Diffusion Models

2024-01-12 更新

Representative Feature Extraction During Diffusion Process for Sketch Extraction with One Example

Authors:Kwan Yun, Youngseo Kim, Kwanggyoon Seo, Chang Wook Seo, Junyong Noh

We introduce DiffSketch, a method for generating a variety of stylized sketches from images. Our approach focuses on selecting representative features from the rich semantics of deep features within a pretrained diffusion model. This novel sketch generation method can be trained with one manual drawing. Furthermore, efficient sketch extraction is ensured by distilling a trained generator into a streamlined extractor. We select denoising diffusion features through analysis and integrate these selected features with VAE features to produce sketches. Additionally, we propose a sampling scheme for training models using a conditional generative approach. Through a series of comparisons, we verify that distilled DiffSketch not only outperforms existing state-of-the-art sketch extraction methods but also surpasses diffusion-based stylization methods in the task of extracting sketches.
PDF 8 pages(main paper), 8 pages(supplementary material)


D3AD: Dynamic Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Anomaly Detection

Authors:Justin Tebbe, Jawad Tayyub

Diffusion models have found valuable applications in anomaly detection by capturing the nominal data distribution and identifying anomalies via reconstruction. Despite their merits, they struggle to localize anomalies of varying scales, especially larger anomalies like entire missing components. Addressing this, we present a novel framework that enhances the capability of diffusion models, by extending the previous introduced implicit conditioning approach Meng et al. (2022) in three significant ways. First, we incorporate a dynamic step size computation that allows for variable noising steps in the forward process guided by an initial anomaly prediction. Second, we demonstrate that denoising an only scaled input, without any added noise, outperforms conventional denoising process. Third, we project images in a latent space to abstract away from fine details that interfere with reconstruction of large missing components. Additionally, we propose a fine-tuning mechanism that facilitates the model to effectively grasp the nuances of the target domain. Our method undergoes rigorous evaluation on two prominent anomaly detection datasets VISA and BTAD, yielding state-of-the-art performance. Importantly, our framework effectively localizes anomalies regardless of their scale, marking a pivotal advancement in diffusion-based anomaly detection.


Enhanced Distribution Alignment for Post-Training Quantization of Diffusion Models

Authors:Xuewen Liu, Zhikai Li, Junrui Xiao, Qingyi Gu

Diffusion models have achieved great success in image generation tasks through iterative noise estimation. However, the heavy denoising process and complex neural networks hinder their low-latency applications in real-world scenarios. Quantization can effectively reduce model complexity, and post-training quantization (PTQ), which does not require fine-tuning, is highly promising in accelerating the denoising process. Unfortunately, we find that due to the highly dynamic distribution of activations in different denoising steps, existing PTQ methods for diffusion models suffer from distribution mismatch issues at both calibration sample level and reconstruction output level, which makes the performance far from satisfactory, especially in low-bit cases. In this paper, we propose Enhanced Distribution Alignment for Post-Training Quantization of Diffusion Models (EDA-DM) to address the above issues. Specifically, at the calibration sample level, we select calibration samples based on the density and diversity in the latent space, thus facilitating the alignment of their distribution with the overall samples; and at the reconstruction output level, we propose Fine-grained Block Reconstruction, which can align the outputs of the quantized model and the full-precision model at different network granularity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that EDA-DM outperforms the existing post-training quantization frameworks in both unconditional and conditional generation scenarios. At low-bit precision, the quantized models with our method even outperform the full-precision models on most datasets.
PDF 16 pages, 15 figures


EmoGen: Emotional Image Content Generation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors:Jingyuan Yang, Jiawei Feng, Hui Huang

Recent years have witnessed remarkable progress in image generation task, where users can create visually astonishing images with high-quality. However, existing text-to-image diffusion models are proficient in generating concrete concepts (dogs) but encounter challenges with more abstract ones (emotions). Several efforts have been made to modify image emotions with color and style adjustments, facing limitations in effectively conveying emotions with fixed image contents. In this work, we introduce Emotional Image Content Generation (EICG), a new task to generate semantic-clear and emotion-faithful images given emotion categories. Specifically, we propose an emotion space and construct a mapping network to align it with the powerful Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) space, providing a concrete interpretation of abstract emotions. Attribute loss and emotion confidence are further proposed to ensure the semantic diversity and emotion fidelity of the generated images. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art text-to-image approaches both quantitatively and qualitatively, where we derive three custom metrics, i.e., emotion accuracy, semantic clarity and semantic diversity. In addition to generation, our method can help emotion understanding and inspire emotional art design.


