Domain Adaptation

2023-11-28 更新

EAFP-Med: An Efficient Adaptive Feature Processing Module Based on Prompts for Medical Image Detection

Authors:Xiang Li, Long Lan, Husam Lahza, Shaowu Yang, Shuihua Wang, Wenjing Yang, Hengzhu Liu, Yudong Zhang

In the face of rapid advances in medical imaging, cross-domain adaptive medical image detection is challenging due to the differences in lesion representations across various medical imaging technologies. To address this issue, we draw inspiration from large language models to propose EAFP-Med, an efficient adaptive feature processing module based on prompts for medical image detection. EAFP-Med can efficiently extract lesion features of different scales from a diverse range of medical images based on prompts while being flexible and not limited by specific imaging techniques. Furthermore, it serves as a feature preprocessing module that can be connected to any model front-end to enhance the lesion features in input images. Moreover, we propose a novel adaptive disease detection model named EAFP-Med ST, which utilizes the Swin Transformer V2 - Tiny (SwinV2-T) as its backbone and connects it to EAFP-Med. We have compared our method to nine state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results demonstrate that EAFP-Med ST achieves the best performance on all three datasets (chest X-ray images, cranial magnetic resonance imaging images, and skin images). EAFP-Med can efficiently extract lesion features from various medical images based on prompts, enhancing the model’s performance. This holds significant potential for improving medical image analysis and diagnosis.


Boot and Switch: Alternating Distillation for Zero-Shot Dense Retrieval

Authors:Fan Jiang, Qiongkai Xu, Tom Drummond, Trevor Cohn

Neural ‘dense’ retrieval models are state of the art for many datasets, however these models often exhibit limited domain transfer ability. Existing approaches to adaptation are unwieldy, such as requiring explicit supervision, complex model architectures, or massive external models. We present $\texttt{ABEL}$, a simple but effective unsupervised method to enhance passage retrieval in zero-shot settings. Our technique follows a straightforward loop: a dense retriever learns from supervision signals provided by a reranker, and subsequently, the reranker is updated based on feedback from the improved retriever. By iterating this loop, the two components mutually enhance one another’s performance. Experimental results demonstrate that our unsupervised $\texttt{ABEL}$ model outperforms both leading supervised and unsupervised retrievers on the BEIR benchmark. Meanwhile, it exhibits strong adaptation abilities to tasks and domains that were unseen during training. By either fine-tuning $\texttt{ABEL}$ on labelled data or integrating it with existing supervised dense retrievers, we achieve state-of-the-art results.\footnote{Source code is available at \url{}.}
PDF Accepted by EMNLP 2023 Findings


Improving Adaptability and Generalizability of Efficient Transfer Learning for Vision-Language Models

Authors:Yongjin Yang, Jongwoo Ko, Se-Young Yun

Vision-Language Models (VLMs) like CLIP have demonstrated remarkable applicability across a variety of downstream tasks, including zero-shot image classification. Recently, the use of prompts or adapters for efficient transfer learning has gained significant attention for effectively adapting to downstream tasks. However, the roles of vision and text prompts, as well as adapters in terms of generalization and transfer difficulty, have been overlooked, limiting performance on unseen tasks. In this paper, we empirically analyze how VLMs behave when using vision and text prompts, adapters, and a combination of these components, marking a novel exploration by our study. Our observations find that utilizing vision prompts for class separability and text adapters for task adaptation is crucial for adaptability and generalizability. Moreover, to improve generalization across every domain, we propose an adaptive ensemble method that effectively combines the general knowledge of VLMs with task-specific knowledge according to transfer difficulty. Upon experimenting with extensive benchmarks, our method consistently outperforms all baselines, particularly on unseen tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed approach.
PDF 11 pages (19 pages including supplementary), 10 figures (12 figures including supplementary), 6 tables (17 tables including supplementary)


A Simple Geometric-Aware Indoor Positioning Interpolation Algorithm Based on Manifold Learning

Authors:Suorong Yang, Geng Zhang, Jian Zhao, Furao Shen

Interpolation methodologies have been widely used within the domain of indoor positioning systems. However, existing indoor positioning interpolation algorithms exhibit several inherent limitations, including reliance on complex mathematical models, limited flexibility, and relatively low precision. To enhance the accuracy and efficiency of indoor positioning interpolation techniques, this paper proposes a simple yet powerful geometric-aware interpolation algorithm for indoor positioning tasks. The key to our algorithm is to exploit the geometric attributes of the local topological manifold using manifold learning principles. Therefore, instead of constructing complicated mathematical models, the proposed algorithm facilitates the more precise and efficient estimation of points grounded in the local topological manifold. Moreover, our proposed method can be effortlessly integrated into any indoor positioning system, thereby bolstering its adaptability. Through a systematic array of experiments and comprehensive performance analyses conducted on both simulated and real-world datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed algorithm consistently outperforms the most commonly used and representative interpolation approaches regarding interpolation accuracy and efficiency. Furthermore, the experimental results also underscore the substantial practical utility of our method and its potential applicability in real-time indoor positioning scenarios.


