Vision Transformer

2023-11-09 更新

LG-Self: Local-Global Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning

Authors:Ali Javidani, Mohammad Amin Sadeghi, Babak Nadjar Araabi

Self-supervised representation learning methods mainly focus on image-level instance discrimination. This study explores the potential benefits of incorporating patch-level discrimination into existing methods to enhance the quality of learned representations by simultaneously looking at local and global visual features. Towards this idea, we present a straightforward yet effective patch-matching algorithm that can find the corresponding patches across the augmented views of an image. The augmented views are subsequently fed into a self-supervised learning framework employing Vision Transformer (ViT) as its backbone. The result is the generation of both image-level and patch-level representations. Leveraging the proposed patch-matching algorithm, the model minimizes the representation distance between not only the CLS tokens but also the corresponding patches. As a result, the model gains a more comprehensive understanding of both the entirety of the image as well as its finer details. We pretrain the proposed method on small, medium, and large-scale datasets. It is shown that our approach could outperform state-of-the-art image-level representation learning methods on both image classification and downstream tasks. Keywords: Self-Supervised Learning; Visual Representations; Local-Global Representation Learning; Patch-Wise Representation Learning; Vision Transformer (ViT)
PDF 14 pages


Fast and Interpretable Face Identification for Out-Of-Distribution Data Using Vision Transformers

Authors:Hai Phan, Cindy Le, Vu Le, Yihui He, Anh Totti Nguyen

Most face identification approaches employ a Siamese neural network to compare two images at the image embedding level. Yet, this technique can be subject to occlusion (e.g. faces with masks or sunglasses) and out-of-distribution data. DeepFace-EMD (Phan et al. 2022) reaches state-of-the-art accuracy on out-of-distribution data by first comparing two images at the image level, and then at the patch level. Yet, its later patch-wise re-ranking stage admits a large $O(n^3 \log n)$ time complexity (for $n$ patches in an image) due to the optimal transport optimization. In this paper, we propose a novel, 2-image Vision Transformers (ViTs) that compares two images at the patch level using cross-attention. After training on 2M pairs of images on CASIA Webface (Yi et al. 2014), our model performs at a comparable accuracy as DeepFace-EMD on out-of-distribution data, yet at an inference speed more than twice as fast as DeepFace-EMD (Phan et al. 2022). In addition, via a human study, our model shows promising explainability through the visualization of cross-attention. We believe our work can inspire more explorations in using ViTs for face identification.
PDF 20 pages, 15 Figures


GTP-ViT: Efficient Vision Transformers via Graph-based Token Propagation

Authors:Xuwei Xu, Sen Wang, Yudong Chen, Yanping Zheng, Zhewei Wei, Jiajun Liu

Vision Transformers (ViTs) have revolutionized the field of computer vision, yet their deployments on resource-constrained devices remain challenging due to high computational demands. To expedite pre-trained ViTs, token pruning and token merging approaches have been developed, which aim at reducing the number of tokens involved in the computation. However, these methods still have some limitations, such as image information loss from pruned tokens and inefficiency in the token-matching process. In this paper, we introduce a novel Graph-based Token Propagation (GTP) method to resolve the challenge of balancing model efficiency and information preservation for efficient ViTs. Inspired by graph summarization algorithms, GTP meticulously propagates less significant tokens’ information to spatially and semantically connected tokens that are of greater importance. Consequently, the remaining few tokens serve as a summarization of the entire token graph, allowing the method to reduce computational complexity while preserving essential information of eliminated tokens. Combined with an innovative token selection strategy, GTP can efficiently identify image tokens to be propagated. Extensive experiments have validated GTP’s effectiveness, demonstrating both efficiency and performance improvements. Specifically, GTP decreases the computational complexity of both DeiT-S and DeiT-B by up to 26% with only a minimal 0.3% accuracy drop on ImageNet-1K without finetuning, and remarkably surpasses the state-of-the-art token merging method on various backbones at an even faster inference speed. The source code is available at
PDF Accepted to WACV2024


GQKVA: Efficient Pre-training of Transformers by Grouping Queries, Keys, and Values

Authors:Farnoosh Javadi, Walid Ahmed, Habib Hajimolahoseini, Foozhan Ataiefard, Mohammad Hassanpour, Saina Asani, Austin Wen, Omar Mohamed Awad, Kangling Liu, Yang Liu

Massive transformer-based models face several challenges, including slow and computationally intensive pre-training and over-parametrization. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a versatile method called GQKVA, which generalizes query, key, and value grouping techniques. GQKVA is designed to speed up transformer pre-training while reducing the model size. Our experiments with various GQKVA variants highlight a clear trade-off between performance and model size, allowing for customized choices based on resource and time limitations. Our findings also indicate that the conventional multi-head attention approach is not always the best choice, as there are lighter and faster alternatives available. We tested our method on ViT, which achieved an approximate 0.3% increase in accuracy while reducing the model size by about 4% in the task of image classification. Additionally, our most aggressive model reduction experiment resulted in a reduction of approximately 15% in model size, with only around a 1% drop in accuracy.


