2023-11-27 更新

Importance of Feature Extraction in the Calculation of Fréchet Distance for Medical Imaging

Authors:McKell Woodland, Mais Al Taie, Jessica Albuquerque Marques Silva, Mohamed Eltaher, Frank Mohn, Alexander Shieh, Austin Castelo, Suprateek Kundu, Joshua P. Yung, Ankit B. Patel, Kristy K. Brock

Fr\’echet Inception Distance is a widely used metric for evaluating synthetic image quality that utilizes an ImageNet-trained InceptionV3 network as a feature extractor. However, its application in medical imaging lacks a standard feature extractor, leading to biased and inconsistent comparisons. This study aimed to compare state-of-the-art feature extractors for computing Fr\’echet Distances (FDs) in medical imaging. A StyleGAN2 network was trained with data augmentation techniques tailored for limited data domains on datasets comprising three medical imaging modalities and four anatomical locations. Human evaluation of generative quality (via a visual Turing test) was compared to FDs calculated using ImageNet-trained InceptionV3, ResNet50, SwAV, DINO, and Swin Transformer architectures, in addition to an InceptionV3 network trained on a large medical dataset, RadImageNet. All ImageNet-based extractors were consistent with each other, but only SwAV was significantly correlated with medical expert judgment. The RadImageNet-based FD showed volatility and lacked correlation with human judgment. Caution is advised when using medical image-trained extraction networks in the FD calculation. These networks should be rigorously evaluated on the imaging modality under consideration and publicly released. ImageNet-based extractors, while imperfect, are consistent and widely understood. Training extraction networks with SwAV is a promising approach for synthetic medical image evaluation.


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