
2024-04-19 更新

Visual Prompting for Generalized Few-shot Segmentation: A Multi-scale Approach

Authors:Mir Rayat Imtiaz Hossain, Mennatullah Siam, Leonid Sigal, James J. Little

The emergence of attention-based transformer models has led to their extensive use in various tasks, due to their superior generalization and transfer properties. Recent research has demonstrated that such models, when prompted appropriately, are excellent for few-shot inference. However, such techniques are under-explored for dense prediction tasks like semantic segmentation. In this work, we examine the effectiveness of prompting a transformer-decoder with learned visual prompts for the generalized few-shot segmentation (GFSS) task. Our goal is to achieve strong performance not only on novel categories with limited examples, but also to retain performance on base categories. We propose an approach to learn visual prompts with limited examples. These learned visual prompts are used to prompt a multiscale transformer decoder to facilitate accurate dense predictions. Additionally, we introduce a unidirectional causal attention mechanism between the novel prompts, learned with limited examples, and the base prompts, learned with abundant data. This mechanism enriches the novel prompts without deteriorating the base class performance. Overall, this form of prompting helps us achieve state-of-the-art performance for GFSS on two different benchmark datasets: COCO-$20^i$ and Pascal-$5^i$, without the need for test-time optimization (or transduction). Furthermore, test-time optimization leveraging unlabelled test data can be used to improve the prompts, which we refer to as transductive prompt tuning.
PDF Accepted at CVPR 2024


Group-On: Boosting One-Shot Segmentation with Supportive Query

Authors:Hanjing Zhou, Mingze Yin, JinTai Chen, Danny Chen, Jian Wu

One-shot semantic segmentation aims to segment query images given only ONE annotated support image of the same class. This task is challenging because target objects in the support and query images can be largely different in appearance and pose (i.e., intra-class variation). Prior works suggested that incorporating more annotated support images in few-shot settings boosts performances but increases costs due to additional manual labeling. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for ONE-shot semantic segmentation, called Group-On, which packs multiple query images in batches for the benefit of mutual knowledge support within the same category. Specifically, after coarse segmentation masks of the batch of queries are predicted, query-mask pairs act as pseudo support data to enhance mask predictions mutually, under the guidance of a simple Group-On Voting module. Comprehensive experiments on three standard benchmarks show that, in the ONE-shot setting, our Group-On approach significantly outperforms previous works by considerable margins. For example, on the COCO-20i dataset, we increase mIoU scores by 8.21% and 7.46% on ASNet and HSNet baselines, respectively. With only one support image, Group-On can be even competitive with the counterparts using 5 annotated support images.


Simultaneous Detection and Interaction Reasoning for Object-Centric Action Recognition

Authors:Xunsong Li, Pengzhan Sun, Yangcen Liu, Lixin Duan, Wen Li

The interactions between human and objects are important for recognizing object-centric actions. Existing methods usually adopt a two-stage pipeline, where object proposals are first detected using a pretrained detector, and then are fed to an action recognition model for extracting video features and learning the object relations for action recognition. However, since the action prior is unknown in the object detection stage, important objects could be easily overlooked, leading to inferior action recognition performance. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end object-centric action recognition framework that simultaneously performs Detection And Interaction Reasoning in one stage. Particularly, after extracting video features with a base network, we create three modules for concurrent object detection and interaction reasoning. First, a Patch-based Object Decoder generates proposals from video patch tokens. Then, an Interactive Object Refining and Aggregation identifies important objects for action recognition, adjusts proposal scores based on position and appearance, and aggregates object-level info into a global video representation. Lastly, an Object Relation Modeling module encodes object relations. These three modules together with the video feature extractor can be trained jointly in an end-to-end fashion, thus avoiding the heavy reliance on an off-the-shelf object detector, and reducing the multi-stage training burden. We conduct experiments on two datasets, Something-Else and Ikea-Assembly, to evaluate the performance of our proposed approach on conventional, compositional, and few-shot action recognition tasks. Through in-depth experimental analysis, we show the crucial role of interactive objects in learning for action recognition, and we can outperform state-of-the-art methods on both datasets.
PDF 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Multimedia


Claim Check-Worthiness Detection: How Well do LLMs Grasp Annotation Guidelines?

Authors:Laura Majer, Jan Šnajder

The increasing threat of disinformation calls for automating parts of the fact-checking pipeline. Identifying text segments requiring fact-checking is known as claim detection (CD) and claim check-worthiness detection (CW), the latter incorporating complex domain-specific criteria of worthiness and often framed as a ranking task. Zero- and few-shot LLM prompting is an attractive option for both tasks, as it bypasses the need for labeled datasets and allows verbalized claim and worthiness criteria to be directly used for prompting. We evaluate the LLMs’ predictive and calibration accuracy on five CD/CW datasets from diverse domains, each utilizing a different worthiness criterion. We investigate two key aspects: (1) how best to distill factuality and worthiness criteria into a prompt and (2) what amount of context to provide for each claim. To this end, we experiment with varying the level of prompt verbosity and the amount of contextual information provided to the model. Our results show that optimal prompt verbosity is domain-dependent, adding context does not improve performance, and confidence scores can be directly used to produce reliable check-worthiness rankings.


6Img-to-3D: Few-Image Large-Scale Outdoor Driving Scene Reconstruction

Authors:Théo Gieruc, Marius Kästingschäfer, Sebastian Bernhard, Mathieu Salzmann

Current 3D reconstruction techniques struggle to infer unbounded scenes from a few images faithfully. Specifically, existing methods have high computational demands, require detailed pose information, and cannot reconstruct occluded regions reliably. We introduce 6Img-to-3D, an efficient, scalable transformer-based encoder-renderer method for single-shot image to 3D reconstruction. Our method outputs a 3D-consistent parameterized triplane from only six outward-facing input images for large-scale, unbounded outdoor driving scenarios. We take a step towards resolving existing shortcomings by combining contracted custom cross- and self-attention mechanisms for triplane parameterization, differentiable volume rendering, scene contraction, and image feature projection. We showcase that six surround-view vehicle images from a single timestamp without global pose information are enough to reconstruct 360$^{\circ}$ scenes during inference time, taking 395 ms. Our method allows, for example, rendering third-person images and birds-eye views. Our code is available at https://github.com/continental/6Img-to-3D, and more examples can be found at our website here https://6Img-to-3D.GitHub.io/.
PDF Joint first authorship. Project page: https://6Img-to-3D.GitHub.io/ Code https://github.com/continental/6Img-to-3D


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