2024-01-12 更新

FED-NeRF: Achieve High 3D Consistency and Temporal Coherence for Face Video Editing on Dynamic NeRF

Authors:Hao Zhang, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

The success of the GAN-NeRF structure has enabled face editing on NeRF to maintain 3D view consistency. However, achieving simultaneously multi-view consistency and temporal coherence while editing video sequences remains a formidable challenge. This paper proposes a novel face video editing architecture built upon the dynamic face GAN-NeRF structure, which effectively utilizes video sequences to restore the latent code and 3D face geometry. By editing the latent code, multi-view consistent editing on the face can be ensured, as validated by multiview stereo reconstruction on the resulting edited images in our dynamic NeRF. As the estimation of face geometries occurs on a frame-by-frame basis, this may introduce a jittering issue. We propose a stabilizer that maintains temporal coherence by preserving smooth changes of face expressions in consecutive frames. Quantitative and qualitative analyses reveal that our method, as the pioneering 4D face video editor, achieves state-of-the-art performance in comparison to existing 2D or 3D-based approaches independently addressing identity and motion. Codes will be released.
PDF Our code will be available at:


Hi-Map: Hierarchical Factorized Radiance Field for High-Fidelity Monocular Dense Mapping

Authors:Tongyan Hua, Haotian Bai, Zidong Cao, Ming Liu, Dacheng Tao, Lin Wang

In this paper, we introduce Hi-Map, a novel monocular dense mapping approach based on Neural Radiance Field (NeRF). Hi-Map is exceptional in its capacity to achieve efficient and high-fidelity mapping using only posed RGB inputs. Our method eliminates the need for external depth priors derived from e.g., a depth estimation model. Our key idea is to represent the scene as a hierarchical feature grid that encodes the radiance and then factorizes it into feature planes and vectors. As such, the scene representation becomes simpler and more generalizable for fast and smooth convergence on new observations. This allows for efficient computation while alleviating noise patterns by reducing the complexity of the scene representation. Buttressed by the hierarchical factorized representation, we leverage the Sign Distance Field (SDF) as a proxy of rendering for inferring the volume density, demonstrating high mapping fidelity. Moreover, we introduce a dual-path encoding strategy to strengthen the photometric cues and further boost the mapping quality, especially for the distant and textureless regions. Extensive experiments demonstrate our method’s superiority in geometric and textural accuracy over the state-of-the-art NeRF-based monocular mapping methods.


NeRFmentation: NeRF-based Augmentation for Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors:Casimir Feldmann, Niall Siegenheim, Nikolas Hars, Lovro Rabuzin, Mert Ertugrul, Luca Wolfart, Marc Pollefeys, Zuria Bauer, Martin R. Oswald

The capabilities of monocular depth estimation (MDE) models are limited by the availability of sufficient and diverse datasets. In the case of MDE models for autonomous driving, this issue is exacerbated by the linearity of the captured data trajectories. We propose a NeRF-based data augmentation pipeline to introduce synthetic data with more diverse viewing directions into training datasets and demonstrate the benefits of our approach to model performance and robustness. Our data augmentation pipeline, which we call “NeRFmentation”, trains NeRFs on each scene in the dataset, filters out subpar NeRFs based on relevant metrics, and uses them to generate synthetic RGB-D images captured from new viewing directions. In this work, we apply our technique in conjunction with three state-of-the-art MDE architectures on the popular autonomous driving dataset KITTI, augmenting its training set of the Eigen split. We evaluate the resulting performance gain on the original test set, a separate popular driving set, and our own synthetic test set.


CTNeRF: Cross-Time Transformer for Dynamic Neural Radiance Field from Monocular Video

Authors:Xingyu Miao, Yang Bai, Haoran Duan, Yawen Huang, Fan Wan, Yang Long, Yefeng Zheng

The goal of our work is to generate high-quality novel views from monocular videos of complex and dynamic scenes. Prior methods, such as DynamicNeRF, have shown impressive performance by leveraging time-varying dynamic radiation fields. However, these methods have limitations when it comes to accurately modeling the motion of complex objects, which can lead to inaccurate and blurry renderings of details. To address this limitation, we propose a novel approach that builds upon a recent generalization NeRF, which aggregates nearby views onto new viewpoints. However, such methods are typically only effective for static scenes. To overcome this challenge, we introduce a module that operates in both the time and frequency domains to aggregate the features of object motion. This allows us to learn the relationship between frames and generate higher-quality images. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods on dynamic scene datasets. Specifically, our approach outperforms existing methods in terms of both the accuracy and visual quality of the synthesized views.


