2023-11-28 更新

Increasing Coverage and Precision of Textual Information in Multilingual Knowledge Graphs

Authors:Simone Conia, Min Li, Daniel Lee, Umar Farooq Minhas, Ihab Ilyas, Yunyao Li

Recent work in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision has been using textual information — e.g., entity names and descriptions — available in knowledge graphs to ground neural models to high-quality structured data. However, when it comes to non-English languages, the quantity and quality of textual information are comparatively scarce. To address this issue, we introduce the novel task of automatic Knowledge Graph Enhancement (KGE) and perform a thorough investigation on bridging the gap in both the quantity and quality of textual information between English and non-English languages. More specifically, we: i) bring to light the problem of increasing multilingual coverage and precision of entity names and descriptions in Wikidata; ii) demonstrate that state-of-the-art methods, namely, Machine Translation (MT), Web Search (WS), and Large Language Models (LLMs), struggle with this task; iii) present M-NTA, a novel unsupervised approach that combines MT, WS, and LLMs to generate high-quality textual information; and, iv) study the impact of increasing multilingual coverage and precision of non-English textual information in Entity Linking, Knowledge Graph Completion, and Question Answering. As part of our effort towards better multilingual knowledge graphs, we also introduce WikiKGE-10, the first human-curated benchmark to evaluate KGE approaches in 10 languages across 7 language families.
PDF Camera ready for EMNLP 2023


C-SAW: Self-Supervised Prompt Learning for Image Generalization in Remote Sensing

Authors:Avigyan Bhattacharya, Mainak Singha, Ankit Jha, Biplab Banerjee

We focus on domain and class generalization problems in analyzing optical remote sensing images, using the large-scale pre-trained vision-language model (VLM), CLIP. While contrastively trained VLMs show impressive zero-shot generalization performance, their effectiveness is limited when dealing with diverse domains during training and testing. Existing prompt learning techniques overlook the importance of incorporating domain and content information into the prompts, which results in a drop in performance while dealing with such multi-domain data. To address these challenges, we propose a solution that ensures domain-invariant prompt learning while enhancing the expressiveness of visual features. We observe that CLIP’s vision encoder struggles to identify contextual image information, particularly when image patches are jumbled up. This issue is especially severe in optical remote sensing images, where land-cover classes exhibit well-defined contextual appearances. To this end, we introduce C-SAW, a method that complements CLIP with a self-supervised loss in the visual space and a novel prompt learning technique that emphasizes both visual domain and content-specific features. We keep the CLIP backbone frozen and introduce a small set of projectors for both the CLIP encoders to train C-SAW contrastively. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of C-SAW across multiple remote sensing benchmarks and different generalization tasks.
PDF Accepted in ACM ICVGIP 2023


EVCap: Retrieval-Augmented Image Captioning with External Visual-Name Memory for Open-World Comprehension

Authors:Jiaxuan Li, Duc Minh Vo, Akihiro Sugimoto, Hideki Nakayama

Large language models (LLMs)-based image captioning has the capability of describing objects not explicitly observed in training data; yet novel objects occur frequently, necessitating the requirement of sustaining up-to-date object knowledge for open-world comprehension. Instead of relying on large amounts of data and scaling up network parameters, we introduce a highly effective retrieval-augmented image captioning method that prompts LLMs with object names retrieved from External Visual—name memory (EVCap). We build ever-changing object knowledge memory using objects’ visuals and names, enabling us to (i) update the memory at a minimal cost and (ii) effortlessly augment LLMs with retrieved object names utilizing a lightweight and fast-to-train model. Our model, which was trained only on the COCO dataset, can be adapted to out-domain data without additional fine-tuning or retraining. Our comprehensive experiments conducted on various benchmarks and synthetic commonsense-violating data demonstrate that EVCap, comprising solely 3.97M trainable parameters, exhibits superior performance compared to other methods of equivalent model size scale. Notably, it achieves competitive performance against specialist SOTAs with an enormous number of parameters. Our code is available at https://jiaxuan-li.github.io/EVCap.
PDF Project page: https://jiaxuan-li.github.io/EVCap


