Diffusion Models

2023-11-09 更新

Patch-based Selection and Refinement for Early Object Detection

Authors:Tianyi Zhang, Kishore Kasichainula, Yaoxin Zhuo, Baoxin Li, Jae-Sun Seo, Yu Cao

Early object detection (OD) is a crucial task for the safety of many dynamic systems. Current OD algorithms have limited success for small objects at a long distance. To improve the accuracy and efficiency of such a task, we propose a novel set of algorithms that divide the image into patches, select patches with objects at various scales, elaborate the details of a small object, and detect it as early as possible. Our approach is built upon a transformer-based network and integrates the diffusion model to improve the detection accuracy. As demonstrated on BDD100K, our algorithms enhance the mAP for small objects from 1.03 to 8.93, and reduce the data volume in computation by more than 77\%. The source code is available at \href{https://github.com/destiny301/dpr}{https://github.com/destiny301/dpr}


Stable Diffusion Reference Only: Image Prompt and Blueprint Jointly Guided Multi-Condition Diffusion Model for Secondary Painting

Authors:Hao Ai, Lu Sheng

Stable Diffusion and ControlNet have achieved excellent results in the field of image generation and synthesis. However, due to the granularity and method of its control, the efficiency improvement is limited for professional artistic creations such as comics and animation production whose main work is secondary painting. In the current workflow, fixing characters and image styles often need lengthy text prompts, and even requires further training through TextualInversion, DreamBooth or other methods, which is very complicated and expensive for painters. Therefore, we present a new method in this paper, Stable Diffusion Reference Only, a images-to-image self-supervised model that uses only two types of conditional images for precise control generation to accelerate secondary painting. The first type of conditional image serves as an image prompt, supplying the necessary conceptual and color information for generation. The second type is blueprint image, which controls the visual structure of the generated image. It is natively embedded into the original UNet, eliminating the need for ControlNet. We released all the code for the module and pipeline, and trained a controllable character line art coloring model at https://github.com/aihao2000/stable-diffusion-reference-only, that achieved state-of-the-art results in this field. This verifies the effectiveness of the structure and greatly improves the production efficiency of animations, comics, and fanworks.


From Trojan Horses to Castle Walls: Unveiling Bilateral Backdoor Effects in Diffusion Models

Authors:Zhuoshi Pan, Yuguang Yao, Gaowen Liu, Bingquan Shen, H. Vicky Zhao, Ramana Rao Kompella, Sijia Liu

While state-of-the-art diffusion models (DMs) excel in image generation, concerns regarding their security persist. Earlier research highlighted DMs’ vulnerability to backdoor attacks, but these studies placed stricter requirements than conventional methods like ‘BadNets’ in image classification. This is because the former necessitates modifications to the diffusion sampling and training procedures. Unlike the prior work, we investigate whether generating backdoor attacks in DMs can be as simple as BadNets, i.e., by only contaminating the training dataset without tampering the original diffusion process. In this more realistic backdoor setting, we uncover bilateral backdoor effects that not only serve an adversarial purpose (compromising the functionality of DMs) but also offer a defensive advantage (which can be leveraged for backdoor defense). Specifically, we find that a BadNets-like backdoor attack remains effective in DMs for producing incorrect images (misaligned with the intended text conditions), and thereby yielding incorrect predictions when DMs are used as classifiers. Meanwhile, backdoored DMs exhibit an increased ratio of backdoor triggers, a phenomenon we refer to as `trigger amplification’, among the generated images. We show that this latter insight can be used to enhance the detection of backdoor-poisoned training data. Even under a low backdoor poisoning ratio, studying the backdoor effects of DMs is also valuable for designing anti-backdoor image classifiers. Last but not least, we establish a meaningful linkage between backdoor attacks and the phenomenon of data replications by exploring DMs’ inherent data memorization tendencies. The codes of our work are available at https://github.com/OPTML-Group/BiBadDiff.
PDF 10 pages, 6 figures, 7 tables


