
2024-01-17 更新

Domain Similarity-Perceived Label Assignment for Domain Generalized Underwater Object Detection

Authors:Xisheng Li, Wei Li, Pinhao Song, Mingjun Zhang, Jie Zhou

The inherent characteristics and light fluctuations of water bodies give rise to the huge difference between different layers and regions in underwater environments. When the test set is collected in a different marine area from the training set, the issue of domain shift emerges, significantly compromising the model’s ability to generalize. The Domain Adversarial Learning (DAL) training strategy has been previously utilized to tackle such challenges. However, DAL heavily depends on manually one-hot domain labels, which implies no difference among the samples in the same domain. Such an assumption results in the instability of DAL. This paper introduces the concept of Domain Similarity-Perceived Label Assignment (DSP). The domain label for each image is regarded as its similarity to the specified domains. Through domain-specific data augmentation techniques, we achieved state-of-the-art results on the underwater cross-domain object detection benchmark S-UODAC2020. Furthermore, we validated the effectiveness of our method in the Cityscapes dataset.
PDF 10 pages,7 figures


FRED: Towards a Full Rotation-Equivariance in Aerial Image Object Detection

Authors:Chanho Lee, Jinsu Son, Hyounguk Shon, Yunho Jeon, Junmo Kim

Rotation-equivariance is an essential yet challenging property in oriented object detection. While general object detectors naturally leverage robustness to spatial shifts due to the translation-equivariance of the conventional CNNs, achieving rotation-equivariance remains an elusive goal. Current detectors deploy various alignment techniques to derive rotation-invariant features, but still rely on high capacity models and heavy data augmentation with all possible rotations. In this paper, we introduce a Fully Rotation-Equivariant Oriented Object Detector (FRED), whose entire process from the image to the bounding box prediction is strictly equivariant. Specifically, we decouple the invariant task (object classification) and the equivariant task (object localization) to achieve end-to-end equivariance. We represent the bounding box as a set of rotation-equivariant vectors to implement rotation-equivariant localization. Moreover, we utilized these rotation-equivariant vectors as offsets in the deformable convolution, thereby enhancing the existing advantages of spatial adaptation. Leveraging full rotation-equivariance, our FRED demonstrates higher robustness to image-level rotation compared to existing methods. Furthermore, we show that FRED is one step closer to non-axis aligned learning through our experiments. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, our proposed method delivers comparable performance on DOTA-v1.0 and outperforms by 1.5 mAP on DOTA-v1.5, all while significantly reducing the model parameters to 16%.
PDF Accepted to the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI24),Vancouver, British Columbia, 2024


Semantic Segmentation in Multiple Adverse Weather Conditions with Domain Knowledge Retention

Authors:Xin Yang, Wending Yan, Yuan Yuan, Michael Bi Mi, Robby T. Tan

Semantic segmentation’s performance is often compromised when applied to unlabeled adverse weather conditions. Unsupervised domain adaptation is a potential approach to enhancing the model’s adaptability and robustness to adverse weather. However, existing methods encounter difficulties when sequentially adapting the model to multiple unlabeled adverse weather conditions. They struggle to acquire new knowledge while also retaining previously learned knowledge.To address these problems, we propose a semantic segmentation method for multiple adverse weather conditions that incorporates adaptive knowledge acquisition, pseudolabel blending, and weather composition replay. Our adaptive knowledge acquisition enables the model to avoid learning from extreme images that could potentially cause the model to forget. In our approach of blending pseudo-labels, we not only utilize the current model but also integrate the previously learned model into the ongoing learning process. This collaboration between the current teacher and the previous model enhances the robustness of the pseudo-labels for the current target. Our weather composition replay mechanism allows the model to continuously refine its previously learned weather information while simultaneously learning from the new target domain. Our method consistently outperforms the stateof-the-art methods, and obtains the best performance with averaged mIoU (%) of 65.7 and the lowest forgetting (%) of 3.6 against 60.1 and 11.3, on the ACDC datasets for a four-target continual multi-target domain adaptation.


Fine-Grained Prototypes Distillation for Few-Shot Object Detection

Authors:Zichen Wang, Bo Yang, Haonan Yue, Zhenghao Ma

Few-shot object detection (FSOD) aims at extending a generic detector for novel object detection with only a few training examples. It attracts great concerns recently due to the practical meanings. Meta-learning has been demonstrated to be an effective paradigm for this task. In general, methods based on meta-learning employ an additional support branch to encode novel examples (a.k.a. support images) into class prototypes, which are then fused with query branch to facilitate the model prediction. However, the class-level prototypes are difficult to precisely generate, and they also lack detailed information, leading to instability in performance.New methods are required to capture the distinctive local context for more robust novel object detection. To this end, we propose to distill the most representative support features into fine-grained prototypes. These prototypes are then assigned into query feature maps based on the matching results, modeling the detailed feature relations between two branches. This process is realized by our Fine-Grained Feature Aggregation (FFA) module. Moreover, in terms of high-level feature fusion, we propose Balanced Class-Agnostic Sampling (B-CAS) strategy and Non-Linear Fusion (NLF) module from differenct perspectives. They are complementary to each other and depict the high-level feature relations more effectively. Extensive experiments on PASCAL VOC and MS COCO benchmarks show that our method sets a new state-of-the-art performance in most settings. Our code is available at https://github.com/wangchen1801/FPD.
PDF Accepted by AAAI2024


SAMF: Small-Area-Aware Multi-focus Image Fusion for Object Detection

Authors:Xilai Li, Xiaosong Li, Haishu Tan, Jinyang Li

Existing multi-focus image fusion (MFIF) methods often fail to preserve the uncertain transition region and detect small focus areas within large defocused regions accurately. To address this issue, this study proposes a new small-area-aware MFIF algorithm for enhancing object detection capability. First, we enhance the pixel attributes within the small focus and boundary regions, which are subsequently combined with visual saliency detection to obtain the pre-fusion results used to discriminate the distribution of focused pixels. To accurately ensure pixel focus, we consider the source image as a combination of focused, defocused, and uncertain regions and propose a three-region segmentation strategy. Finally, we design an effective pixel selection rule to generate segmentation decision maps and obtain the final fusion results. Experiments demonstrated that the proposed method can accurately detect small and smooth focus areas while improving object detection performance, outperforming existing methods in both subjective and objective evaluations. The source code is available at https://github.com/ixilai/SAMF.
PDF Accepted to International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2024


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