Data Generation for Post-OCR correction of Cyrillic handwriting

Authors:Evgenii Davydkin, Aleksandr Markelov, Egor Iuldashev, Anton Dudkin, Ivan Krivorotov

This paper introduces a novel approach to post-Optical Character Recognition Correction (POC) for handwritten Cyrillic text, addressing a significant gap in current research methodologies. This gap is due to the lack of large text corporas that provide OCR errors for further training of language-based POC models, which are demanding in terms of corpora size. Our study primarily focuses on the development and application of a synthetic handwriting generation engine based on B\’ezier curves. Such an engine generates highly realistic handwritten text in any amounts, which we utilize to create a substantial dataset by transforming Russian text corpora sourced from the internet. We apply a Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) model to this dataset to identify OCR errors, forming the basis for our POC model training. The correction model is trained on a 90-symbol input context, utilizing a pre-trained T5 architecture with a seq2seq correction task. We evaluate our approach on HWR200 and School_notebooks_RU datasets as they provide significant challenges in the HTR domain. Furthermore, POC can be used to highlight errors for teachers, evaluating student performance. This can be done simply by comparing sentences before and after correction, displaying differences in text. Our primary contribution lies in the innovative use of B\’ezier curves for Cyrillic text generation and subsequent error correction using a specialized POC model. We validate our approach by presenting Word Accuracy Rate (WAR) and Character Accuracy Rate (CAR) results, both with and without post-OCR correction, using real open corporas of handwritten Cyrillic text. These results, coupled with our methodology, are designed to be reproducible, paving the way for further advancements in the field of OCR and handwritten text analysis. Paper contributions can be found in https://github.com/dbrainio/CyrillicHandwritingPOC
PDF 17 pages, 27 figures, 6 tables, 26 references


WorldSense: A Synthetic Benchmark for Grounded Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors:Youssef Benchekroun, Megi Dervishi, Mark Ibrahim, Jean-Baptiste Gaya, Xavier Martinet, Grégoire Mialon, Thomas Scialom, Emmanuel Dupoux, Dieuwke Hupkes, Pascal Vincent

We propose WorldSense, a benchmark designed to assess the extent to which LLMs are consistently able to sustain tacit world models, by testing how they draw simple inferences from descriptions of simple arrangements of entities. Worldsense is a synthetic benchmark with three problem types, each with their own trivial control, which explicitly avoids bias by decorrelating the abstract structure of problems from the vocabulary and expressions, and by decorrelating all problem subparts with the correct response. We run our benchmark on three state-of-the-art chat-LLMs (GPT3.5, GPT4 and Llama2-chat) and show that these models make errors even with as few as three objects. Furthermore, they have quite heavy response biases, preferring certain responses irrespective of the question. Errors persist even with chain-of-thought prompting and in-context learning. Lastly, we show that while finetuning on similar problems does result in substantial improvements — within- and out-of-distribution — the finetuned models do not generalise beyond a constraint problem space.


Efficient Pre-training for Localized Instruction Generation of Videos

Authors:Anil Batra, Davide Moltisanti, Laura Sevilla-Lara, Marcus Rohrbach, Frank Keller

Procedural videos show step-by-step demonstrations of tasks like recipe preparation. Understanding such videos is challenging, involving the precise localization of steps and the generation of textual instructions. Manually annotating steps and writing instructions is costly, which limits the size of current datasets and hinders effective learning. Leveraging large but noisy video-transcript datasets for pre-training can boost performance, but demands significant computational resources. Furthermore, transcripts contain irrelevant content and exhibit style variation compared to instructions written by human annotators. To mitigate both issues, we propose a technique, Sieve-&-Swap, to automatically curate a smaller dataset: (i) Sieve filters irrelevant transcripts and (ii) Swap enhances the quality of the text instruction by automatically replacing the transcripts with human-written instructions from a text-only recipe dataset. The curated dataset, three orders of magnitude smaller than current web-scale datasets, enables efficient training of large-scale models with competitive performance. We complement our Sieve-\&-Swap approach with a Procedure Transformer (ProcX) for end-to-end step localization and instruction generation for procedural videos. When this model is pre-trained on our curated dataset, it achieves state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot and finetuning settings on YouCook2 and Tasty, while using a fraction of the computational resources.


