2024-04-06 更新

NeRFCodec: Neural Feature Compression Meets Neural Radiance Fields for Memory-Efficient Scene Representation

Authors:Sicheng Li, Hao Li, Yiyi Liao, Lu Yu

The emergence of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has greatly impacted 3D scene modeling and novel-view synthesis. As a kind of visual media for 3D scene representation, compression with high rate-distortion performance is an eternal target. Motivated by advances in neural compression and neural field representation, we propose NeRFCodec, an end-to-end NeRF compression framework that integrates non-linear transform, quantization, and entropy coding for memory-efficient scene representation. Since training a non-linear transform directly on a large scale of NeRF feature planes is impractical, we discover that pre-trained neural 2D image codec can be utilized for compressing the features when adding content-specific parameters. Specifically, we reuse neural 2D image codec but modify its encoder and decoder heads, while keeping the other parts of the pre-trained decoder frozen. This allows us to train the full pipeline via supervision of rendering loss and entropy loss, yielding the rate-distortion balance by updating the content-specific parameters. At test time, the bitstreams containing latent code, feature decoder head, and other side information are transmitted for communication. Experimental results demonstrate our method outperforms existing NeRF compression methods, enabling high-quality novel view synthesis with a memory budget of 0.5 MB.
PDF Accepted at CVPR2024. The source code will be released


TCLC-GS: Tightly Coupled LiDAR-Camera Gaussian Splatting for Surrounding Autonomous Driving Scenes

Authors:Cheng Zhao, Su Sun, Ruoyu Wang, Yuliang Guo, Jun-Jun Wan, Zhou Huang, Xinyu Huang, Yingjie Victor Chen, Liu Ren

Most 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) based methods for urban scenes initialize 3D Gaussians directly with 3D LiDAR points, which not only underutilizes LiDAR data capabilities but also overlooks the potential advantages of fusing LiDAR with camera data. In this paper, we design a novel tightly coupled LiDAR-Camera Gaussian Splatting (TCLC-GS) to fully leverage the combined strengths of both LiDAR and camera sensors, enabling rapid, high-quality 3D reconstruction and novel view RGB/depth synthesis. TCLC-GS designs a hybrid explicit (colorized 3D mesh) and implicit (hierarchical octree feature) 3D representation derived from LiDAR-camera data, to enrich the properties of 3D Gaussians for splatting. 3D Gaussian’s properties are not only initialized in alignment with the 3D mesh which provides more completed 3D shape and color information, but are also endowed with broader contextual information through retrieved octree implicit features. During the Gaussian Splatting optimization process, the 3D mesh offers dense depth information as supervision, which enhances the training process by learning of a robust geometry. Comprehensive evaluations conducted on the Waymo Open Dataset and nuScenes Dataset validate our method’s state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. Utilizing a single NVIDIA RTX 3090 Ti, our method demonstrates fast training and achieves real-time RGB and depth rendering at 90 FPS in resolution of 1920x1280 (Waymo), and 120 FPS in resolution of 1600x900 (nuScenes) in urban scenarios.


Freditor: High-Fidelity and Transferable NeRF Editing by Frequency Decomposition

Authors:Yisheng He, Weihao Yuan, Siyu Zhu, Zilong Dong, Liefeng Bo, Qixing Huang

This paper enables high-fidelity, transferable NeRF editing by frequency decomposition. Recent NeRF editing pipelines lift 2D stylization results to 3D scenes while suffering from blurry results, and fail to capture detailed structures caused by the inconsistency between 2D editings. Our critical insight is that low-frequency components of images are more multiview-consistent after editing compared with their high-frequency parts. Moreover, the appearance style is mainly exhibited on the low-frequency components, and the content details especially reside in high-frequency parts. This motivates us to perform editing on low-frequency components, which results in high-fidelity edited scenes. In addition, the editing is performed in the low-frequency feature space, enabling stable intensity control and novel scene transfer. Comprehensive experiments conducted on photorealistic datasets demonstrate the superior performance of high-fidelity and transferable NeRF editing. The project page is at \url{}.


