Diffusion Models

2023-11-11 更新

Authors:Siao Tang, Xin Wang, Hong Chen, Chaoyu Guan, Yansong Tang, Wenwu zhu

Diffusion models have recently shown remarkable generation ability, achieving state-of-the-art performance in many tasks. However, the high computational cost is still a troubling problem for diffusion models. To tackle this problem, we propose to automatically remove the structural redundancy in diffusion models with our proposed Diffusion Distillation-based Block-wise Neural Architecture Search (DiffNAS). Specifically, given a larger pretrained teacher, we leverage DiffNAS to search for the smallest architecture which achieves on-par or even better performance than the teacher. Considering current diffusion models are based on UNet which naturally has a block-wise structure, we perform neural architecture search independently in each block, which largely reduces the search space. Different from previous block-wise NAS methods, DiffNAS contains a block-wise local search strategy and a retraining strategy with a joint dynamic loss. Concretely, during the search process, we block-wisely select the best subnet to avoid the unfairness brought by the global search strategy used in previous works. When retraining the searched architecture, we adopt a dynamic joint loss to maintain the consistency between supernet training and subnet retraining, which also provides informative objectives for each block and shortens the paths of gradient propagation. We demonstrate this joint loss can effectively improve model performance. We also prove the necessity of the dynamic adjustment of this loss. The experiments show that our method can achieve significant computational reduction, especially on latent diffusion models with about 50% MACs and Parameter reduction.


BrainNetDiff: Generative AI Empowers Brain Network Generation via Multimodal Diffusion Model

Authors:Yongcheng Zong, Shuqiang Wang

Brain network analysis has emerged as pivotal method for gaining a deeper understanding of brain functions and disease mechanisms. Despite the existence of various network construction approaches, shortcomings persist in the learning of correlations between structural and functional brain imaging data. In light of this, we introduce a novel method called BrainNetDiff, which combines a multi-head Transformer encoder to extract relevant features from fMRI time series and integrates a conditional latent diffusion model for brain network generation. Leveraging a conditional prompt and a fusion attention mechanism, this method significantly improves the accuracy and stability of brain network generation. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first framework that employs diffusion for the fusion of the multimodal brain imaging and brain network generation from images to graphs. We validate applicability of this framework in the construction of brain network across healthy and neurologically impaired cohorts using the authentic dataset. Experimental results vividly demonstrate the significant effectiveness of the proposed method across the downstream disease classification tasks. These findings convincingly emphasize the prospective value in the field of brain network research, particularly its key significance in neuroimaging analysis and disease diagnosis. This research provides a valuable reference for the processing of multimodal brain imaging data and introduces a novel, efficient solution to the field of neuroimaging.


ConRad: Image Constrained Radiance Fields for 3D Generation from a Single Image

Authors:Senthil Purushwalkam, Nikhil Naik

We present a novel method for reconstructing 3D objects from a single RGB image. Our method leverages the latest image generation models to infer the hidden 3D structure while remaining faithful to the input image. While existing methods obtain impressive results in generating 3D models from text prompts, they do not provide an easy approach for conditioning on input RGB data. Na\”ive extensions of these methods often lead to improper alignment in appearance between the input image and the 3D reconstructions. We address these challenges by introducing Image Constrained Radiance Fields (ConRad), a novel variant of neural radiance fields. ConRad is an efficient 3D representation that explicitly captures the appearance of an input image in one viewpoint. We propose a training algorithm that leverages the single RGB image in conjunction with pretrained Diffusion Models to optimize the parameters of a ConRad representation. Extensive experiments show that ConRad representations can simplify preservation of image details while producing a realistic 3D reconstruction. Compared to existing state-of-the-art baselines, we show that our 3D reconstructions remain more faithful to the input and produce more consistent 3D models while demonstrating significantly improved quantitative performance on a ShapeNet object benchmark.
PDF Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)


Predicting the Position Uncertainty at the Time of Closest Approach with Diffusion Models