BioLORD-2023: Semantic Textual Representations Fusing LLM and Clinical Knowledge Graph Insights

Authors:François Remy, Kris Demuynck, Thomas Demeester

In this study, we investigate the potential of Large Language Models to complement biomedical knowledge graphs in the training of semantic models for the biomedical and clinical domains. Drawing on the wealth of the UMLS knowledge graph and harnessing cutting-edge Large Language Models, we propose a new state-of-the-art approach for obtaining high-fidelity representations of biomedical concepts and sentences, consisting of three steps: an improved contrastive learning phase, a novel self-distillation phase, and a weight averaging phase. Through rigorous evaluations via the extensive BioLORD testing suite and diverse downstream tasks, we demonstrate consistent and substantial performance improvements over the previous state of the art (e.g. +2pts on MedSTS, +2.5pts on MedNLI-S, +6.1pts on EHR-Rel-B). Besides our new state-of-the-art biomedical model for English, we also distill and release a multilingual model compatible with 50+ languages and finetuned on 7 European languages. Many clinical pipelines can benefit from our latest models. Our new multilingual model enables a range of languages to benefit from our advancements in biomedical semantic representation learning, opening a new avenue for bioinformatics researchers around the world. As a result, we hope to see BioLORD-2023 becoming a precious tool for future biomedical applications.
PDF Preprint of upcoming journal article


MEDITRON-70B: Scaling Medical Pretraining for Large Language Models

Authors:Zeming Chen, Alejandro Hernández Cano, Angelika Romanou, Antoine Bonnet, Kyle Matoba, Francesco Salvi, Matteo Pagliardini, Simin Fan, Andreas Köpf, Amirkeivan Mohtashami, Alexandre Sallinen, Alireza Sakhaeirad, Vinitra Swamy, Igor Krawczuk, Deniz Bayazit, Axel Marmet, Syrielle Montariol, Mary-Anne Hartley, Martin Jaggi, Antoine Bosselut

Large language models (LLMs) can potentially democratize access to medical knowledge. While many efforts have been made to harness and improve LLMs’ medical knowledge and reasoning capacities, the resulting models are either closed-source (e.g., PaLM, GPT-4) or limited in scale (<= 13B parameters), which restricts their abilities. In this work, we improve access to large-scale medical LLMs by releasing MEDITRON: a suite of open-source LLMs with 7B and 70B parameters adapted to the medical domain. MEDITRON builds on Llama-2 (through our adaptation of Nvidia’s Megatron-LM distributed trainer), and extends pretraining on a comprehensively curated medical corpus, including selected PubMed articles, abstracts, and internationally-recognized medical guidelines. Evaluations using four major medical benchmarks show significant performance gains over several state-of-the-art baselines before and after task-specific finetuning. Overall, MEDITRON achieves a 6% absolute performance gain over the best public baseline in its parameter class and 3% over the strongest baseline we finetuned from Llama-2. Compared to closed-source LLMs, MEDITRON-70B outperforms GPT-3.5 and Med-PaLM and is within 5% of GPT-4 and 10% of Med-PaLM-2. We release our code for curating the medical pretraining corpus and the MEDITRON model weights to drive open-source development of more capable medical LLMs.