LiDAR4D: Dynamic Neural Fields for Novel Space-time View LiDAR Synthesis

Authors:Zehan Zheng, Fan Lu, Weiyi Xue, Guang Chen, Changjun Jiang

Although neural radiance fields (NeRFs) have achieved triumphs in image novel view synthesis (NVS), LiDAR NVS remains largely unexplored. Previous LiDAR NVS methods employ a simple shift from image NVS methods while ignoring the dynamic nature and the large-scale reconstruction problem of LiDAR point clouds. In light of this, we propose LiDAR4D, a differentiable LiDAR-only framework for novel space-time LiDAR view synthesis. In consideration of the sparsity and large-scale characteristics, we design a 4D hybrid representation combined with multi-planar and grid features to achieve effective reconstruction in a coarse-to-fine manner. Furthermore, we introduce geometric constraints derived from point clouds to improve temporal consistency. For the realistic synthesis of LiDAR point clouds, we incorporate the global optimization of ray-drop probability to preserve cross-region patterns. Extensive experiments on KITTI-360 and NuScenes datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method in accomplishing geometry-aware and time-consistent dynamic reconstruction. Codes are available at
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2024. Project Page:


GenN2N: Generative NeRF2NeRF Translation

Authors:Xiangyue Liu, Han Xue, Kunming Luo, Ping Tan, Li Yi

We present GenN2N, a unified NeRF-to-NeRF translation framework for various NeRF translation tasks such as text-driven NeRF editing, colorization, super-resolution, inpainting, etc. Unlike previous methods designed for individual translation tasks with task-specific schemes, GenN2N achieves all these NeRF editing tasks by employing a plug-and-play image-to-image translator to perform editing in the 2D domain and lifting 2D edits into the 3D NeRF space. Since the 3D consistency of 2D edits may not be assured, we propose to model the distribution of the underlying 3D edits through a generative model that can cover all possible edited NeRFs. To model the distribution of 3D edited NeRFs from 2D edited images, we carefully design a VAE-GAN that encodes images while decoding NeRFs. The latent space is trained to align with a Gaussian distribution and the NeRFs are supervised through an adversarial loss on its renderings. To ensure the latent code does not depend on 2D viewpoints but truly reflects the 3D edits, we also regularize the latent code through a contrastive learning scheme. Extensive experiments on various editing tasks show GenN2N, as a universal framework, performs as well or better than task-specific specialists while possessing flexible generative power. More results on our project page:
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2024. Project page:


OmniGS: Omnidirectional Gaussian Splatting for Fast Radiance Field Reconstruction using Omnidirectional Images

Authors:Longwei Li, Huajian Huang, Sai-Kit Yeung, Hui Cheng

Photorealistic reconstruction relying on 3D Gaussian Splatting has shown promising potential in robotics. However, the current 3D Gaussian Splatting system only supports radiance field reconstruction using undistorted perspective images. In this paper, we present OmniGS, a novel omnidirectional Gaussian splatting system, to take advantage of omnidirectional images for fast radiance field reconstruction. Specifically, we conduct a theoretical analysis of spherical camera model derivatives in 3D Gaussian Splatting. According to the derivatives, we then implement a new GPU-accelerated omnidirectional rasterizer that directly splats 3D Gaussians onto the equirectangular screen space for omnidirectional image rendering. As a result, we realize differentiable optimization of the radiance field without the requirement of cube-map rectification or tangent-plane approximation. Extensive experiments conducted in egocentric and roaming scenarios demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art reconstruction quality and high rendering speed using omnidirectional images. To benefit the research community, the code will be made publicly available once the paper is published.
PDF IROS 2024 submission, 7 pages, 4 figures


VF-NeRF: Viewshed Fields for Rigid NeRF Registration

Authors:Leo Segre, Shai Avidan

3D scene registration is a fundamental problem in computer vision that seeks the best 6-DoF alignment between two scenes. This problem was extensively investigated in the case of point clouds and meshes, but there has been relatively limited work regarding Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). In this paper, we consider the problem of rigid registration between two NeRFs when the position of the original cameras is not given. Our key novelty is the introduction of Viewshed Fields (VF), an implicit function that determines, for each 3D point, how likely it is to be viewed by the original cameras. We demonstrate how VF can help in the various stages of NeRF registration, with an extensive evaluation showing that VF-NeRF achieves SOTA results on various datasets with different capturing approaches such as LLFF and Objaverese.


