
2023-12-01 更新

RetouchUAA: Unconstrained Adversarial Attack via Image Retouching

Authors:Mengda Xie, Yiling He, Meie Fang

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are susceptible to adversarial examples. Conventional attacks generate controlled noise-like perturbations that fail to reflect real-world scenarios and hard to interpretable. In contrast, recent unconstrained attacks mimic natural image transformations occurring in the real world for perceptible but inconspicuous attacks, yet compromise realism due to neglect of image post-processing and uncontrolled attack direction. In this paper, we propose RetouchUAA, an unconstrained attack that exploits a real-life perturbation: image retouching styles, highlighting its potential threat to DNNs. Compared to existing attacks, RetouchUAA offers several notable advantages. Firstly, RetouchUAA excels in generating interpretable and realistic perturbations through two key designs: the image retouching attack framework and the retouching style guidance module. The former custom-designed human-interpretability retouching framework for adversarial attack by linearizing images while modelling the local processing and retouching decision-making in human retouching behaviour, provides an explicit and reasonable pipeline for understanding the robustness of DNNs against retouching. The latter guides the adversarial image towards standard retouching styles, thereby ensuring its realism. Secondly, attributed to the design of the retouching decision regularization and the persistent attack strategy, RetouchUAA also exhibits outstanding attack capability and defense robustness, posing a heavy threat to DNNs. Experiments on ImageNet and Place365 reveal that RetouchUAA achieves nearly 100\% white-box attack success against three DNNs, while achieving a better trade-off between image naturalness, transferability and defense robustness than baseline attacks.


Group-wise Sparse and Explainable Adversarial Attacks

Authors:Shpresim Sadiku, Moritz Wagner, Sebastian Pokutta

Sparse adversarial attacks fool deep neural networks (DNNs) through minimal pixel perturbations, typically regularized by the $\ell_0$ norm. Recent efforts have replaced this norm with a structural sparsity regularizer, such as the nuclear group norm, to craft group-wise sparse adversarial attacks. The resulting perturbations are thus explainable and hold significant practical relevance, shedding light on an even greater vulnerability of DNNs than previously anticipated. However, crafting such attacks poses an optimization challenge, as it involves computing norms for groups of pixels within a non-convex objective. In this paper, we tackle this challenge by presenting an algorithm that simultaneously generates group-wise sparse attacks within semantically meaningful areas of an image. In each iteration, the core operation of our algorithm involves the optimization of a quasinorm adversarial loss. This optimization is achieved by employing the $1/2$-quasinorm proximal operator for some iterations, a method tailored for nonconvex programming. Subsequently, the algorithm transitions to a projected Nesterov’s accelerated gradient descent with $2$-norm regularization applied to perturbation magnitudes. We rigorously evaluate the efficacy of our novel attack in both targeted and non-targeted attack scenarios, on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. When compared to state-of-the-art methods, our attack consistently results in a remarkable increase in group-wise sparsity, e.g., an increase of $48.12\%$ on CIFAR-10 and $40.78\%$ on ImageNet (average case, targeted attack), all while maintaining lower perturbation magnitudes. Notably, this performance is complemented by a significantly faster computation time and a $100\%$ attack success rate.


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