Consistent4D: Consistent 360° Dynamic Object Generation from Monocular Video

Authors:Yanqin Jiang, Li Zhang, Jin Gao, Weimin Hu, Yao Yao

In this paper, we present Consistent4D, a novel approach for generating 4D dynamic objects from uncalibrated monocular videos. Uniquely, we cast the 360-degree dynamic object reconstruction as a 4D generation problem, eliminating the need for tedious multi-view data collection and camera calibration. This is achieved by leveraging the object-level 3D-aware image diffusion model as the primary supervision signal for training Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields (DyNeRF). Specifically, we propose a Cascade DyNeRF to facilitate stable convergence and temporal continuity under the supervision signal which is discrete along the time axis. To achieve spatial and temporal consistency, we further introduce an Interpolation-driven Consistency Loss. It is optimized by minimizing the discrepancy between rendered frames from DyNeRF and interpolated frames from a pre-trained video interpolation model. Extensive experiments show that our Consistent4D can perform competitively to prior art alternatives, opening up new possibilities for 4D dynamic object generation from monocular videos, whilst also demonstrating advantage for conventional text-to-3D generation tasks. Our project page is https://consistent4d.github.io/.
PDF Technique report. Project page: https://consistent4d.github.io/


AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation And Editing

Authors:Yuxiang Tuo, Wangmeng Xiang, Jun-Yan He, Yifeng Geng, Xuansong Xie

Diffusion model based Text-to-Image has achieved impressive achievements recently. Although current technology for synthesizing images is highly advanced and capable of generating images with high fidelity, it is still possible to give the show away when focusing on the text area in the generated image. To address this issue, we introduce AnyText, a diffusion-based multilingual visual text generation and editing model, that focuses on rendering accurate and coherent text in the image. AnyText comprises a diffusion pipeline with two primary elements: an auxiliary latent module and a text embedding module. The former uses inputs like text glyph, position, and masked image to generate latent features for text generation or editing. The latter employs an OCR model for encoding stroke data as embeddings, which blend with image caption embeddings from the tokenizer to generate texts that seamlessly integrate with the background. We employed text-control diffusion loss and text perceptual loss for training to further enhance writing accuracy. AnyText can write characters in multiple languages, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to address multilingual visual text generation. It is worth mentioning that AnyText can be plugged into existing diffusion models from the community for rendering or editing text accurately. After conducting extensive evaluation experiments, our method has outperformed all other approaches by a significant margin. Additionally, we contribute the first large-scale multilingual text images dataset, AnyWord-3M, containing 3 million image-text pairs with OCR annotations in multiple languages. Based on AnyWord-3M dataset, we propose AnyText-benchmark for the evaluation of visual text generation accuracy and quality. Our project will be open-sourced on https://github.com/tyxsspa/AnyText to improve and promote the development of text generation technology.


LDM3D-VR: Latent Diffusion Model for 3D VR

Authors:Gabriela Ben Melech Stan, Diana Wofk, Estelle Aflalo, Shao-Yen Tseng, Zhipeng Cai, Michael Paulitsch, Vasudev Lal

Latent diffusion models have proven to be state-of-the-art in the creation and manipulation of visual outputs. However, as far as we know, the generation of depth maps jointly with RGB is still limited. We introduce LDM3D-VR, a suite of diffusion models targeting virtual reality development that includes LDM3D-pano and LDM3D-SR. These models enable the generation of panoramic RGBD based on textual prompts and the upscaling of low-resolution inputs to high-resolution RGBD, respectively. Our models are fine-tuned from existing pretrained models on datasets containing panoramic/high-resolution RGB images, depth maps and captions. Both models are evaluated in comparison to existing related methods.
PDF Accepted to Workshop on Diffusion Models, NeurIPS 2023


RobustMat: Neural Diffusion for Street Landmark Patch Matching under Challenging Environments

Authors:Rui She, Qiyu Kang, Sijie Wang, Yuan-Rui Yang, Kai Zhao, Yang Song, Wee Peng Tay

For autonomous vehicles (AVs), visual perception techniques based on sensors like cameras play crucial roles in information acquisition and processing. In various computer perception tasks for AVs, it may be helpful to match landmark patches taken by an onboard camera with other landmark patches captured at a different time or saved in a street scene image database. To perform matching under challenging driving environments caused by changing seasons, weather, and illumination, we utilize the spatial neighborhood information of each patch. We propose an approach, named RobustMat, which derives its robustness to perturbations from neural differential equations. A convolutional neural ODE diffusion module is used to learn the feature representation for the landmark patches. A graph neural PDE diffusion module then aggregates information from neighboring landmark patches in the street scene. Finally, feature similarity learning outputs the final matching score. Our approach is evaluated on several street scene datasets and demonstrated to achieve state-of-the-art matching results under environmental perturbations.