DreamScene: 3D Gaussian-based Text-to-3D Scene Generation via Formation Pattern Sampling

Authors:Haoran Li, Haolin Shi, Wenli Zhang, Wenjun Wu, Yong Liao, Lin Wang, Lik-hang Lee, Pengyuan Zhou

Text-to-3D scene generation holds immense potential for the gaming, film, and architecture sectors. Despite significant progress, existing methods struggle with maintaining high quality, consistency, and editing flexibility. In this paper, we propose DreamScene, a 3D Gaussian-based novel text-to-3D scene generation framework, to tackle the aforementioned three challenges mainly via two strategies. First, DreamScene employs Formation Pattern Sampling (FPS), a multi-timestep sampling strategy guided by the formation patterns of 3D objects, to form fast, semantically rich, and high-quality representations. FPS uses 3D Gaussian filtering for optimization stability, and leverages reconstruction techniques to generate plausible textures. Second, DreamScene employs a progressive three-stage camera sampling strategy, specifically designed for both indoor and outdoor settings, to effectively ensure object-environment integration and scene-wide 3D consistency. Last, DreamScene enhances scene editing flexibility by integrating objects and environments, enabling targeted adjustments. Extensive experiments validate DreamScene’s superiority over current state-of-the-art techniques, heralding its wide-ranging potential for diverse applications. Code and demos will be released at .


Per-Gaussian Embedding-Based Deformation for Deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors:Jeongmin Bae, Seoha Kim, Youngsik Yun, Hahyun Lee, Gun Bang, Youngjung Uh

As 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) provides fast and high-quality novel view synthesis, it is a natural extension to deform a canonical 3DGS to multiple frames. However, previous works fail to accurately reconstruct dynamic scenes, especially 1) static parts moving along nearby dynamic parts, and 2) some dynamic areas are blurry. We attribute the failure to the wrong design of the deformation field, which is built as a coordinate-based function. This approach is problematic because 3DGS is a mixture of multiple fields centered at the Gaussians, not just a single coordinate-based framework. To resolve this problem, we define the deformation as a function of per-Gaussian embeddings and temporal embeddings. Moreover, we decompose deformations as coarse and fine deformations to model slow and fast movements, respectively. Also, we introduce an efficient training strategy for faster convergence and higher quality. Project page:
PDF Preprint


OpenNeRF: Open Set 3D Neural Scene Segmentation with Pixel-Wise Features and Rendered Novel Views

Authors:Francis Engelmann, Fabian Manhardt, Michael Niemeyer, Keisuke Tateno, Marc Pollefeys, Federico Tombari

Large visual-language models (VLMs), like CLIP, enable open-set image segmentation to segment arbitrary concepts from an image in a zero-shot manner. This goes beyond the traditional closed-set assumption, i.e., where models can only segment classes from a pre-defined training set. More recently, first works on open-set segmentation in 3D scenes have appeared in the literature. These methods are heavily influenced by closed-set 3D convolutional approaches that process point clouds or polygon meshes. However, these 3D scene representations do not align well with the image-based nature of the visual-language models. Indeed, point cloud and 3D meshes typically have a lower resolution than images and the reconstructed 3D scene geometry might not project well to the underlying 2D image sequences used to compute pixel-aligned CLIP features. To address these challenges, we propose OpenNeRF which naturally operates on posed images and directly encodes the VLM features within the NeRF. This is similar in spirit to LERF, however our work shows that using pixel-wise VLM features (instead of global CLIP features) results in an overall less complex architecture without the need for additional DINO regularization. Our OpenNeRF further leverages NeRF’s ability to render novel views and extract open-set VLM features from areas that are not well observed in the initial posed images. For 3D point cloud segmentation on the Replica dataset, OpenNeRF outperforms recent open-vocabulary methods such as LERF and OpenScene by at least +4.9 mIoU.
PDF ICLR 2024, Project page:


RaFE: Generative Radiance Fields Restoration

Authors:Zhongkai Wu, Ziyu Wan, Jing Zhang, Jing Liao, Dong Xu

NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) has demonstrated tremendous potential in novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction, but its performance is sensitive to input image quality, which struggles to achieve high-fidelity rendering when provided with low-quality sparse input viewpoints. Previous methods for NeRF restoration are tailored for specific degradation type, ignoring the generality of restoration. To overcome this limitation, we propose a generic radiance fields restoration pipeline, named RaFE, which applies to various types of degradations, such as low resolution, blurriness, noise, compression artifacts, or their combinations. Our approach leverages the success of off-the-shelf 2D restoration methods to recover the multi-view images individually. Instead of reconstructing a blurred NeRF by averaging inconsistencies, we introduce a novel approach using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for NeRF generation to better accommodate the geometric and appearance inconsistencies present in the multi-view images. Specifically, we adopt a two-level tri-plane architecture, where the coarse level remains fixed to represent the low-quality NeRF, and a fine-level residual tri-plane to be added to the coarse level is modeled as a distribution with GAN to capture potential variations in restoration. We validate RaFE on both synthetic and real cases for various restoration tasks, demonstrating superior performance in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations, surpassing other 3D restoration methods specific to single task. Please see our project website
PDF Project Page:


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