2D Feature Distillation for Weakly- and Semi-Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Ozan Unal, Dengxin Dai, Lukas Hoyer, Yigit Baran Can, Luc Van Gool

As 3D perception problems grow in popularity and the need for large-scale labeled datasets for LiDAR semantic segmentation increase, new methods arise that aim to reduce the necessity for dense annotations by employing weakly-supervised training. However these methods continue to show weak boundary estimation and high false negative rates for small objects and distant sparse regions. We argue that such weaknesses can be compensated by using RGB images which provide a denser representation of the scene. We propose an image-guidance network (IGNet) which builds upon the idea of distilling high level feature information from a domain adapted synthetically trained 2D semantic segmentation network. We further utilize a one-way contrastive learning scheme alongside a novel mixing strategy called FOVMix, to combat the horizontal field-of-view mismatch between the two sensors and enhance the effects of image guidance. IGNet achieves state-of-the-art results for weakly-supervised LiDAR semantic segmentation on ScribbleKITTI, boasting up to 98% relative performance to fully supervised training with only 8% labeled points, while introducing no additional annotation burden or computational/memory cost during inference. Furthermore, we show that our contributions also prove effective for semi-supervised training, where IGNet claims state-of-the-art results on both ScribbleKITTI and SemanticKITTI.
PDF Accepted at WACV 2024


Side4Video: Spatial-Temporal Side Network for Memory-Efficient Image-to-Video Transfer Learning

Authors:Huanjin Yao, Wenhao Wu, Zhiheng Li

Large pre-trained vision models achieve impressive success in computer vision. However, fully fine-tuning large models for downstream tasks, particularly in video understanding, can be prohibitively computationally expensive. Recent studies turn their focus towards efficient image-to-video transfer learning. Nevertheless, existing efficient fine-tuning methods lack attention to training memory usage and exploration of transferring a larger model to the video domain. In this paper, we present a novel Spatial-Temporal Side Network for memory-efficient fine-tuning large image models to video understanding, named Side4Video. Specifically, we introduce a lightweight spatial-temporal side network attached to the frozen vision model, which avoids the backpropagation through the heavy pre-trained model and utilizes multi-level spatial features from the original image model. Extremely memory-efficient architecture enables our method to reduce 75% memory usage than previous adapter-based methods. In this way, we can transfer a huge ViT-E (4.4B) for video understanding tasks which is 14x larger than ViT-L (304M). Our approach achieves remarkable performance on various video datasets across unimodal and cross-modal tasks (i.e., action recognition and text-video retrieval), especially in Something-Something V1&V2 (67.3% & 74.6%), Kinetics-400 (88.6%), MSR-VTT (52.3%), MSVD (56.1%) and VATEX (68.8%). We release our code at
PDF Technical report


EVCap: Retrieval-Augmented Image Captioning with External Visual-Name Memory for Open-World Comprehension

Authors:Jiaxuan Li, Duc Minh Vo, Akihiro Sugimoto, Hideki Nakayama

Large language models (LLMs)-based image captioning has the capability of describing objects not explicitly observed in training data; yet novel objects occur frequently, necessitating the requirement of sustaining up-to-date object knowledge for open-world comprehension. Instead of relying on large amounts of data and scaling up network parameters, we introduce a highly effective retrieval-augmented image captioning method that prompts LLMs with object names retrieved from External Visual—name memory (EVCap). We build ever-changing object knowledge memory using objects’ visuals and names, enabling us to (i) update the memory at a minimal cost and (ii) effortlessly augment LLMs with retrieved object names utilizing a lightweight and fast-to-train model. Our model, which was trained only on the COCO dataset, can be adapted to out-domain data without additional fine-tuning or retraining. Our comprehensive experiments conducted on various benchmarks and synthetic commonsense-violating data demonstrate that EVCap, comprising solely 3.97M trainable parameters, exhibits superior performance compared to other methods of equivalent model size scale. Notably, it achieves competitive performance against specialist SOTAs with an enormous number of parameters. Our code is available at
PDF Project page:


MEDITRON-70B: Scaling Medical Pretraining for Large Language Models

Authors:Zeming Chen, Alejandro Hernández Cano, Angelika Romanou, Antoine Bonnet, Kyle Matoba, Francesco Salvi, Matteo Pagliardini, Simin Fan, Andreas Köpf, Amirkeivan Mohtashami, Alexandre Sallinen, Alireza Sakhaeirad, Vinitra Swamy, Igor Krawczuk, Deniz Bayazit, Axel Marmet, Syrielle Montariol, Mary-Anne Hartley, Martin Jaggi, Antoine Bosselut

Large language models (LLMs) can potentially democratize access to medical knowledge. While many efforts have been made to harness and improve LLMs’ medical knowledge and reasoning capacities, the resulting models are either closed-source (e.g., PaLM, GPT-4) or limited in scale (<= 13B parameters), which restricts their abilities. In this work, we improve access to large-scale medical LLMs by releasing MEDITRON: a suite of open-source LLMs with 7B and 70B parameters adapted to the medical domain. MEDITRON builds on Llama-2 (through our adaptation of Nvidia’s Megatron-LM distributed trainer), and extends pretraining on a comprehensively curated medical corpus, including selected PubMed articles, abstracts, and internationally-recognized medical guidelines. Evaluations using four major medical benchmarks show significant performance gains over several state-of-the-art baselines before and after task-specific finetuning. Overall, MEDITRON achieves a 6% absolute performance gain over the best public baseline in its parameter class and 3% over the strongest baseline we finetuned from Llama-2. Compared to closed-source LLMs, MEDITRON-70B outperforms GPT-3.5 and Med-PaLM and is within 5% of GPT-4 and 10% of Med-PaLM-2. We release our code for curating the medical pretraining corpus and the MEDITRON model weights to drive open-source development of more capable medical LLMs.


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