Vision Transformer

2023-04-19 更新

SpectFormer: Frequency and Attention is what you need in a Vision Transformer

Authors:Badri N. Patro, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Vijay Srinivas Agneeswaran

Vision transformers have been applied successfully for image recognition tasks. There have been either multi-headed self-attention based (ViT \cite{dosovitskiy2020image}, DeIT, \cite{touvron2021training}) similar to the original work in textual models or more recently based on spectral layers (Fnet\cite{lee2021fnet}, GFNet\cite{rao2021global}, AFNO\cite{guibas2021efficient}). We hypothesize that both spectral and multi-headed attention plays a major role. We investigate this hypothesis through this work and observe that indeed combining spectral and multi-headed attention layers provides a better transformer architecture. We thus propose the novel Spectformer architecture for transformers that combines spectral and multi-headed attention layers. We believe that the resulting representation allows the transformer to capture the feature representation appropriately and it yields improved performance over other transformer representations. For instance, it improves the top-1 accuracy by 2\% on ImageNet compared to both GFNet-H and LiT. SpectFormer-S reaches 84.25\% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K (state of the art for small version). Further, Spectformer-L achieves 85.7\% that is the state of the art for the comparable base version of the transformers. We further ensure that we obtain reasonable results in other scenarios such as transfer learning on standard datasets such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Oxford-IIIT-flower, and Standford Car datasets. We then investigate its use in downstream tasks such of object detection and instance segmentation on the MS-COCO dataset and observe that Spectformer shows consistent performance that is comparable to the best backbones and can be further optimized and improved. Hence, we believe that combined spectral and attention layers are what are needed for vision transformers.
PDF The project page is available at this webpage \url{}


Deep learning universal crater detection using Segment Anything Model (SAM)

Authors:Iraklis Giannakis, Anshuman Bhardwaj, Lydia Sam, Georgios Leontidis

Craters are amongst the most important morphological features in planetary exploration. To that extent, detecting, mapping and counting craters is a mainstream process in planetary science, done primarily manually, which is a very laborious and time-consuming process. Recently, machine learning (ML) and computer vision have been successfully applied for both detecting craters and estimating their size. Existing ML approaches for automated crater detection have been trained in specific types of data e.g. digital elevation model (DEM), images and associated metadata for orbiters such as the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) etc.. Due to that, each of the resulting ML schemes is applicable and reliable only to the type of data used during the training process. Data from different sources, angles and setups can compromise the reliability of these ML schemes. In this paper we present a universal crater detection scheme that is based on the recently proposed Segment Anything Model (SAM) from META AI. SAM is a prompt-able segmentation system with zero-shot generalization to unfamiliar objects and images without the need for additional training. Using SAM we can successfully identify crater-looking objects in any type of data (e,g, raw satellite images Level-1 and 2 products, DEMs etc.) for different setups (e.g. Lunar, Mars) and different capturing angles. Moreover, using shape indexes, we only keep the segmentation masks of crater-like features. These masks are subsequently fitted with an ellipse, recovering both the location and the size/geometry of the detected craters.
PDF 11 pages, 7 Figures, preprint of a submitted paper in Icarus (under review)


Progressive Visual Prompt Learning with Contrastive Feature Re-formation

Authors:Chen Xu, Haocheng Shen, Fengyuan Shi, Boheng Chen, Yixuan Liao, Xiaoxin Chen, Limin Wang

Prompt learning has been designed as an alternative to fine-tuning for adapting Vision-language (V-L) models to the downstream tasks. Previous works mainly focus on text prompt while visual prompt works are limited for V-L models. The existing visual prompt methods endure either mediocre performance or unstable training process, indicating the difficulty of visual prompt learning. In this paper, we propose a new Progressive Visual Prompt (ProVP) structure to strengthen the interactions among prompts of different layers. More importantly, our ProVP could effectively propagate the image embeddings to deep layers and behave partially similar to an instance adaptive prompt method. To alleviate generalization deterioration, we further propose a new contrastive feature re-formation, which prevents the serious deviation of the prompted visual feature from the fixed CLIP visual feature distribution. Combining both, our method (ProVP-Ref) is evaluated on 11 image benchmark datasets and achieves 7/11 state-of-theart results on both few-shot and base-to-novel settings. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to demonstrate the superior performance of visual prompts in V-L models to previous prompt-based methods in downstream tasks. Meanwhile, it implies that our ProVP-Ref shows the best capability to adapt and to generalize.
PDF 14 pages,8 figures and 10 tables


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