Morphable Diffusion: 3D-Consistent Diffusion for Single-image Avatar Creation

Authors:Xiyi Chen, Marko Mihajlovic, Shaofei Wang, Sergey Prokudin, Siyu Tang

Recent advances in generative diffusion models have enabled the previously unfeasible capability of generating 3D assets from a single input image or a text prompt. In this work, we aim to enhance the quality and functionality of these models for the task of creating controllable, photorealistic human avatars. We achieve this by integrating a 3D morphable model into the state-of-the-art multiview-consistent diffusion approach. We demonstrate that accurate conditioning of a generative pipeline on the articulated 3D model enhances the baseline model performance on the task of novel view synthesis from a single image. More importantly, this integration facilitates a seamless and accurate incorporation of facial expression and body pose control into the generation process. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed framework is the first diffusion model to enable the creation of fully 3D-consistent, animatable, and photorealistic human avatars from a single image of an unseen subject; extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the advantages of our approach over existing state-of-the-art avatar creation models on both novel view and novel expression synthesis tasks.
PDF Project page: https://xiyichen.github.io/morphablediffusion/


CrossDiff: Exploring Self-Supervised Representation of Pansharpening via Cross-Predictive Diffusion Model

Authors:Yinghui Xing, Litao Qu, ShiZhou Zhang, Xiuwei Zhang, Yanning Zhang

Fusion of a panchromatic (PAN) image and corresponding multispectral (MS) image is also known as pansharpening, which aims to combine abundant spatial details of PAN and spectral information of MS. Due to the absence of high-resolution MS images, available deep-learning-based methods usually follow the paradigm of training at reduced resolution and testing at both reduced and full resolution. When taking original MS and PAN images as inputs, they always obtain sub-optimal results due to the scale variation. In this paper, we propose to explore the self-supervised representation of pansharpening by designing a cross-predictive diffusion model, named CrossDiff. It has two-stage training. In the first stage, we introduce a cross-predictive pretext task to pre-train the UNet structure based on conditional DDPM, while in the second stage, the encoders of the UNets are frozen to directly extract spatial and spectral features from PAN and MS, and only the fusion head is trained to adapt for pansharpening task. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed model compared with state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised methods. Besides, the cross-sensor experiments also verify the generalization ability of proposed self-supervised representation learners for other satellite’s datasets. We will release our code for reproducibility.


PIXART-δ: Fast and Controllable Image Generation with Latent Consistency Models

Authors:Junsong Chen, Yue Wu, Simian Luo, Enze Xie, Sayak Paul, Ping Luo, Hang Zhao, Zhenguo Li

This technical report introduces PIXART-{\delta}, a text-to-image synthesis framework that integrates the Latent Consistency Model (LCM) and ControlNet into the advanced PIXART-{\alpha} model. PIXART-{\alpha} is recognized for its ability to generate high-quality images of 1024px resolution through a remarkably efficient training process. The integration of LCM in PIXART-{\delta} significantly accelerates the inference speed, enabling the production of high-quality images in just 2-4 steps. Notably, PIXART-{\delta} achieves a breakthrough 0.5 seconds for generating 1024x1024 pixel images, marking a 7x improvement over the PIXART-{\alpha}. Additionally, PIXART-{\delta} is designed to be efficiently trainable on 32GB V100 GPUs within a single day. With its 8-bit inference capability (von Platen et al., 2023), PIXART-{\delta} can synthesize 1024px images within 8GB GPU memory constraints, greatly enhancing its usability and accessibility. Furthermore, incorporating a ControlNet-like module enables fine-grained control over text-to-image diffusion models. We introduce a novel ControlNet-Transformer architecture, specifically tailored for Transformers, achieving explicit controllability alongside high-quality image generation. As a state-of-the-art, open-source image generation model, PIXART-{\delta} offers a promising alternative to the Stable Diffusion family of models, contributing significantly to text-to-image synthesis.
PDF Technical Report