Improving the Effectiveness of Deep Generative Data

Authors:Ruyu Wang, Sabrina Schmedding, Marco F. Huber

Recent deep generative models (DGMs) such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have shown their impressive ability in generating high-fidelity photorealistic images. Although looking appealing to human eyes, training a model on purely synthetic images for downstream image processing tasks like image classification often results in an undesired performance drop compared to training on real data. Previous works have demonstrated that enhancing a real dataset with synthetic images from DGMs can be beneficial. However, the improvements were subjected to certain circumstances and yet were not comparable to adding the same number of real images. In this work, we propose a new taxonomy to describe factors contributing to this commonly observed phenomenon and investigate it on the popular CIFAR-10 dataset. We hypothesize that the Content Gap accounts for a large portion of the performance drop when using synthetic images from DGM and propose strategies to better utilize them in downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets showcase that our method outperforms baselines on downstream classification tasks both in case of training on synthetic only (Synthetic-to-Real) and training on a mix of real and synthetic data (Data Augmentation), particularly in the data-scarce scenario.
PDF Accepted by WACV2024


I2VGen-XL: High-Quality Image-to-Video Synthesis via Cascaded Diffusion Models

Authors:Shiwei Zhang, Jiayu Wang, Yingya Zhang, Kang Zhao, Hangjie Yuan, Zhiwu Qin, Xiang Wang, Deli Zhao, Jingren Zhou

Video synthesis has recently made remarkable strides benefiting from the rapid development of diffusion models. However, it still encounters challenges in terms of semantic accuracy, clarity and spatio-temporal continuity. They primarily arise from the scarcity of well-aligned text-video data and the complex inherent structure of videos, making it difficult for the model to simultaneously ensure semantic and qualitative excellence. In this report, we propose a cascaded I2VGen-XL approach that enhances model performance by decoupling these two factors and ensures the alignment of the input data by utilizing static images as a form of crucial guidance. I2VGen-XL consists of two stages: i) the base stage guarantees coherent semantics and preserves content from input images by using two hierarchical encoders, and ii) the refinement stage enhances the video’s details by incorporating an additional brief text and improves the resolution to 1280$\times$720. To improve the diversity, we collect around 35 million single-shot text-video pairs and 6 billion text-image pairs to optimize the model. By this means, I2VGen-XL can simultaneously enhance the semantic accuracy, continuity of details and clarity of generated videos. Through extensive experiments, we have investigated the underlying principles of I2VGen-XL and compared it with current top methods, which can demonstrate its effectiveness on diverse data. The source code and models will be publicly available at \url{https://i2vgen-xl.github.io}.
PDF Project page: https://i2vgen-xl.github.io


A Data Perspective on Enhanced Identity Preservation for Diffusion Personalization

Authors:Xingzhe He, Zhiwen Cao, Nicholas Kolkin, Lantao Yu, Helge Rhodin, Ratheesh Kalarot

Large text-to-image models have revolutionized the ability to generate imagery using natural language. However, particularly unique or personal visual concepts, such as your pet, an object in your house, etc., will not be captured by the original model. This has led to interest in how to inject new visual concepts, bound to a new text token, using as few as 4-6 examples. Despite significant progress, this task remains a formidable challenge, particularly in preserving the subject’s identity. While most researchers attempt to to address this issue by modifying model architectures, our approach takes a data-centric perspective, advocating the modification of data rather than the model itself. We introduce a novel regularization dataset generation strategy on both the text and image level; demonstrating the importance of a rich and structured regularization dataset (automatically generated) to prevent losing text coherence and better identity preservation. The better quality is enabled by allowing up to 5x more fine-tuning iterations without overfitting and degeneration. The generated renditions of the desired subject preserve even fine details such as text and logos; all while maintaining the ability to generate diverse samples that follow the input text prompt. Since our method focuses on data augmentation, rather than adjusting the model architecture, it is complementary and can be combined with prior work. We show on established benchmarks that our data-centric approach forms the new state of the art in terms of image quality, with the best trade-off between identity preservation, diversity, and text alignment.


