
2023-04-19 更新

Confident Object Detection via Conformal Prediction and Conformal Risk Control: an Application to Railway Signaling

Authors:Léo andéol, Thomas Fel, Florence De Grancey, Luca Mossina

Deploying deep learning models in real-world certified systems requires the ability to provide confidence estimates that accurately reflect their uncertainty. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of the conformal prediction framework to construct reliable and trustworthy predictors for detecting railway signals. Our approach is based on a novel dataset that includes images taken from the perspective of a train operator and state-of-the-art object detectors. We test several conformal approaches and introduce a new method based on conformal risk control. Our findings demonstrate the potential of the conformal prediction framework to evaluate model performance and provide practical guidance for achieving formally guaranteed uncertainty bounds.


CoMaL: Conditional Maximum Likelihood Approach to Self-supervised Domain Adaptation in Long-tail Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Thanh-Dat Truong, Chi Nhan Duong, Pierce Helton, Ashley Dowling, Xin Li, Khoa Luu

The research in self-supervised domain adaptation in semantic segmentation has recently received considerable attention. Although GAN-based methods have become one of the most popular approaches to domain adaptation, they have suffered from some limitations. They are insufficient to model both global and local structures of a given image, especially in small regions of tail classes. Moreover, they perform bad on the tail classes containing limited number of pixels or less training samples. In order to address these issues, we present a new self-supervised domain adaptation approach to tackle long-tail semantic segmentation in this paper. Firstly, a new metric is introduced to formulate long-tail domain adaptation in the segmentation problem. Secondly, a new Conditional Maximum Likelihood (CoMaL) approach in an autoregressive framework is presented to solve the problem of long-tail domain adaptation. Although other segmentation methods work under the pixel independence assumption, the long-tailed pixel distributions in CoMaL are generally solved in the context of structural dependency, as that is more realistic. Finally, the proposed method is evaluated on popular large-scale semantic segmentation benchmarks, i.e., “SYNTHIA to Cityscapes” and “GTA to Cityscapes”, and outperforms the prior methods by a large margin in both the standard and the proposed evaluation protocols.


An Instance Segmentation Dataset of Yeast Cells in Microstructures

Authors:Christoph Reich, Tim Prangemeier, André O. Françani, Heinz Koeppl

Extracting single-cell information from microscopy data requires accurate instance-wise segmentations. Obtaining pixel-wise segmentations from microscopy imagery remains a challenging task, especially with the added complexity of microstructured environments. This paper presents a novel dataset for segmenting yeast cells in microstructures. We offer pixel-wise instance segmentation labels for both cells and trap microstructures. In total, we release 493 densely annotated microscopy images. To facilitate a unified comparison between novel segmentation algorithms, we propose a standardized evaluation strategy for our dataset. The aim of the dataset and evaluation strategy is to facilitate the development of new cell segmentation approaches. The dataset is publicly available at https://christophreich1996.github.io/yeast_in_microstructures_dataset/ .
PDF IEEE EMBC 2023 (accepted), Christoph Reich and Tim Prangemeier —- both authors contributed equally


OVTrack: Open-Vocabulary Multiple Object Tracking

Authors:Siyuan Li, Tobias Fischer, Lei Ke, Henghui Ding, Martin Danelljan, Fisher Yu

The ability to recognize, localize and track dynamic objects in a scene is fundamental to many real-world applications, such as self-driving and robotic systems. Yet, traditional multiple object tracking (MOT) benchmarks rely only on a few object categories that hardly represent the multitude of possible objects that are encountered in the real world. This leaves contemporary MOT methods limited to a small set of pre-defined object categories. In this paper, we address this limitation by tackling a novel task, open-vocabulary MOT, that aims to evaluate tracking beyond pre-defined training categories. We further develop OVTrack, an open-vocabulary tracker that is capable of tracking arbitrary object classes. Its design is based on two key ingredients: First, leveraging vision-language models for both classification and association via knowledge distillation; second, a data hallucination strategy for robust appearance feature learning from denoising diffusion probabilistic models. The result is an extremely data-efficient open-vocabulary tracker that sets a new state-of-the-art on the large-scale, large-vocabulary TAO benchmark, while being trained solely on static images. Project page: https://www.vis.xyz/pub/ovtrack/


Delving into Shape-aware Zero-shot Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Xinyu Liu, Beiwen Tian, Zhen Wang, Rui Wang, Kehua Sheng, Bo Zhang, Hao Zhao, Guyue Zhou

