Domain Adaptation

2023-11-20 更新

CDMPP: A Device-Model Agnostic Framework for Latency Prediction of Tensor Programs

Authors:Hanpeng Hu, Junwei Su, Juntao Zhao, Yanghua Peng, Yibo Zhu, Haibin Lin, Chuan Wu

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have shown excellent performance in a wide range of machine learning applications. Knowing the latency of running a DNN model or tensor program on a specific device is useful in various tasks, such as DNN graph- or tensor-level optimization and device selection. Considering the large space of DNN models and devices that impede direct profiling of all combinations, recent efforts focus on building a predictor to model the performance of DNN models on different devices. However, none of the existing attempts have achieved a cost model that can accurately predict the performance of various tensor programs while supporting both training and inference accelerators. We propose CDMPP, an efficient tensor program latency prediction framework for both cross-model and cross-device prediction. We design an informative but efficient representation of tensor programs, called compact ASTs, and a pre-order-based positional encoding method, to capture the internal structure of tensor programs. We develop a domain-adaption-inspired method to learn domain-invariant representations and devise a KMeans-based sampling algorithm, for the predictor to learn from different domains (i.e., different DNN operators and devices). Our extensive experiments on a diverse range of DNN models and devices demonstrate that CDMPP significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines with 14.03% and 10.85% prediction error for cross-model and cross-device prediction, respectively, and one order of magnitude higher training efficiency. The implementation and the expanded dataset are available at
PDF Accepted by EuroSys 2024


UnifiedVisionGPT: Streamlining Vision-Oriented AI through Generalized Multimodal Framework

Authors:Chris Kelly, Luhui Hu, Cindy Yang, Yu Tian, Deshun Yang, Bang Yang, Zaoshan Huang, Zihao Li, Yuexian Zou

In the current landscape of artificial intelligence, foundation models serve as the bedrock for advancements in both language and vision domains. OpenAI GPT-4 has emerged as the pinnacle in large language models (LLMs), while the computer vision (CV) domain boasts a plethora of state-of-the-art (SOTA) models such as Meta’s SAM and DINO, and YOLOS. However, the financial and computational burdens of training new models from scratch remain a significant barrier to progress. In response to this challenge, we introduce UnifiedVisionGPT, a novel framework designed to consolidate and automate the integration of SOTA vision models, thereby facilitating the development of vision-oriented AI. UnifiedVisionGPT distinguishes itself through four key features: (1) provides a versatile multimodal framework adaptable to a wide range of applications, building upon the strengths of multimodal foundation models; (2) seamlessly integrates various SOTA vision models to create a comprehensive multimodal platform, capitalizing on the best components of each model; (3) prioritizes vision-oriented AI, ensuring a more rapid progression in the CV domain compared to the current trajectory of LLMs; and (4) introduces automation in the selection of SOTA vision models, generating optimal results based on diverse multimodal inputs such as text prompts and images. This paper outlines the architecture and capabilities of UnifiedVisionGPT, demonstrating its potential to revolutionize the field of computer vision through enhanced efficiency, versatility, generalization, and performance. Our implementation, along with the unified multimodal framework and comprehensive dataset, is made publicly available at
PDF 9 pages, 29 figures


A2XP: Towards Private Domain Generalization

Authors:Geunhyeok Yu, Hyoseok Hwang

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have become pivotal in various fields, especially in computer vision, outperforming previous methodologies. A critical challenge in their deployment is the bias inherent in data across different domains, such as image style, and environmental conditions, leading to domain gaps. This necessitates techniques for learning general representations from biased training data, known as domain generalization. This paper presents Attend to eXpert Prompts (A2XP), a novel approach for domain generalization that preserves the privacy and integrity of the network architecture. A2XP consists of two phases: Expert Adaptation and Domain Generalization. In the first phase, prompts for each source domain are optimized to guide the model towards the optimal direction. In the second phase, two embedder networks are trained to effectively amalgamate these expert prompts, aiming for an optimal output. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that A2XP achieves state-of-the-art results over existing non-private domain generalization methods. The experimental results validate that the proposed approach not only tackles the domain generalization challenge in DNNs but also offers a privacy-preserving, efficient solution to the broader field of computer vision.
PDF 10 pages (8 pages except for references), 6 figures, 4 tables


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