
2023-08-26 更新

Self-Supervised and Semi-Supervised Polyp Segmentation using Synthetic Data

Authors:Enric Moreu, Eric Arazo, Kevin McGuinness, Noel E. O’Connor

Early detection of colorectal polyps is of utmost importance for their treatment and for colorectal cancer prevention. Computer vision techniques have the potential to aid professionals in the diagnosis stage, where colonoscopies are manually carried out to examine the entirety of the patient’s colon. The main challenge in medical imaging is the lack of data, and a further challenge specific to polyp segmentation approaches is the difficulty of manually labeling the available data: the annotation process for segmentation tasks is very time-consuming. While most recent approaches address the data availability challenge with sophisticated techniques to better exploit the available labeled data, few of them explore the self-supervised or semi-supervised paradigm, where the amount of labeling required is greatly reduced. To address both challenges, we leverage synthetic data and propose an end-to-end model for polyp segmentation that integrates real and synthetic data to artificially increase the size of the datasets and aid the training when unlabeled samples are available. Concretely, our model, Pl-CUT-Seg, transforms synthetic images with an image-to-image translation module and combines the resulting images with real images to train a segmentation model, where we use model predictions as pseudo-labels to better leverage unlabeled samples. Additionally, we propose PL-CUT-Seg+, an improved version of the model that incorporates targeted regularization to address the domain gap between real and synthetic images. The models are evaluated on standard benchmarks for polyp segmentation and reach state-of-the-art results in the self- and semi-supervised setups.


Prototype Learning for Out-of-Distribution Polyp Segmentation

Authors:Nikhil Kumar Tomar, Debesh Jha, Ulas Bagci

Existing polyp segmentation models from colonoscopy images often fail to provide reliable segmentation results on datasets from different centers, limiting their applicability. Our objective in this study is to create a robust and well-generalized segmentation model named PrototypeLab that can assist in polyp segmentation. To achieve this, we incorporate various lighting modes such as White light imaging (WLI), Blue light imaging (BLI), Linked color imaging (LCI), and Flexible spectral imaging color enhancement (FICE) into our new segmentation model, that learns to create prototypes for each class of object present in the images. These prototypes represent the characteristic features of the objects, such as their shape, texture, color. Our model is designed to perform effectively on out-of-distribution (OOD) datasets from multiple centers. We first generate a coarse mask that is used to learn prototypes for the main object class, which are then employed to generate the final segmentation mask. By using prototypes to represent the main class, our approach handles the variability present in the medical images and generalize well to new data since prototype capture the underlying distribution of the data. PrototypeLab offers a promising solution with a dice coefficient of $\geq$ 90\% and mIoU $\geq$ 85\% with a near real-time processing speed for polyp segmentation. It achieved superior performance on OOD datasets compared to 16 state-of-the-art image segmentation architectures, potentially improving clinical outcomes. Codes are available at https://github.com/xxxxx/PrototypeLab.


Unsupervised Adaptation of Polyp Segmentation Models via Coarse-to-Fine Self-Supervision

Authors:Jiexiang Wang, Chaoqi Chen

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation~(UDA) has attracted a surge of interest over the past decade but is difficult to be used in real-world applications. Considering the privacy-preservation issues and security concerns, in this work, we study a practical problem of Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA), which eliminates the reliance on annotated source data. Current SFDA methods focus on extracting domain knowledge from the source-trained model but neglects the intrinsic structure of the target domain. Moreover, they typically utilize pseudo labels for self-training in the target domain, but suffer from the notorious error accumulation problem. To address these issues, we propose a new SFDA framework, called Region-to-Pixel Adaptation Network~(RPANet), which learns the region-level and pixel-level discriminative representations through coarse-to-fine self-supervision. The proposed RPANet consists of two modules, Foreground-aware Contrastive Learning (FCL) and Confidence-Calibrated Pseudo-Labeling (CCPL), which explicitly address the key challenges of how to distinguish'' andhow to refine’’. To be specific, FCL introduces a supervised contrastive learning paradigm in the region level to contrast different region centroids across different target images, which efficiently involves all pseudo labels while robust to noisy samples. CCPL designs a novel fusion strategy to reduce the overconfidence problem of pseudo labels by fusing two different target predictions without introducing any additional network modules. Extensive experiments on three cross-domain polyp segmentation tasks reveal that RPANet significantly outperforms state-of-the-art SFDA and UDA methods without access to source data, revealing the potential of SFDA in medical applications.
PDF Accepted by IPMI 2023


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