3DiffTection: 3D Object Detection with Geometry-Aware Diffusion Features

Authors:Chenfeng Xu, Huan Ling, Sanja Fidler, Or Litany

We present 3DiffTection, a state-of-the-art method for 3D object detection from single images, leveraging features from a 3D-aware diffusion model. Annotating large-scale image data for 3D detection is resource-intensive and time-consuming. Recently, pretrained large image diffusion models have become prominent as effective feature extractors for 2D perception tasks. However, these features are initially trained on paired text and image data, which are not optimized for 3D tasks, and often exhibit a domain gap when applied to the target data. Our approach bridges these gaps through two specialized tuning strategies: geometric and semantic. For geometric tuning, we fine-tune a diffusion model to perform novel view synthesis conditioned on a single image, by introducing a novel epipolar warp operator. This task meets two essential criteria: the necessity for 3D awareness and reliance solely on posed image data, which are readily available (e.g., from videos) and does not require manual annotation. For semantic refinement, we further train the model on target data with detection supervision. Both tuning phases employ ControlNet to preserve the integrity of the original feature capabilities. In the final step, we harness these enhanced capabilities to conduct a test-time prediction ensemble across multiple virtual viewpoints. Through our methodology, we obtain 3D-aware features that are tailored for 3D detection and excel in identifying cross-view point correspondences. Consequently, our model emerges as a powerful 3D detector, substantially surpassing previous benchmarks, e.g., Cube-RCNN, a precedent in single-view 3D detection by 9.43\% in AP3D on the Omni3D-ARkitscene dataset. Furthermore, 3DiffTection showcases robust data efficiency and generalization to cross-domain data.
PDF Project page: \url{https://research.nvidia.com/labs/toronto-ai/3difftection/}


Weakly-supervised deepfake localization in diffusion-generated images

Authors:Dragos Tantaru, Elisabeta Oneata, Dan Oneata

The remarkable generative capabilities of denoising diffusion models have raised new concerns regarding the authenticity of the images we see every day on the Internet. However, the vast majority of existing deepfake detection models are tested against previous generative approaches (e.g. GAN) and usually provide only a “fake” or “real” label per image. We believe a more informative output would be to augment the per-image label with a localization map indicating which regions of the input have been manipulated. To this end, we frame this task as a weakly-supervised localization problem and identify three main categories of methods (based on either explanations, local scores or attention), which we compare on an equal footing by using the Xception network as the common backbone architecture. We provide a careful analysis of all the main factors that parameterize the design space: choice of method, type of supervision, dataset and generator used in the creation of manipulated images; our study is enabled by constructing datasets in which only one of the components is varied. Our results show that weakly-supervised localization is attainable, with the best performing detection method (based on local scores) being less sensitive to the looser supervision than to the mismatch in terms of dataset or generator.
PDF Accepted at WACV’24


Diff-HierVC: Diffusion-based Hierarchical Voice Conversion with Robust Pitch Generation and Masked Prior for Zero-shot Speaker Adaptation

Authors:Ha-Yeong Choi, Sang-Hoon Lee, Seong-Whan Lee

Although voice conversion (VC) systems have shown a remarkable ability to transfer voice style, existing methods still have an inaccurate pitch and low speaker adaptation quality. To address these challenges, we introduce Diff-HierVC, a hierarchical VC system based on two diffusion models. We first introduce DiffPitch, which can effectively generate F0 with the target voice style. Subsequently, the generated F0 is fed to DiffVoice to convert the speech with a target voice style. Furthermore, using the source-filter encoder, we disentangle the speech and use the converted Mel-spectrogram as a data-driven prior in DiffVoice to improve the voice style transfer capacity. Finally, by using the masked prior in diffusion models, our model can improve the speaker adaptation quality. Experimental results verify the superiority of our model in pitch generation and voice style transfer performance, and our model also achieves a CER of 0.83% and EER of 3.29% in zero-shot VC scenarios.


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