ViT-Lens-2: Gateway to Omni-modal Intelligence

Authors:Weixian Lei, Yixiao Ge, Kun Yi, Jianfeng Zhang, Difei Gao, Dylan Sun, Yuying Ge, Ying Shan, Mike Zheng Shou

Aiming to advance AI agents, large foundation models significantly improve reasoning and instruction execution, yet the current focus on vision and language neglects the potential of perceiving diverse modalities in open-world environments. However, the success of data-driven vision and language models is costly or even infeasible to be reproduced for rare modalities. In this paper, we present ViT-Lens-2 that facilitates efficient omni-modal representation learning by perceiving novel modalities with a pretrained ViT and aligning them to a pre-defined space. Specifically, the modality-specific lens is tuned to project any-modal signals to an intermediate embedding space, which are then processed by a strong ViT with pre-trained visual knowledge. The encoded representations are optimized toward aligning with the modal-independent space, pre-defined by off-the-shelf foundation models. ViT-Lens-2 provides a unified solution for representation learning of increasing modalities with two appealing advantages: (i) Unlocking the great potential of pretrained ViTs to novel modalities effectively with efficient data regime; (ii) Enabling emergent downstream capabilities through modality alignment and shared ViT parameters. We tailor ViT-Lens-2 to learn representations for 3D point cloud, depth, audio, tactile and EEG, and set new state-of-the-art results across various understanding tasks, such as zero-shot classification. By seamlessly integrating ViT-Lens-2 into Multimodal Foundation Models, we enable Any-modality to Text and Image Generation in a zero-shot manner. Code and models are available at https://github.com/TencentARC/ViT-Lens.
PDF This work is a follow-up of “ViT-Lens: Towards Omni-modal Representations”. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2308.10185


BERT Goes Off-Topic: Investigating the Domain Transfer Challenge using Genre Classification

Authors:Dmitri Roussinov, Serge Sharoff

While performance of many text classification tasks has been recently improved due to Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs), in this paper we show that they still suffer from a performance gap when the underlying distribution of topics changes. For example, a genre classifier trained on \textit{political} topics often fails when tested on documents about \textit{sport} or \textit{medicine}. In this work, we quantify this phenomenon empirically with a large corpus and a large set of topics. Consequently, we verify that domain transfer remains challenging both for classic PLMs, such as BERT, and for modern large models, such as GPT-3. We also suggest and successfully test a possible remedy: after augmenting the training dataset with topically-controlled synthetic texts, the F1 score improves by up to 50\% for some topics, nearing on-topic training results, while others show little to no improvement. While our empirical results focus on genre classification, our methodology is applicable to other classification tasks such as gender, authorship, or sentiment classification. The code and data to replicate the experiments are available at https://github.com/dminus1/genre
PDF Published at EMNLP’2023


Video-Bench: A Comprehensive Benchmark and Toolkit for Evaluating Video-based Large Language Models

Authors:Munan Ning, Bin Zhu, Yujia Xie, Bin Lin, Jiaxi Cui, Lu Yuan, Dongdong Chen, Li Yuan

Video-based large language models (Video-LLMs) have been recently introduced, targeting both fundamental improvements in perception and comprehension, and a diverse range of user inquiries. In pursuit of the ultimate goal of achieving artificial general intelligence, a truly intelligent Video-LLM model should not only see and understand the surroundings, but also possess human-level commonsense, and make well-informed decisions for the users. To guide the development of such a model, the establishment of a robust and comprehensive evaluation system becomes crucial. To this end, this paper proposes \textit{Video-Bench}, a new comprehensive benchmark along with a toolkit specifically designed for evaluating Video-LLMs. The benchmark comprises 10 meticulously crafted tasks, evaluating the capabilities of Video-LLMs across three distinct levels: Video-exclusive Understanding, Prior Knowledge-based Question-Answering, and Comprehension and Decision-making. In addition, we introduce an automatic toolkit tailored to process model outputs for various tasks, facilitating the calculation of metrics and generating convenient final scores. We evaluate 8 representative Video-LLMs using \textit{Video-Bench}. The findings reveal that current Video-LLMs still fall considerably short of achieving human-like comprehension and analysis of real-world videos, offering valuable insights for future research directions. The benchmark and toolkit are available at: \url{https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/Video-Bench}.
PDF Benchmark is available at https://github.com/PKU-YuanGroup/Video-Bench


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