
2023-12-25 更新

Exploration of visual prompt in Grounded pre-trained open-set detection

Authors:Qibo Chen, Weizhong Jin, Shuchang Li, Mengdi Liu, Li Yu, Jian Jiang, Xiaozheng Wang

Text prompts are crucial for generalizing pre-trained open-set object detection models to new categories. However, current methods for text prompts are limited as they require manual feedback when generalizing to new categories, which restricts their ability to model complex scenes, often leading to incorrect detection results. To address this limitation, we propose a novel visual prompt method that learns new category knowledge from a few labeled images, which generalizes the pre-trained detection model to the new category. To allow visual prompts to represent new categories adequately, we propose a statistical-based prompt construction module that is not limited by predefined vocabulary lengths, thus allowing more vectors to be used when representing categories. We further utilize the category dictionaries in the pre-training dataset to design task-specific similarity dictionaries, which make visual prompts more discriminative. We evaluate the method on the ODinW dataset and show that it outperforms existing prompt learning methods and performs more consistently in combinatorial inference.
PDF Accepted at ICASSP 2024


Entropic Open-set Active Learning

Authors:Bardia Safaei, Vibashan VS, Celso M. de Melo, Vishal M. Patel

Active Learning (AL) aims to enhance the performance of deep models by selecting the most informative samples for annotation from a pool of unlabeled data. Despite impressive performance in closed-set settings, most AL methods fail in real-world scenarios where the unlabeled data contains unknown categories. Recently, a few studies have attempted to tackle the AL problem for the open-set setting. However, these methods focus more on selecting known samples and do not efficiently utilize unknown samples obtained during AL rounds. In this work, we propose an Entropic Open-set AL (EOAL) framework which leverages both known and unknown distributions effectively to select informative samples during AL rounds. Specifically, our approach employs two different entropy scores. One measures the uncertainty of a sample with respect to the known-class distributions. The other measures the uncertainty of the sample with respect to the unknown-class distributions. By utilizing these two entropy scores we effectively separate the known and unknown samples from the unlabeled data resulting in better sampling. Through extensive experiments, we show that the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and TinyImageNet datasets. Code is available at \url{}.
PDF Accepted in AAAI 2024


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