I2I Translation

2023-11-09 更新

FocusTune: Tuning Visual Localization through Focus-Guided Sampling

Authors:Son Tung Nguyen, Alejandro Fontan, Michael Milford, Tobias Fischer

We propose FocusTune, a focus-guided sampling technique to improve the performance of visual localization algorithms. FocusTune directs a scene coordinate regression model towards regions critical for 3D point triangulation by exploiting key geometric constraints. Specifically, rather than uniformly sampling points across the image for training the scene coordinate regression model, we instead re-project 3D scene coordinates onto the 2D image plane and sample within a local neighborhood of the re-projected points. While our proposed sampling strategy is generally applicable, we showcase FocusTune by integrating it with the recently introduced Accelerated Coordinate Encoding (ACE) model. Our results demonstrate that FocusTune both improves or matches state-of-the-art performance whilst keeping ACE’s appealing low storage and compute requirements, for example reducing translation error from 25 to 19 and 17 to 15 cm for single and ensemble models, respectively, on the Cambridge Landmarks dataset. This combination of high performance and low compute and storage requirements is particularly promising for applications in areas like mobile robotics and augmented reality. We made our code available at \url{https://github.com/sontung/focus-tune}.


Can CLIP Help Sound Source Localization?

Authors:Sooyoung Park, Arda Senocak, Joon Son Chung

Large-scale pre-trained image-text models demonstrate remarkable versatility across diverse tasks, benefiting from their robust representational capabilities and effective multimodal alignment. We extend the application of these models, specifically CLIP, to the domain of sound source localization. Unlike conventional approaches, we employ the pre-trained CLIP model without explicit text input, relying solely on the audio-visual correspondence. To this end, we introduce a framework that translates audio signals into tokens compatible with CLIP’s text encoder, yielding audio-driven embeddings. By directly using these embeddings, our method generates audio-grounded masks for the provided audio, extracts audio-grounded image features from the highlighted regions, and aligns them with the audio-driven embeddings using the audio-visual correspondence objective. Our findings suggest that utilizing pre-trained image-text models enable our model to generate more complete and compact localization maps for the sounding objects. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by a significant margin.


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