. However, due to the vast scale of face recognition datasets and the high cost associated with collecting facial labels, this pre-training paradigm incurs significant expenses. Towards this end, we propose to pre-train vision Transformers (ViTs) through a self-supervised approach on a mid-scale general image dataset. In addition, when compared with the domain disparity existing between face datasets and FER datasets, the divergence between general datasets and FER datasets is more pronounced. Therefore, we propose a contrastive fine-tuning approach to effectively mitigate this domain disparity. Specifically, we introduce a novel FER training paradigm named Mask Image pre-training with MIx Contrastive fine-tuning (MIMIC). In the initial phase, we pre-train the ViT via masked image reconstruction on general images. Subsequently, in the fine-tuning stage, we introduce a mix-supervised contrastive learning process, which enhances the model with a more extensive range of positive samples by the mixing strategy. Through extensive experiments conducted on three benchmark datasets, we demonstrate that our MIMIC outperforms the previous training paradigm, showing its capability to learn better representations. Remarkably, the results indicate that the vanilla ViT can achieve impressive performance without the need for intricate, auxiliary-designed modules. Moreover, when scaling up the model size, MIMIC exhibits no performance saturation and is superior to the current state-of-the-art methods.


Adversarial Masking Contrastive Learning for vein recognition

Authors:Huafeng Qin, Yiquan Wu, Mounim A. El-Yacoubi, Jun Wang, Guangxiang Yang

Vein recognition has received increasing attention due to its high security and privacy. Recently, deep neural networks such as Convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Transformers have been introduced for vein recognition and achieved state-of-the-art performance. Despite the recent advances, however, existing solutions for finger-vein feature extraction are still not optimal due to scarce training image samples. To overcome this problem, in this paper, we propose an adversarial masking contrastive learning (AMCL) approach, that generates challenging samples to train a more robust contrastive learning model for the downstream palm-vein recognition task, by alternatively optimizing the encoder in the contrastive learning model and a set of latent variables. First, a huge number of masks are generated to train a robust generative adversarial network (GAN). The trained generator transforms a latent variable from the latent variable space into a mask space. Then, we combine the trained generator with a contrastive learning model to obtain our AMCL, where the generator produces challenging masking images to increase the contrastive loss and the contrastive learning model is trained based on the harder images to learn a more robust feature representation. After training, the trained encoder in the contrastive learning model is combined with a classification layer to build a classifier, which is further fine-tuned on labeled training data for vein recognition. The experimental results on three databases demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing contrastive learning approaches in terms of improving identification accuracy of vein classifiers and achieves state-of-the-art recognition results.


文章作者: 木子已
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