
2023-11-05 更新

Are LSTMs Good Few-Shot Learners?

Authors:Mike Huisman, Thomas M. Moerland, Aske Plaat, Jan N. van Rijn

Deep learning requires large amounts of data to learn new tasks well, limiting its applicability to domains where such data is available. Meta-learning overcomes this limitation by learning how to learn. In 2001, Hochreiter et al. showed that an LSTM trained with backpropagation across different tasks is capable of meta-learning. Despite promising results of this approach on small problems, and more recently, also on reinforcement learning problems, the approach has received little attention in the supervised few-shot learning setting. We revisit this approach and test it on modern few-shot learning benchmarks. We find that LSTM, surprisingly, outperform the popular meta-learning technique MAML on a simple few-shot sine wave regression benchmark, but that LSTM, expectedly, fall short on more complex few-shot image classification benchmarks. We identify two potential causes and propose a new method called Outer Product LSTM (OP-LSTM) that resolves these issues and displays substantial performance gains over the plain LSTM. Compared to popular meta-learning baselines, OP-LSTM yields competitive performance on within-domain few-shot image classification, and performs better in cross-domain settings by 0.5% to 1.9% in accuracy score. While these results alone do not set a new state-of-the-art, the advances of OP-LSTM are orthogonal to other advances in the field of meta-learning, yield new insights in how LSTM work in image classification, allowing for a whole range of new research directions. For reproducibility purposes, we publish all our research code publicly.
PDF Accepted at Machine Learning Journal, Special Issue of the ECML PKDD 2023 Journal Track


FD-Align: Feature Discrimination Alignment for Fine-tuning Pre-Trained Models in Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Kun Song, Huimin Ma, Bochao Zou, Huishuai Zhang, Weiran Huang

Due to the limited availability of data, existing few-shot learning methods trained from scratch fail to achieve satisfactory performance. In contrast, large-scale pre-trained models such as CLIP demonstrate remarkable few-shot and zero-shot capabilities. To enhance the performance of pre-trained models for downstream tasks, fine-tuning the model on downstream data is frequently necessary. However, fine-tuning the pre-trained model leads to a decrease in its generalizability in the presence of distribution shift, while the limited number of samples in few-shot learning makes the model highly susceptible to overfitting. Consequently, existing methods for fine-tuning few-shot learning primarily focus on fine-tuning the model’s classification head or introducing additional structure. In this paper, we introduce a fine-tuning approach termed Feature Discrimination Alignment (FD-Align). Our method aims to bolster the model’s generalizability by preserving the consistency of spurious features across the fine-tuning process. Extensive experimental results validate the efficacy of our approach for both ID and OOD tasks. Once fine-tuned, the model can seamlessly integrate with existing methods, leading to performance improvements. Our code can be found in https://github.com/skingorz/FD-Align.
PDF Accepted by NeurIPS 2023


RAPL: A Relation-Aware Prototype Learning Approach for Few-Shot Document-Level Relation Extraction

Authors:Shiao Meng, Xuming Hu, Aiwei Liu, Shu’ang Li, Fukun Ma, Yawen Yang, Lijie Wen

How to identify semantic relations among entities in a document when only a few labeled documents are available? Few-shot document-level relation extraction (FSDLRE) is crucial for addressing the pervasive data scarcity problem in real-world scenarios. Metric-based meta-learning is an effective framework widely adopted for FSDLRE, which constructs class prototypes for classification. However, existing works often struggle to obtain class prototypes with accurate relational semantics: 1) To build prototype for a target relation type, they aggregate the representations of all entity pairs holding that relation, while these entity pairs may also hold other relations, thus disturbing the prototype. 2) They use a set of generic NOTA (none-of-the-above) prototypes across all tasks, neglecting that the NOTA semantics differs in tasks with different target relation types. In this paper, we propose a relation-aware prototype learning method for FSDLRE to strengthen the relational semantics of prototype representations. By judiciously leveraging the relation descriptions and realistic NOTA instances as guidance, our method effectively refines the relation prototypes and generates task-specific NOTA prototypes. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches by average 2.61% $F_1$ across various settings of two FSDLRE benchmarks.
PDF Accepted to EMNLP 2023


Improving Few-shot Generalization of Safety Classifiers via Data Augmented Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning

