2023-11-09 更新

Improving the Effectiveness of Deep Generative Data

Authors:Ruyu Wang, Sabrina Schmedding, Marco F. Huber

Recent deep generative models (DGMs) such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have shown their impressive ability in generating high-fidelity photorealistic images. Although looking appealing to human eyes, training a model on purely synthetic images for downstream image processing tasks like image classification often results in an undesired performance drop compared to training on real data. Previous works have demonstrated that enhancing a real dataset with synthetic images from DGMs can be beneficial. However, the improvements were subjected to certain circumstances and yet were not comparable to adding the same number of real images. In this work, we propose a new taxonomy to describe factors contributing to this commonly observed phenomenon and investigate it on the popular CIFAR-10 dataset. We hypothesize that the Content Gap accounts for a large portion of the performance drop when using synthetic images from DGM and propose strategies to better utilize them in downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets showcase that our method outperforms baselines on downstream classification tasks both in case of training on synthetic only (Synthetic-to-Real) and training on a mix of real and synthetic data (Data Augmentation), particularly in the data-scarce scenario.
PDF Accepted by WACV2024


Weakly-supervised deepfake localization in diffusion-generated images

Authors:Dragos Tantaru, Elisabeta Oneata, Dan Oneata

The remarkable generative capabilities of denoising diffusion models have raised new concerns regarding the authenticity of the images we see every day on the Internet. However, the vast majority of existing deepfake detection models are tested against previous generative approaches (e.g. GAN) and usually provide only a “fake” or “real” label per image. We believe a more informative output would be to augment the per-image label with a localization map indicating which regions of the input have been manipulated. To this end, we frame this task as a weakly-supervised localization problem and identify three main categories of methods (based on either explanations, local scores or attention), which we compare on an equal footing by using the Xception network as the common backbone architecture. We provide a careful analysis of all the main factors that parameterize the design space: choice of method, type of supervision, dataset and generator used in the creation of manipulated images; our study is enabled by constructing datasets in which only one of the components is varied. Our results show that weakly-supervised localization is attainable, with the best performing detection method (based on local scores) being less sensitive to the looser supervision than to the mismatch in terms of dataset or generator.
PDF Accepted at WACV’24


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