Thanks to the impressive progress of large-scale vision-language pretraining, recent recognition models can classify arbitrary objects in a zero-shot and open-set manner, with a surprisingly high accuracy. However, translating this success to semantic segmentation is not trivial, because this dense prediction task requires not only accurate semantic understanding but also fine shape delineation and existing vision-language models are trained with image-level language descriptions. To bridge this gap, we pursue \textbf{shape-aware} zero-shot semantic segmentation in this study. Inspired by classical spectral methods in the image segmentation literature, we propose to leverage the eigen vectors of Laplacian matrices constructed with self-supervised pixel-wise features to promote shape-awareness. Despite that this simple and effective technique does not make use of the masks of seen classes at all, we demonstrate that it out-performs a state-of-the-art shape-aware formulation that aligns ground truth and predicted edges during training. We also delve into the performance gains achieved on different datasets using different backbones and draw several interesting and conclusive observations: the benefits of promoting shape-awareness highly relates to mask compactness and language embedding locality. Finally, our method sets new state-of-the-art performance for zero-shot semantic segmentation on both Pascal and COCO, with significant margins. Code and models will be accessed at https://github.com/Liuxinyv/SAZS.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023, code: https://github.com/Liuxinyv/SAZS


Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds via Cross-modal Distillation and Super-Voxel Clustering

Authors:Zisheng Chen, Hongbin Xu

Semantic segmentation of point clouds usually requires exhausting efforts of human annotations, hence it attracts wide attention to the challenging topic of learning from unlabeled or weaker forms of annotations. In this paper, we take the first attempt for fully unsupervised semantic segmentation of point clouds, which aims to delineate semantically meaningful objects without any form of annotations. Previous works of unsupervised pipeline on 2D images fails in this task of point clouds, due to: 1) Clustering Ambiguity caused by limited magnitude of data and imbalanced class distribution; 2) Irregularity Ambiguity caused by the irregular sparsity of point cloud. Therefore, we propose a novel framework, PointDC, which is comprised of two steps that handle the aforementioned problems respectively: Cross-Modal Distillation (CMD) and Super-Voxel Clustering (SVC). In the first stage of CMD, multi-view visual features are back-projected to the 3D space and aggregated to a unified point feature to distill the training of the point representation. In the second stage of SVC, the point features are aggregated to super-voxels and then fed to the iterative clustering process for excavating semantic classes. PointDC yields a significant improvement over the prior state-of-the-art unsupervised methods, on both the ScanNet-v2 (+18.4 mIoU) and S3DIS (+11.5 mIoU) semantic segmentation benchmarks.


Coupling Global Context and Local Contents for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Chunyan Wang, Dong Zhang, Liyan Zhang, Jinhui Tang

Thanks to the advantages of the friendly annotations and the satisfactory performance, Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS) approaches have been extensively studied. Recently, the single-stage WSSS was awakened to alleviate problems of the expensive computational costs and the complicated training procedures in multi-stage WSSS. However, results of such an immature model suffer from problems of \emph{background incompleteness} and \emph{object incompleteness}. We empirically find that they are caused by the insufficiency of the global object context and the lack of the local regional contents, respectively. Under these observations, we propose a single-stage WSSS model with only the image-level class label supervisions, termed as \textbf{W}eakly-\textbf{S}upervised \textbf{F}eature \textbf{C}oupling \textbf{N}etwork (\textbf{WS-FCN}), which can capture the multi-scale context formed from the adjacent feature grids, and encode the fine-grained spatial information from the low-level features into the high-level ones. Specifically, a flexible context aggregation module is proposed to capture the global object context in different granular spaces. Besides, a semantically consistent feature fusion module is proposed in a bottom-up parameter-learnable fashion to aggregate the fine-grained local contents. Based on these two modules, \textbf{WS-FCN} lies in a self-supervised end-to-end training fashion. Extensive experimental results on the challenging PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of \textbf{WS-FCN}, which can achieve state-of-the-art results by $65.02\%$ and $64.22\%$ mIoU on PASCAL VOC 2012 \emph{val} set and \emph{test} set, $34.12\%$ mIoU on MS COCO 2014 \emph{val} set, respectively. The code and weight have been released at:~\href{https://github.com/ChunyanWang1/ws-fcn}{WS-FCN}.
PDF accepted by TNNLS


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