InseRF: Text-Driven Generative Object Insertion in Neural 3D Scenes

Authors:Mohamad Shahbazi, Liesbeth Claessens, Michael Niemeyer, Edo Collins, Alessio Tonioni, Luc Van Gool, Federico Tombari

We introduce InseRF, a novel method for generative object insertion in the NeRF reconstructions of 3D scenes. Based on a user-provided textual description and a 2D bounding box in a reference viewpoint, InseRF generates new objects in 3D scenes. Recently, methods for 3D scene editing have been profoundly transformed, owing to the use of strong priors of text-to-image diffusion models in 3D generative modeling. Existing methods are mostly effective in editing 3D scenes via style and appearance changes or removing existing objects. Generating new objects, however, remains a challenge for such methods, which we address in this study. Specifically, we propose grounding the 3D object insertion to a 2D object insertion in a reference view of the scene. The 2D edit is then lifted to 3D using a single-view object reconstruction method. The reconstructed object is then inserted into the scene, guided by the priors of monocular depth estimation methods. We evaluate our method on various 3D scenes and provide an in-depth analysis of the proposed components. Our experiments with generative insertion of objects in several 3D scenes indicate the effectiveness of our method compared to the existing methods. InseRF is capable of controllable and 3D-consistent object insertion without requiring explicit 3D information as input. Please visit our project page at


FPRF: Feed-Forward Photorealistic Style Transfer of Large-Scale 3D Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:GeonU Kim, Kim Youwang, Tae-Hyun Oh

We present FPRF, a feed-forward photorealistic style transfer method for large-scale 3D neural radiance fields. FPRF stylizes large-scale 3D scenes with arbitrary, multiple style reference images without additional optimization while preserving multi-view appearance consistency. Prior arts required tedious per-style/-scene optimization and were limited to small-scale 3D scenes. FPRF efficiently stylizes large-scale 3D scenes by introducing a style-decomposed 3D neural radiance field, which inherits AdaIN’s feed-forward stylization machinery, supporting arbitrary style reference images. Furthermore, FPRF supports multi-reference stylization with the semantic correspondence matching and local AdaIN, which adds diverse user control for 3D scene styles. FPRF also preserves multi-view consistency by applying semantic matching and style transfer processes directly onto queried features in 3D space. In experiments, we demonstrate that FPRF achieves favorable photorealistic quality 3D scene stylization for large-scale scenes with diverse reference images. Project page:
PDF Project page:


GO-NeRF: Generating Virtual Objects in Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Peng Dai, Feitong Tan, Xin Yu, Yinda Zhang, Xiaojuan Qi

Despite advances in 3D generation, the direct creation of 3D objects within an existing 3D scene represented as NeRF remains underexplored. This process requires not only high-quality 3D object generation but also seamless composition of the generated 3D content into the existing NeRF. To this end, we propose a new method, GO-NeRF, capable of utilizing scene context for high-quality and harmonious 3D object generation within an existing NeRF. Our method employs a compositional rendering formulation that allows the generated 3D objects to be seamlessly composited into the scene utilizing learned 3D-aware opacity maps without introducing unintended scene modification. Moreover, we also develop tailored optimization objectives and training strategies to enhance the model’s ability to exploit scene context and mitigate artifacts, such as floaters, originating from 3D object generation within a scene. Extensive experiments on both feed-forward and $360^o$ scenes show the superior performance of our proposed GO-NeRF in generating objects harmoniously composited with surrounding scenes and synthesizing high-quality novel view images. Project page at {\url{}.
PDF 12 pages


