
2023-12-01 更新

Elucidating and Overcoming the Challenges of Label Noise in Supervised Contrastive Learning

Authors:Zijun Long, George Killick, Lipeng Zhuang, Richard McCreadie, Gerardo Aragon Camarasa, Paul Henderson

Image classification datasets exhibit a non-negligible fraction of mislabeled examples, often due to human error when one class superficially resembles another. This issue poses challenges in supervised contrastive learning (SCL), where the goal is to cluster together data points of the same class in the embedding space while distancing those of disparate classes. While such methods outperform those based on cross-entropy, they are not immune to labeling errors. However, while the detrimental effects of noisy labels in supervised learning are well-researched, their influence on SCL remains largely unexplored. Hence, we analyse the effect of label errors and examine how they disrupt the SCL algorithm’s ability to distinguish between positive and negative sample pairs. Our analysis reveals that human labeling errors manifest as easy positive samples in around 99% of cases. We, therefore, propose D-SCL, a novel Debiased Supervised Contrastive Learning objective designed to mitigate the bias introduced by labeling errors. We demonstrate that D-SCL consistently outperforms state-of-the-art techniques for representation learning across diverse vision benchmarks, offering improved robustness to label errors.


Contrastive Vision-Language Alignment Makes Efficient Instruction Learner

Authors:Lizhao Liu, Xinyu Sun, Tianhang Xiang, Zhuangwei Zhuang, Liuren Yin, Mingkui Tan

We study the task of extending the large language model (LLM) into a vision-language instruction-following model. This task is crucial but challenging since the LLM is trained on text modality only, making it hard to effectively digest the visual modality. To address this, existing methods typically train a visual adapter to align the representation between a pre-trained vision transformer (ViT) and the LLM by a generative image captioning loss. However, we find that the generative objective can only produce weak alignment for vision and language, making the aligned vision-language model very hungry for the instruction fine-tuning data. In this paper, we propose CG-VLM that applies both Contrastive and Generative alignment objectives to effectively align the representation of ViT and LLM. Different from image level and sentence level alignment in common contrastive learning settings, CG-VLM aligns the image-patch level features and text-token level embeddings, which, however, is very hard to achieve as no explicit grounding patch-token relation provided in standard image captioning datasets. To address this issue, we propose to maximize the averaged similarity between pooled image-patch features and text-token embeddings. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed CG-VLM produces strong vision-language alignment and is an efficient instruction learner. For example, using only 10% instruction tuning data, we reach 95% performance of state-of-the-art method LLaVA [29] on the zero-shot ScienceQA-Image benchmark.
PDF 17 pages, 10 pages for main paper, 7 pages for supplementary


Contrastive Denoising Score for Text-guided Latent Diffusion Image Editing

Authors:Hyelin Nam, Gihyun Kwon, Geon Yeong Park, Jong Chul Ye

With the remarkable advent of text-to-image diffusion models, image editing methods have become more diverse and continue to evolve. A promising recent approach in this realm is Delta Denoising Score (DDS) - an image editing technique based on Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) framework that leverages the rich generative prior of text-to-image diffusion models. However, relying solely on the difference between scoring functions is insufficient for preserving specific structural elements from the original image, a crucial aspect of image editing. Inspired by the similarity and importance differences between DDS and the contrastive learning for unpaired image-to-image translation (CUT), here we present an embarrassingly simple yet very powerful modification of DDS, called Contrastive Denoising Score (CDS), for latent diffusion models (LDM). Specifically, to enforce structural correspondence between the input and output while maintaining the controllability of contents, we introduce a straightforward approach to regulate structural consistency using CUT loss within the DDS framework. To calculate this loss, instead of employing auxiliary networks, we utilize the intermediate features of LDM, in particular, those from the self-attention layers, which possesses rich spatial information. Our approach enables zero-shot image-to-image translation and neural radiance field (NeRF) editing, achieving a well-balanced interplay between maintaining the structural details and transforming content. Qualitative results and comparisons demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed method. Project page with code is available at https://hyelinnam.github.io/CDS/.
PDF Project page: https://hyelinnam.github.io/CDS/


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