
2023-12-01 更新

Multi-Channel Cross Modal Detection of Synthetic Face Images

Authors:M. Ibsen, C. Rathgeb, S. Marcel, C. Busch

Synthetically generated face images have shown to be indistinguishable from real images by humans and as such can lead to a lack of trust in digital content as they can, for instance, be used to spread misinformation. Therefore, the need to develop algorithms for detecting entirely synthetic face images is apparent. Of interest are images generated by state-of-the-art deep learning-based models, as these exhibit a high level of visual realism. Recent works have demonstrated that detecting such synthetic face images under realistic circumstances remains difficult as new and improved generative models are proposed with rapid speed and arbitrary image post-processing can be applied. In this work, we propose a multi-channel architecture for detecting entirely synthetic face images which analyses information both in the frequency and visible spectra using Cross Modal Focal Loss. We compare the proposed architecture with several related architectures trained using Binary Cross Entropy and show in cross-model experiments that the proposed architecture supervised using Cross Modal Focal Loss, in general, achieves most competitive performance.


NeRFTAP: Enhancing Transferability of Adversarial Patches on Face Recognition using Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Xiaoliang Liu, Furao Shen, Feng Han, Jian Zhao, Changhai Nie

Face recognition (FR) technology plays a crucial role in various applications, but its vulnerability to adversarial attacks poses significant security concerns. Existing research primarily focuses on transferability to different FR models, overlooking the direct transferability to victim’s face images, which is a practical threat in real-world scenarios. In this study, we propose a novel adversarial attack method that considers both the transferability to the FR model and the victim’s face image, called NeRFTAP. Leveraging NeRF-based 3D-GAN, we generate new view face images for the source and target subjects to enhance transferability of adversarial patches. We introduce a style consistency loss to ensure the visual similarity between the adversarial UV map and the target UV map under a 0-1 mask, enhancing the effectiveness and naturalness of the generated adversarial face images. Extensive experiments and evaluations on various FR models demonstrate the superiority of our approach over existing attack techniques. Our work provides valuable insights for enhancing the robustness of FR systems in practical adversarial settings.


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