Authors:Ananth Balashankar, Xiao Ma, Aradhana Sinha, Ahmad Beirami, Yao Qin, Jilin Chen, Alex Beutel

As large language models (LLMs) are widely adopted, new safety issues and policies emerge, to which existing safety classifiers do not generalize well. If we have only observed a few examples of violations of a new safety rule, how can we build a classifier to detect violations? In this paper, we study the novel setting of domain-generalized few-shot learning for LLM-based text safety classifiers. Unlike prior few-shot work, these new safety issues can be hard to uncover and we do not get to choose the few examples. We demonstrate that existing few-shot techniques do not perform well in this setting, and rather we propose to do parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) combined with augmenting training data based on similar examples in prior existing rules. We empirically show that our approach of similarity-based data-augmentation + prompt-tuning (DAPT) consistently outperforms baselines that either do not rely on data augmentation or on PEFT by 7-17% F1 score in the Social Chemistry moral judgement and 9-13% AUC in the Toxicity detection tasks, even when the new rule is loosely correlated with existing ones.


ExPT: Synthetic Pretraining for Few-Shot Experimental Design

Authors:Tung Nguyen, Sudhanshu Agrawal, Aditya Grover

Experimental design is a fundamental problem in many science and engineering fields. In this problem, sample efficiency is crucial due to the time, money, and safety costs of real-world design evaluations. Existing approaches either rely on active data collection or access to large, labeled datasets of past experiments, making them impractical in many real-world scenarios. In this work, we address the more challenging yet realistic setting of few-shot experimental design, where only a few labeled data points of input designs and their corresponding values are available. We approach this problem as a conditional generation task, where a model conditions on a few labeled examples and the desired output to generate an optimal input design. To this end, we introduce Experiment Pretrained Transformers (ExPT), a foundation model for few-shot experimental design that employs a novel combination of synthetic pretraining with in-context learning. In ExPT, we only assume knowledge of a finite collection of unlabelled data points from the input domain and pretrain a transformer neural network to optimize diverse synthetic functions defined over this domain. Unsupervised pretraining allows ExPT to adapt to any design task at test time in an in-context fashion by conditioning on a few labeled data points from the target task and generating the candidate optima. We evaluate ExPT on few-shot experimental design in challenging domains and demonstrate its superior generality and performance compared to existing methods. The source code is available at https://github.com/tung-nd/ExPT.git.
PDF 2023 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)


Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation for Transductive Few-Shot Learning

Authors:Michalis Lazarou, Yannis Avrithis, Guangyu Ren, Tania Stathaki

Few-shot learning addresses the issue of classifying images using limited labeled data. Exploiting unlabeled data through the use of transductive inference methods such as label propagation has been shown to improve the performance of few-shot learning significantly. Label propagation infers pseudo-labels for unlabeled data by utilizing a constructed graph that exploits the underlying manifold structure of the data. However, a limitation of the existing label propagation approaches is that the positions of all data points are fixed and might be sub-optimal so that the algorithm is not as effective as possible. In this work, we propose a novel algorithm that adapts the feature embeddings of the labeled data by minimizing a differentiable loss function optimizing their positions in the manifold in the process. Our novel algorithm, Adaptive Anchor Label Propagation}, outperforms the standard label propagation algorithm by as much as 7% and 2% in the 1-shot and 5-shot settings respectively. We provide experimental results highlighting the merits of our algorithm on four widely used few-shot benchmark datasets, namely miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, CUB and CIFAR-FS and two commonly used backbones, ResNet12 and WideResNet-28-10. The source code can be found at https://github.com/MichalisLazarou/A2LP.
PDF published in ICIP 2023


Improving Prompt Tuning with Learned Prompting Layers

Authors:Wei Zhu, Ming Tan

Prompt tuning prepends a soft prompt to the input embeddings or hidden states and only optimizes the prompt to adapt pretrained models (PTMs) to downstream tasks. The previous work manually selects prompt layers which are far from optimal and failed to exploit the potential of prompt tuning. In this work, we propose a novel framework, \underline{S}elective \underline{P}rompt \underline{T}uning (SPT), that learns to select the proper prompt layers by inserting a prompt controlled by a learnable probabilistic gate at each intermediate layer. We further propose a novel bi-level optimization framework, SPT-DARTS, that can better optimize the learnable gates and improve the final prompt tuning performances of the learned prompt layer settings. We conduct extensive experiments with ten benchmark datasets under the full-data and few-shot scenarios. The results demonstrate that our SPT framework can perform better than the previous state-of-the-art PETuning baselines with comparable or fewer tunable parameters.
PDF Accepted by EMNLP-2023