FusionViT: Hierarchical 3D Object Detection via LiDAR-Camera Vision Transformer Fusion

Authors:Xinhao Xiang, Jiawei Zhang

For 3D object detection, both camera and lidar have been demonstrated to be useful sensory devices for providing complementary information about the same scenery with data representations in different modalities, e.g., 2D RGB image vs 3D point cloud. An effective representation learning and fusion of such multi-modal sensor data is necessary and critical for better 3D object detection performance. To solve the problem, in this paper, we will introduce a novel vision transformer-based 3D object detection model, namely FusionViT. Different from the existing 3D object detection approaches, FusionViT is a pure-ViT based framework, which adopts a hierarchical architecture by extending the transformer model to embed both images and point clouds for effective representation learning. Such multi-modal data embedding representations will be further fused together via a fusion vision transformer model prior to feeding the learned features to the object detection head for both detection and localization of the 3D objects in the input scenery. To demonstrate the effectiveness of FusionViT, extensive experiments have been done on real-world traffic object detection benchmark datasets KITTI and Waymo Open. Notably, our FusionViT model can achieve state-of-the-art performance and outperforms not only the existing baseline methods that merely rely on camera images or lidar point clouds, but also the latest multi-modal image-point cloud deep fusion approaches.


Instruct Me More! Random Prompting for Visual In-Context Learning

Authors:Jiahao Zhang, Bowen Wang, Liangzhi Li, Yuta Nakashima, Hajime Nagahara

Large-scale models trained on extensive datasets, have emerged as the preferred approach due to their high generalizability across various tasks. In-context learning (ICL), a popular strategy in natural language processing, uses such models for different tasks by providing instructive prompts but without updating model parameters. This idea is now being explored in computer vision, where an input-output image pair (called an in-context pair) is supplied to the model with a query image as a prompt to exemplify the desired output. The efficacy of visual ICL often depends on the quality of the prompts. We thus introduce a method coined Instruct Me More (InMeMo), which augments in-context pairs with a learnable perturbation (prompt), to explore its potential. Our experiments on mainstream tasks reveal that InMeMo surpasses the current state-of-the-art performance. Specifically, compared to the baseline without learnable prompt, InMeMo boosts mIoU scores by 7.35 and 15.13 for foreground segmentation and single object detection tasks, respectively. Our findings suggest that InMeMo offers a versatile and efficient way to enhance the performance of visual ICL with lightweight training. Code is available at
PDF Accepted at WACV 2024


SBCFormer: Lightweight Network Capable of Full-size ImageNet Classification at 1 FPS on Single Board Computers

Authors:Xiangyong Lu, Masanori Suganuma, Takayuki Okatani

Computer vision has become increasingly prevalent in solving real-world problems across diverse domains, including smart agriculture, fishery, and livestock management. These applications may not require processing many image frames per second, leading practitioners to use single board computers (SBCs). Although many lightweight networks have been developed for mobile/edge devices, they primarily target smartphones with more powerful processors and not SBCs with the low-end CPUs. This paper introduces a CNN-ViT hybrid network called SBCFormer, which achieves high accuracy and fast computation on such low-end CPUs. The hardware constraints of these CPUs make the Transformer’s attention mechanism preferable to convolution. However, using attention on low-end CPUs presents a challenge: high-resolution internal feature maps demand excessive computational resources, but reducing their resolution results in the loss of local image details. SBCFormer introduces an architectural design to address this issue. As a result, SBCFormer achieves the highest trade-off between accuracy and speed on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with an ARM-Cortex A72 CPU. For the first time, it achieves an ImageNet-1K top-1 accuracy of around 80% at a speed of 1.0 frame/sec on the SBC. Code is available at
PDF 11 pages, 2 figures, WACV2024


Detecting Any Human-Object Interaction Relationship: Universal HOI Detector with Spatial Prompt Learning on Foundation Models

Authors:Yichao Cao, Qingfei Tang, Xiu Su, Chen Song, Shan You, Xiaobo Lu, Chang Xu

Human-object interaction (HOI) detection aims to comprehend the intricate relationships between humans and objects, predicting $$ triplets, and serving as the foundation for numerous computer vision tasks. The complexity and diversity of human-object interactions in the real world, however, pose significant challenges for both annotation and recognition, particularly in recognizing interactions within an open world context. This study explores the universal interaction recognition in an open-world setting through the use of Vision-Language (VL) foundation models and large language models (LLMs). The proposed method is dubbed as \emph{\textbf{UniHOI}}. We conduct a deep analysis of the three hierarchical features inherent in visual HOI detectors and propose a method for high-level relation extraction aimed at VL foundation models, which we call HO prompt-based learning. Our design includes an HO Prompt-guided Decoder (HOPD), facilitates the association of high-level relation representations in the foundation model with various HO pairs within the image. Furthermore, we utilize a LLM (\emph{i.e.} GPT) for interaction interpretation, generating a richer linguistic understanding for complex HOIs. For open-category interaction recognition, our method supports either of two input types: interaction phrase or interpretive sentence. Our efficient architecture design and learning methods effectively unleash the potential of the VL foundation models and LLMs, allowing UniHOI to surpass all existing methods with a substantial margin, under both supervised and zero-shot settings. The code and pre-trained weights are available at: \url{}.


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