
2023-04-19 更新

MvCo-DoT:Multi-View Contrastive Domain Transfer Network for Medical Report Generation

Authors:Ruizhi Wang, Xiangtao Wang, Zhenghua Xu, Wenting Xu, Junyang Chen, Thomas Lukasiewicz

In clinical scenarios, multiple medical images with different views are usually generated at the same time, and they have high semantic consistency. However, the existing medical report generation methods cannot exploit the rich multi-view mutual information of medical images. Therefore, in this work, we propose the first multi-view medical report generation model, called MvCo-DoT. Specifically, MvCo-DoT first propose a multi-view contrastive learning (MvCo) strategy to help the deep reinforcement learning based model utilize the consistency of multi-view inputs for better model learning. Then, to close the performance gaps of using multi-view and single-view inputs, a domain transfer network is further proposed to ensure MvCo-DoT achieve almost the same performance as multi-view inputs using only single-view inputs.Extensive experiments on the IU X-Ray public dataset show that MvCo-DoT outperforms the SOTA medical report generation baselines in all metrics.
PDF Received by the ICASSP2023


Progressive Visual Prompt Learning with Contrastive Feature Re-formation

Authors:Chen Xu, Haocheng Shen, Fengyuan Shi, Boheng Chen, Yixuan Liao, Xiaoxin Chen, Limin Wang

Prompt learning has been designed as an alternative to fine-tuning for adapting Vision-language (V-L) models to the downstream tasks. Previous works mainly focus on text prompt while visual prompt works are limited for V-L models. The existing visual prompt methods endure either mediocre performance or unstable training process, indicating the difficulty of visual prompt learning. In this paper, we propose a new Progressive Visual Prompt (ProVP) structure to strengthen the interactions among prompts of different layers. More importantly, our ProVP could effectively propagate the image embeddings to deep layers and behave partially similar to an instance adaptive prompt method. To alleviate generalization deterioration, we further propose a new contrastive feature re-formation, which prevents the serious deviation of the prompted visual feature from the fixed CLIP visual feature distribution. Combining both, our method (ProVP-Ref) is evaluated on 11 image benchmark datasets and achieves 7/11 state-of-theart results on both few-shot and base-to-novel settings. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to demonstrate the superior performance of visual prompts in V-L models to previous prompt-based methods in downstream tasks. Meanwhile, it implies that our ProVP-Ref shows the best capability to adapt and to generalize.
PDF 14 pages,8 figures and 10 tables


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