2024-04-06 更新

A Generative Deep Learning Approach for Crash Severity Modeling with Imbalanced Data

Authors:Junlan Chen, Ziyuan Pu, Nan Zheng, Xiao Wen, Hongliang Ding, Xiucheng Guo

Crash data is often greatly imbalanced, with the majority of crashes being non-fatal crashes, and only a small number being fatal crashes due to their rarity. Such data imbalance issue poses a challenge for crash severity modeling since it struggles to fit and interpret fatal crash outcomes with very limited samples. Usually, such data imbalance issues are addressed by data resampling methods, such as under-sampling and over-sampling techniques. However, most traditional and deep learning-based data resampling methods, such as synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) and generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) are designed dedicated to processing continuous variables. Though some resampling methods have improved to handle both continuous and discrete variables, they may have difficulties in dealing with the collapse issue associated with sparse discrete risk factors. Moreover, there is a lack of comprehensive studies that compare the performance of various resampling methods in crash severity modeling. To address the aforementioned issues, the current study proposes a crash data generation method based on the Conditional Tabular GAN. After data balancing, a crash severity model is employed to estimate the performance of classification and interpretation. A comparative study is conducted to assess classification accuracy and distribution consistency of the proposed generation method using a 4-year imbalanced crash dataset collected in Washington State, U.S. Additionally, Monte Carlo simulation is employed to estimate the performance of parameter and probability estimation in both two- and three-class imbalance scenarios. The results indicate that using synthetic data generated by CTGAN-RU for crash severity modeling outperforms using original data or synthetic data generated by other resampling methods.


GenN2N: Generative NeRF2NeRF Translation

Authors:Xiangyue Liu, Han Xue, Kunming Luo, Ping Tan, Li Yi

We present GenN2N, a unified NeRF-to-NeRF translation framework for various NeRF translation tasks such as text-driven NeRF editing, colorization, super-resolution, inpainting, etc. Unlike previous methods designed for individual translation tasks with task-specific schemes, GenN2N achieves all these NeRF editing tasks by employing a plug-and-play image-to-image translator to perform editing in the 2D domain and lifting 2D edits into the 3D NeRF space. Since the 3D consistency of 2D edits may not be assured, we propose to model the distribution of the underlying 3D edits through a generative model that can cover all possible edited NeRFs. To model the distribution of 3D edited NeRFs from 2D edited images, we carefully design a VAE-GAN that encodes images while decoding NeRFs. The latent space is trained to align with a Gaussian distribution and the NeRFs are supervised through an adversarial loss on its renderings. To ensure the latent code does not depend on 2D viewpoints but truly reflects the 3D edits, we also regularize the latent code through a contrastive learning scheme. Extensive experiments on various editing tasks show GenN2N, as a universal framework, performs as well or better than task-specific specialists while possessing flexible generative power. More results on our project page:
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2024. Project page:


DIDA: Denoised Imitation Learning based on Domain Adaptation

Authors:Kaichen Huang, Hai-Hang Sun, Shenghua Wan, Minghao Shao, Shuai Feng, Le Gan, De-Chuan Zhan

Imitating skills from low-quality datasets, such as sub-optimal demonstrations and observations with distractors, is common in real-world applications. In this work, we focus on the problem of Learning from Noisy Demonstrations (LND), where the imitator is required to learn from data with noise that often occurs during the processes of data collection or transmission. Previous IL methods improve the robustness of learned policies by injecting an adversarially learned Gaussian noise into pure expert data or utilizing additional ranking information, but they may fail in the LND setting. To alleviate the above problems, we propose Denoised Imitation learning based on Domain Adaptation (DIDA), which designs two discriminators to distinguish the noise level and expertise level of data, facilitating a feature encoder to learn task-related but domain-agnostic representations. Experiment results on MuJoCo demonstrate that DIDA can successfully handle challenging imitation tasks from demonstrations with various types of noise, outperforming most baseline methods.


Reference-Based 3D-Aware Image Editing with Triplane

Authors:Bahri Batuhan Bilecen, Yigit Yalin, Ning Yu, Aysegul Dundar

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have emerged as powerful tools not only for high-quality image generation but also for real image editing through manipulation of their interpretable latent spaces. Recent advancements in GANs include the development of 3D-aware models such as EG3D, characterized by efficient triplane-based architectures enabling the reconstruction of 3D geometry from single images. However, scant attention has been devoted to providing an integrated framework for high-quality reference-based 3D-aware image editing within this domain. This study addresses this gap by exploring and demonstrating the effectiveness of EG3D’s triplane space for achieving advanced reference-based edits, presenting a unique perspective on 3D-aware image editing through our novel pipeline. Our approach integrates the encoding of triplane features, spatial disentanglement and automatic localization of features in the triplane domain, and fusion learning for desired image editing. Moreover, our framework demonstrates versatility across domains, extending its effectiveness to animal face edits and partial stylization of cartoon portraits. The method shows significant improvements over relevant 3D-aware latent editing and 2D reference-based editing methods, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Project page:


DiffBody: Human Body Restoration by Imagining with Generative Diffusion Prior

Authors:Yiming Zhang, Zhe Wang, Xinjie Li, Yunchen Yuan, Chengsong Zhang, Xiao Sun, Zhihang Zhong, Jian Wang

Human body restoration plays a vital role in various applications related to the human body. Despite recent advances in general image restoration using generative models, their performance in human body restoration remains mediocre, often resulting in foreground and background blending, over-smoothing surface textures, missing accessories, and distorted limbs. Addressing these challenges, we propose a novel approach by constructing a human body-aware diffusion model that leverages domain-specific knowledge to enhance performance. Specifically, we employ a pretrained body attention module to guide the diffusion model’s focus on the foreground, addressing issues caused by blending between the subject and background. We also demonstrate the value of revisiting the language modality of the diffusion model in restoration tasks by seamlessly incorporating text prompt to improve the quality of surface texture and additional clothing and accessories details. Additionally, we introduce a diffusion sampler tailored for fine-grained human body parts, utilizing local semantic information to rectify limb distortions. Lastly, we collect a comprehensive dataset for benchmarking and advancing the field of human body restoration. Extensive experimental validation showcases the superiority of our approach, both quantitatively and qualitatively, over existing methods.


RaFE: Generative Radiance Fields Restoration

Authors:Zhongkai Wu, Ziyu Wan, Jing Zhang, Jing Liao, Dong Xu

NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) has demonstrated tremendous potential in novel view synthesis and 3D reconstruction, but its performance is sensitive to input image quality, which struggles to achieve high-fidelity rendering when provided with low-quality sparse input viewpoints. Previous methods for NeRF restoration are tailored for specific degradation type, ignoring the generality of restoration. To overcome this limitation, we propose a generic radiance fields restoration pipeline, named RaFE, which applies to various types of degradations, such as low resolution, blurriness, noise, compression artifacts, or their combinations. Our approach leverages the success of off-the-shelf 2D restoration methods to recover the multi-view images individually. Instead of reconstructing a blurred NeRF by averaging inconsistencies, we introduce a novel approach using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for NeRF generation to better accommodate the geometric and appearance inconsistencies present in the multi-view images. Specifically, we adopt a two-level tri-plane architecture, where the coarse level remains fixed to represent the low-quality NeRF, and a fine-level residual tri-plane to be added to the coarse level is modeled as a distribution with GAN to capture potential variations in restoration. We validate RaFE on both synthetic and real cases for various restoration tasks, demonstrating superior performance in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations, surpassing other 3D restoration methods specific to single task. Please see our project website
PDF Project Page:


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