Diffusion Models

2023-11-20 更新

MetaDreamer: Efficient Text-to-3D Creation With Disentangling Geometry and Texture

Authors:Lincong Feng, Muyu Wang, Maoyu Wang, Kuo Xu, Xiaoli Liu

Generative models for 3D object synthesis have seen significant advancements with the incorporation of prior knowledge distilled from 2D diffusion models. Nevertheless, challenges persist in the form of multi-view geometric inconsistencies and slow generation speeds within the existing 3D synthesis frameworks. This can be attributed to two factors: firstly, the deficiency of abundant geometric a priori knowledge in optimization, and secondly, the entanglement issue between geometry and texture in conventional 3D generation methods.In response, we introduce MetaDreammer, a two-stage optimization approach that leverages rich 2D and 3D prior knowledge. In the first stage, our emphasis is on optimizing the geometric representation to ensure multi-view consistency and accuracy of 3D objects. In the second stage, we concentrate on fine-tuning the geometry and optimizing the texture, thereby achieving a more refined 3D object. Through leveraging 2D and 3D prior knowledge in two stages, respectively, we effectively mitigate the interdependence between geometry and texture. MetaDreamer establishes clear optimization objectives for each stage, resulting in significant time savings in the 3D generation process. Ultimately, MetaDreamer can generate high-quality 3D objects based on textual prompts within 20 minutes, and to the best of our knowledge, it is the most efficient text-to-3D generation method. Furthermore, we introduce image control into the process, enhancing the controllability of 3D generation. Extensive empirical evidence confirms that our method is not only highly efficient but also achieves a quality level that is at the forefront of current state-of-the-art 3D generation techniques.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2306.17843, arXiv:2209.14988 by other authors


Advancements in Generative AI: A Comprehensive Review of GANs, GPT, Autoencoders, Diffusion Model, and Transformers

Authors:Staphord Bengesi, Hoda El-Sayed, Md Kamruzzaman Sarker, Yao Houkpati, John Irungu, Timothy Oladunni

The launch of ChatGPT has garnered global attention, marking a significant milestone in the field of Generative Artificial Intelligence. While Generative AI has been in effect for the past decade, the introduction of ChatGPT has ignited a new wave of research and innovation in the AI domain. This surge in interest has led to the development and release of numerous cutting-edge tools, such as Bard, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, Make-A-Video, Runway ML, and Jukebox, among others. These tools exhibit remarkable capabilities, encompassing tasks ranging from text generation and music composition, image creation, video production, code generation, and even scientific work. They are built upon various state-of-the-art models, including Stable Diffusion, transformer models like GPT-3 (recent GPT-4), variational autoencoders, and generative adversarial networks. This advancement in Generative AI presents a wealth of exciting opportunities and, simultaneously, unprecedented challenges. Throughout this paper, we have explored these state-of-the-art models, the diverse array of tasks they can accomplish, the challenges they pose, and the promising future of Generative Artificial Intelligence.


Enhancing Object Coherence in Layout-to-Image Synthesis

Authors:Yibin Wang, Weizhong Zhang, Jianwei Zheng, Cheng Jin

Layout-to-image synthesis is an emerging technique in conditional image generation. It aims to generate complex scenes, where users require fine control over the layout of the objects in a scene. However, it remains challenging to control the object coherence, including semantic coherence (e.g., the cat looks at the flowers or not) and physical coherence (e.g., the hand and the racket should not be misaligned). In this paper, we propose a novel diffusion model with effective global semantic fusion (GSF) and self-similarity feature enhancement modules to guide the object coherence for this task. For semantic coherence, we argue that the image caption contains rich information for defining the semantic relationship within the objects in the images. Instead of simply employing cross-attention between captions and generated images, which addresses the highly relevant layout restriction and semantic coherence separately and thus leads to unsatisfying results shown in our experiments, we develop GSF to fuse the supervision from the layout restriction and semantic coherence requirement and exploit it to guide the image synthesis process. Moreover, to improve the physical coherence, we develop a Self-similarity Coherence Attention (SCA) module to explicitly integrate local contextual physical coherence into each pixel’s generation process. Specifically, we adopt a self-similarity map to encode the coherence restrictions and employ it to extract coherent features from text embedding. Through visualization of our self-similarity map, we explore the essence of SCA, revealing that its effectiveness is not only in capturing reliable physical coherence patterns but also in enhancing complex texture generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method in both image generation quality and controllability.


SelfEval: Leveraging the discriminative nature of generative models for evaluation

Authors:Sai Saketh Rambhatla, Ishan Misra

In this work, we show that text-to-image generative models can be ‘inverted’ to assess their own text-image understanding capabilities in a completely automated manner. Our method, called SelfEval, uses the generative model to compute the likelihood of real images given text prompts, making the generative model directly applicable to discriminative tasks. Using SelfEval, we repurpose standard datasets created for evaluating multimodal text-image discriminative models to evaluate generative models in a fine-grained manner: assessing their performance on attribute binding, color recognition, counting, shape recognition, spatial understanding. To the best of our knowledge SelfEval is the first automated metric to show a high degree of agreement for measuring text-faithfulness with the gold-standard human evaluations across multiple models and benchmarks. Moreover, SelfEval enables us to evaluate generative models on challenging tasks such as Winoground image-score where they demonstrate competitive performance to discriminative models. We also show severe drawbacks of standard automated metrics such as CLIP-score to measure text faithfulness on benchmarks such as DrawBench, and how SelfEval sidesteps these issues. We hope SelfEval enables easy and reliable automated evaluation for diffusion models.


Emu Video: Factorizing Text-to-Video Generation by Explicit Image Conditioning

Authors:Rohit Girdhar, Mannat Singh, Andrew Brown, Quentin Duval, Samaneh Azadi, Sai Saketh Rambhatla, Akbar Shah, Xi Yin, Devi Parikh, Ishan Misra

We present Emu Video, a text-to-video generation model that factorizes the generation into two steps: first generating an image conditioned on the text, and then generating a video conditioned on the text and the generated image. We identify critical design decisions—adjusted noise schedules for diffusion, and multi-stage training—that enable us to directly generate high quality and high resolution videos, without requiring a deep cascade of models as in prior work. In human evaluations, our generated videos are strongly preferred in quality compared to all prior work—81% vs. Google’s Imagen Video, 90% vs. Nvidia’s PYOCO, and 96% vs. Meta’s Make-A-Video. Our model outperforms commercial solutions such as RunwayML’s Gen2 and Pika Labs. Finally, our factorizing approach naturally lends itself to animating images based on a user’s text prompt, where our generations are preferred 96% over prior work.
PDF Project page: https://emu-video.metademolab.com


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