Authors:Marta Guimarães, Cláudia Soares, Chiara Manfletti

The risk of collision between resident space objects has significantly increased in recent years. As a result, spacecraft collision avoidance procedures have become an essential part of satellite operations. To ensure safe and effective space activities, satellite owners and operators rely on constantly updated estimates of encounters. These estimates include the uncertainty associated with the position of each object at the expected TCA. These estimates are crucial in planning risk mitigation measures, such as collision avoidance manoeuvres. As the TCA approaches, the accuracy of these estimates improves, as both objects’ orbit determination and propagation procedures are made for increasingly shorter time intervals. However, this improvement comes at the cost of taking place close to the critical decision moment. This means that safe avoidance manoeuvres might not be possible or could incur significant costs. Therefore, knowing the evolution of this variable in advance can be crucial for operators. This work proposes a machine learning model based on diffusion models to forecast the position uncertainty of objects involved in a close encounter, particularly for the secondary object (usually debris), which tends to be more unpredictable. We compare the performance of our model with other state-of-the-art solutions and a na\”ive baseline approach, showing that the proposed solution has the potential to significantly improve the safety and effectiveness of spacecraft operations.


3DStyle-Diffusion: Pursuing Fine-grained Text-driven 3D Stylization with 2D Diffusion Models

Authors:Haibo Yang, Yang Chen, Yingwei Pan, Ting Yao, Zhineng Chen, Tao Mei

3D content creation via text-driven stylization has played a fundamental challenge to multimedia and graphics community. Recent advances of cross-modal foundation models (e.g., CLIP) have made this problem feasible. Those approaches commonly leverage CLIP to align the holistic semantics of stylized mesh with the given text prompt. Nevertheless, it is not trivial to enable more controllable stylization of fine-grained details in 3D meshes solely based on such semantic-level cross-modal supervision. In this work, we propose a new 3DStyle-Diffusion model that triggers fine-grained stylization of 3D meshes with additional controllable appearance and geometric guidance from 2D Diffusion models. Technically, 3DStyle-Diffusion first parameterizes the texture of 3D mesh into reflectance properties and scene lighting using implicit MLP networks. Meanwhile, an accurate depth map of each sampled view is achieved conditioned on 3D mesh. Then, 3DStyle-Diffusion leverages a pre-trained controllable 2D Diffusion model to guide the learning of rendered images, encouraging the synthesized image of each view semantically aligned with text prompt and geometrically consistent with depth map. This way elegantly integrates both image rendering via implicit MLP networks and diffusion process of image synthesis in an end-to-end fashion, enabling a high-quality fine-grained stylization of 3D meshes. We also build a new dataset derived from Objaverse and the evaluation protocol for this task. Through both qualitative and quantitative experiments, we validate the capability of our 3DStyle-Diffusion. Source code and data are available at \url{https://github.com/yanghb22-fdu/3DStyle-Diffusion-Official}.
PDF ACM Multimedia 2023


LCM-LoRA: A Universal Stable-Diffusion Acceleration Module

Authors:Simian Luo, Yiqin Tan, Suraj Patil, Daniel Gu, Patrick von Platen, Apolinário Passos, Longbo Huang, Jian Li, Hang Zhao

Latent Consistency Models (LCMs) have achieved impressive performance in accelerating text-to-image generative tasks, producing high-quality images with minimal inference steps. LCMs are distilled from pre-trained latent diffusion models (LDMs), requiring only ~32 A100 GPU training hours. This report further extends LCMs’ potential in two aspects: First, by applying LoRA distillation to Stable-Diffusion models including SD-V1.5, SSD-1B, and SDXL, we have expanded LCM’s scope to larger models with significantly less memory consumption, achieving superior image generation quality. Second, we identify the LoRA parameters obtained through LCM distillation as a universal Stable-Diffusion acceleration module, named LCM-LoRA. LCM-LoRA can be directly plugged into various Stable-Diffusion fine-tuned models or LoRAs without training, thus representing a universally applicable accelerator for diverse image generation tasks. Compared with previous numerical PF-ODE solvers such as DDIM, DPM-Solver, LCM-LoRA can be viewed as a plug-in neural PF-ODE solver that possesses strong generalization abilities. Project page: https://github.com/luosiallen/latent-consistency-model.
PDF Technical Report


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