2023-11-09 更新

TiV-NeRF: Tracking and Mapping via Time-Varying Representation with Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Chengyao Duan, Zhiliu Yang

Previous attempts to integrate Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) into Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) framework either rely on the assumption of static scenes or treat dynamic objects as outliers. However, most of real-world scenarios is dynamic. In this paper, we propose a time-varying representation to track and reconstruct the dynamic scenes. Our system simultaneously maintains two processes, tracking process and mapping process. For tracking process, the entire input images are uniformly sampled and training of the RGB images are self-supervised. For mapping process, we leverage know masks to differentiate dynamic objects and static backgrounds, and we apply distinct sampling strategies for two types of areas. The parameters optimization for both processes are made up by two stages, the first stage associates time with 3D positions to convert the deformation field to the canonical field. And the second associates time with 3D positions in canonical field to obtain colors and Signed Distance Function (SDF). Besides, We propose a novel keyframe selection strategy based on the overlapping rate. We evaluate our approach on two publicly available synthetic datasets and validate that our method is more effective compared to current state-of-the-art dynamic mapping methods.


InstructPix2NeRF: Instructed 3D Portrait Editing from a Single Image

Authors:Jianhui Li, Shilong Liu, Zidong Liu, Yikai Wang, Kaiwen Zheng, Jinghui Xu, Jianmin Li, Jun Zhu

With the success of Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) in 3D-aware portrait editing, a variety of works have achieved promising results regarding both quality and 3D consistency. However, these methods heavily rely on per-prompt optimization when handling natural language as editing instructions. Due to the lack of labeled human face 3D datasets and effective architectures, the area of human-instructed 3D-aware editing for open-world portraits in an end-to-end manner remains under-explored. To solve this problem, we propose an end-to-end diffusion-based framework termed InstructPix2NeRF, which enables instructed 3D-aware portrait editing from a single open-world image with human instructions. At its core lies a conditional latent 3D diffusion process that lifts 2D editing to 3D space by learning the correlation between the paired images’ difference and the instructions via triplet data. With the help of our proposed token position randomization strategy, we could even achieve multi-semantic editing through one single pass with the portrait identity well-preserved. Besides, we further propose an identity consistency module that directly modulates the extracted identity signals into our diffusion process, which increases the multi-view 3D identity consistency. Extensive experiments verify the effectiveness of our method and show its superiority against strong baselines quantitatively and qualitatively.


Consistent4D: Consistent 360° Dynamic Object Generation from Monocular Video

Authors:Yanqin Jiang, Li Zhang, Jin Gao, Weimin Hu, Yao Yao

In this paper, we present Consistent4D, a novel approach for generating 4D dynamic objects from uncalibrated monocular videos. Uniquely, we cast the 360-degree dynamic object reconstruction as a 4D generation problem, eliminating the need for tedious multi-view data collection and camera calibration. This is achieved by leveraging the object-level 3D-aware image diffusion model as the primary supervision signal for training Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields (DyNeRF). Specifically, we propose a Cascade DyNeRF to facilitate stable convergence and temporal continuity under the supervision signal which is discrete along the time axis. To achieve spatial and temporal consistency, we further introduce an Interpolation-driven Consistency Loss. It is optimized by minimizing the discrepancy between rendered frames from DyNeRF and interpolated frames from a pre-trained video interpolation model. Extensive experiments show that our Consistent4D can perform competitively to prior art alternatives, opening up new possibilities for 4D dynamic object generation from monocular videos, whilst also demonstrating advantage for conventional text-to-3D generation tasks. Our project page is
PDF Technique report. Project page:


Long-Term Invariant Local Features via Implicit Cross-Domain Correspondences

Authors:Zador Pataki, Mohammad Altillawi, Menelaos Kanakis, Rémi Pautrat, Fengyi Shen, Ziyuan Liu, Luc Van Gool, Marc Pollefeys

Modern learning-based visual feature extraction networks perform well in intra-domain localization, however, their performance significantly declines when image pairs are captured across long-term visual domain variations, such as different seasonal and daytime variations. In this paper, our first contribution is a benchmark to investigate the performance impact of long-term variations on visual localization. We conduct a thorough analysis of the performance of current state-of-the-art feature extraction networks under various domain changes and find a significant performance gap between intra- and cross-domain localization. We investigate different methods to close this gap by improving the supervision of modern feature extractor networks. We propose a novel data-centric method, Implicit Cross-Domain Correspondences (iCDC). iCDC represents the same environment with multiple Neural Radiance Fields, each fitting the scene under individual visual domains. It utilizes the underlying 3D representations to generate accurate correspondences across different long-term visual conditions. Our proposed method enhances cross-domain localization performance, significantly reducing the performance gap. When evaluated on popular long-term localization benchmarks, our trained networks consistently outperform existing methods. This work serves as a substantial stride toward more robust visual localization pipelines for long-term deployments, and opens up research avenues in the development of long-term invariant descriptors.
PDF 14 pages + 5 pages appendix, 13 figures


High-fidelity 3D Reconstruction of Plants using Neural Radiance Field

Authors:Kewei Hu, Ying Wei, Yaoqiang Pan, Hanwen Kang, Chao Chen

Accurate reconstruction of plant phenotypes plays a key role in optimising sustainable farming practices in the field of Precision Agriculture (PA). Currently, optical sensor-based approaches dominate the field, but the need for high-fidelity 3D reconstruction of crops and plants in unstructured agricultural environments remains challenging. Recently, a promising development has emerged in the form of Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), a novel method that utilises neural density fields. This technique has shown impressive performance in various novel vision synthesis tasks, but has remained relatively unexplored in the agricultural context. In our study, we focus on two fundamental tasks within plant phenotyping: (1) the synthesis of 2D novel-view images and (2) the 3D reconstruction of crop and plant models. We explore the world of neural radiance fields, in particular two SOTA methods: Instant-NGP, which excels in generating high-quality images with impressive training and inference speed, and Instant-NSR, which improves the reconstructed geometry by incorporating the Signed Distance Function (SDF) during training. In particular, we present a novel plant phenotype dataset comprising real plant images from production environments. This dataset is a first-of-its-kind initiative aimed at comprehensively exploring the advantages and limitations of NeRF in agricultural contexts. Our experimental results show that NeRF demonstrates commendable performance in the synthesis of novel-view images and is able to achieve reconstruction results that are competitive with Reality Capture, a leading commercial software for 3D Multi-View Stereo (MVS)-based reconstruction. However, our study also highlights certain drawbacks of NeRF, including relatively slow training speeds, performance limitations in cases of insufficient sampling, and challenges in obtaining geometry quality in complex setups.


LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for Single Image to 3D

Authors:Yicong Hong, Kai Zhang, Jiuxiang Gu, Sai Bi, Yang Zhou, Difan Liu, Feng Liu, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Trung Bui, Hao Tan

We propose the first Large Reconstruction Model (LRM) that predicts the 3D model of an object from a single input image within just 5 seconds. In contrast to many previous methods that are trained on small-scale datasets such as ShapeNet in a category-specific fashion, LRM adopts a highly scalable transformer-based architecture with 500 million learnable parameters to directly predict a neural radiance field (NeRF) from the input image. We train our model in an end-to-end manner on massive multi-view data containing around 1 million objects, including both synthetic renderings from Objaverse and real captures from MVImgNet. This combination of a high-capacity model and large-scale training data empowers our model to be highly generalizable and produce high-quality 3D reconstructions from various testing inputs including real-world in-the-wild captures and images from generative models. Video demos and interactable 3D meshes can be found on this website:
PDF 23 pages


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