CoSSegGaussians: Compact and Swift Scene Segmenting 3D Gaussians

Authors:Bin Dou, Tianyu Zhang, Yongjia Ma, Zhaohui Wang, Zejian Yuan

We propose Compact and Swift Segmenting 3D Gaussians(CoSSegGaussians), a method for compact 3D-consistent scene segmentation at fast rendering speed with only RGB images input. Previous NeRF-based 3D segmentation methods have relied on implicit or voxel neural scene representation and ray-marching volume rendering which are time consuming. Recent 3D Gaussian Splatting significantly improves the rendering speed, however, existing Gaussians-based segmentation methods(eg: Gaussian Grouping) fail to provide compact segmentation masks especially in zero-shot segmentation, which is mainly caused by the lack of robustness and compactness for straightforwardly assigning learnable parameters to each Gaussian when encountering inconsistent 2D machine-generated labels. Our method aims to achieve compact and reliable zero-shot scene segmentation swiftly by mapping fused spatial and semantically meaningful features for each Gaussian point with a shallow decoding network. Specifically, our method firstly optimizes Gaussian points’ position, convariance and color attributes under the supervision of RGB images. After Gaussian Locating, we distill multi-scale DINO features extracted from images through unprojection to each Gaussian, which is then incorporated with spatial features from the fast point features processing network, i.e. RandLA-Net. Then the shallow decoding MLP is applied to the multi-scale fused features to obtain compact segmentation. Experimental results show that our model can perform high-quality zero-shot scene segmentation, as our model outperforms other segmentation methods on both semantic and panoptic segmentation task, meanwhile consumes approximately only 10% segmenting time compared to NeRF-based segmentation. Code and more results will be available at


TRIPS: Trilinear Point Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering

Authors:Linus Franke, Darius Rückert, Laura Fink, Marc Stamminger

Point-based radiance field rendering has demonstrated impressive results for novel view synthesis, offering a compelling blend of rendering quality and computational efficiency. However, also latest approaches in this domain are not without their shortcomings. 3D Gaussian Splatting [Kerbl and Kopanas et al. 2023] struggles when tasked with rendering highly detailed scenes, due to blurring and cloudy artifacts. On the other hand, ADOP [R\”uckert et al. 2022] can accommodate crisper images, but the neural reconstruction network decreases performance, it grapples with temporal instability and it is unable to effectively address large gaps in the point cloud. In this paper, we present TRIPS (Trilinear Point Splatting), an approach that combines ideas from both Gaussian Splatting and ADOP. The fundamental concept behind our novel technique involves rasterizing points into a screen-space image pyramid, with the selection of the pyramid layer determined by the projected point size. This approach allows rendering arbitrarily large points using a single trilinear write. A lightweight neural network is then used to reconstruct a hole-free image including detail beyond splat resolution. Importantly, our render pipeline is entirely differentiable, allowing for automatic optimization of both point sizes and positions. Our evaluation demonstrate that TRIPS surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of rendering quality while maintaining a real-time frame rate of 60 frames per second on readily available hardware. This performance extends to challenging scenarios, such as scenes featuring intricate geometry, expansive landscapes, and auto-exposed footage.


Fast High Dynamic Range Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes

Authors:Guanjun Wu, Taoran Yi, Jiemin Fang, Wenyu Liu, Xinggang Wang

Neural Radiances Fields (NeRF) and their extensions have shown great success in representing 3D scenes and synthesizing novel-view images. However, most NeRF methods take in low-dynamic-range (LDR) images, which may lose details, especially with nonuniform illumination. Some previous NeRF methods attempt to introduce high-dynamic-range (HDR) techniques but mainly target static scenes. To extend HDR NeRF methods to wider applications, we propose a dynamic HDR NeRF framework, named HDR-HexPlane, which can learn 3D scenes from dynamic 2D images captured with various exposures. A learnable exposure mapping function is constructed to obtain adaptive exposure values for each image. Based on the monotonically increasing prior, a camera response function is designed for stable learning. With the proposed model, high-quality novel-view images at any time point can be rendered with any desired exposure. We further construct a dataset containing multiple dynamic scenes captured with diverse exposures for evaluation. All the datasets and code are available at \url{}.
PDF 3DV 2024. Project page:


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