InseRF: Text-Driven Generative Object Insertion in Neural 3D Scenes

Authors:Mohamad Shahbazi, Liesbeth Claessens, Michael Niemeyer, Edo Collins, Alessio Tonioni, Luc Van Gool, Federico Tombari

We introduce InseRF, a novel method for generative object insertion in the NeRF reconstructions of 3D scenes. Based on a user-provided textual description and a 2D bounding box in a reference viewpoint, InseRF generates new objects in 3D scenes. Recently, methods for 3D scene editing have been profoundly transformed, owing to the use of strong priors of text-to-image diffusion models in 3D generative modeling. Existing methods are mostly effective in editing 3D scenes via style and appearance changes or removing existing objects. Generating new objects, however, remains a challenge for such methods, which we address in this study. Specifically, we propose grounding the 3D object insertion to a 2D object insertion in a reference view of the scene. The 2D edit is then lifted to 3D using a single-view object reconstruction method. The reconstructed object is then inserted into the scene, guided by the priors of monocular depth estimation methods. We evaluate our method on various 3D scenes and provide an in-depth analysis of the proposed components. Our experiments with generative insertion of objects in several 3D scenes indicate the effectiveness of our method compared to the existing methods. InseRF is capable of controllable and 3D-consistent object insertion without requiring explicit 3D information as input. Please visit our project page at https://mohamad-shahbazi.github.io/inserf.


HiCAST: Highly Customized Arbitrary Style Transfer with Adapter Enhanced Diffusion Models

Authors:Hanzhang Wang, Haoran Wang, Jinze Yang, Zhongrui Yu, Zeke Xie, Lei Tian, Xinyan Xiao, Junjun Jiang, Xianming Liu, Mingming Sun

The goal of Arbitrary Style Transfer (AST) is injecting the artistic features of a style reference into a given image/video. Existing methods usually focus on pursuing the balance between style and content, whereas ignoring the significant demand for flexible and customized stylization results and thereby limiting their practical application. To address this critical issue, a novel AST approach namely HiCAST is proposed, which is capable of explicitly customizing the stylization results according to various source of semantic clues. In the specific, our model is constructed based on Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) and elaborately designed to absorb content and style instance as conditions of LDM. It is characterized by introducing of \textit{Style Adapter}, which allows user to flexibly manipulate the output results by aligning multi-level style information and intrinsic knowledge in LDM. Lastly, we further extend our model to perform video AST. A novel learning objective is leveraged for video diffusion model training, which significantly improve cross-frame temporal consistency in the premise of maintaining stylization strength. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons as well as comprehensive user studies demonstrate that our HiCAST outperforms the existing SoTA methods in generating visually plausible stylization results.


Efficient Image Deblurring Networks based on Diffusion Models

Authors:Kang Chen, Yuanjie Liu

This article introduces a sliding window model for defocus deblurring that achieves the best performance to date with extremely low memory usage. Named Swintormer, the method utilizes a diffusion model to generate latent prior features that assist in restoring more detailed images. It also extends the sliding window strategy to specialized Transformer blocks for efficient inference. Additionally, we have further optimized Multiply-Accumulate operations (Macs). Compared to the currently top-performing GRL method, our Swintormer model drastically reduces computational complexity from 140.35 GMACs to 8.02 GMacs, while also improving the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for defocus deblurring from 27.04 dB to 27.07 dB. This new method allows for the processing of higher resolution images on devices with limited memory, significantly expanding potential application scenarios. The article concludes with an ablation study that provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of each network module on final performance. The source code and model will be available at the following website: https://github.com/bnm6900030/swintormer.


文章作者: 木子已
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