Breaking Language Barriers in Multilingual Mathematical Reasoning: Insights and Observations

Authors:Nuo Chen, Zinan Zheng, Ning Wu, Linjun Shou, Ming Gong, Yangqiu Song, Dongmei Zhang, Jia Li

Existing research predominantly focuses on developing powerful language learning models (LLMs) for mathematical reasoning within monolingual languages, with few explorations in preserving efficacy in a multilingual context. To bridge this gap, this paper pioneers exploring and training powerful Multilingual Math Reasoning (xMR) LLMs. Firstly, by utilizing translation, we construct the first multilingual math reasoning instruction dataset, MGSM8KInstruct, encompassing ten distinct languages, thus addressing the issue of training data scarcity in xMR tasks. Based on the collected dataset, we propose different training strategies to build powerful xMR LLMs, named MathOctopus, notably outperform conventional open-source LLMs and exhibit superiority over ChatGPT in few-shot scenarios. Notably, MathOctopus-13B reaches 47.6% accuracy which exceeds ChatGPT 46.3% on MGSM testset. Beyond remarkable results, we unearth several pivotal observations and insights from extensive experiments: (1) When extending the rejection sampling strategy to the multilingual context, it proves effective for model performances, albeit limited. (2) Employing parallel corpora for math Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) across multiple languages not only significantly enhances model performance multilingually but also elevates their monolingual performance. This indicates that crafting multilingual corpora can be regarded as a vital strategy for enhancing model performance in a specific language, especially in mathematical reasoning tasks. For instance, MathOctopus-7B improves its counterparts that trained on English from 42.2% to 50.8% on GSM8K testset.
PDF Work in Progress


Constructing Sample-to-Class Graph for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning

Authors:Fuyuan Hu, Jian Zhang, Fan Lyu, Linyan Li, Fenglei Xu

Few-shot class-incremental learning (FSCIL) aims to build machine learning model that can continually learn new concepts from a few data samples, without forgetting knowledge of old classes. The challenges of FSCIL lies in the limited data of new classes, which not only lead to significant overfitting issues but also exacerbates the notorious catastrophic forgetting problems. As proved in early studies, building sample relationships is beneficial for learning from few-shot samples. In this paper, we promote the idea to the incremental scenario, and propose a Sample-to-Class (S2C) graph learning method for FSCIL. Specifically, we propose a Sample-level Graph Network (SGN) that focuses on analyzing sample relationships within a single session. This network helps aggregate similar samples, ultimately leading to the extraction of more refined class-level features. Then, we present a Class-level Graph Network (CGN) that establishes connections across class-level features of both new and old classes. This network plays a crucial role in linking the knowledge between different sessions and helps improve overall learning in the FSCIL scenario. Moreover, we design a multi-stage strategy for training S2C model, which mitigates the training challenges posed by limited data in the incremental process. The multi-stage training strategy is designed to build S2C graph from base to few-shot stages, and improve the capacity via an extra pseudo-incremental stage. Experiments on three popular benchmark datasets show that our method clearly outperforms the baselines and sets new state-of-the-art results in FSCIL.


Unleashing the Power of Pre-trained Language Models for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors:Ruizhe Shi, Yuyao Liu, Yanjie Ze, Simon S. Du, Huazhe Xu

Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to find a near-optimal policy using pre-collected datasets. In real-world scenarios, data collection could be costly and risky; therefore, offline RL becomes particularly challenging when the in-domain data is limited. Given recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) and their few-shot learning prowess, this paper introduces $\textbf{La}$nguage Models for $\textbf{Mo}$tion Control ($\textbf{LaMo}$), a general framework based on Decision Transformers to effectively use pre-trained Language Models (LMs) for offline RL. Our framework highlights four crucial components: (1) Initializing Decision Transformers with sequentially pre-trained LMs, (2) employing the LoRA fine-tuning method, in contrast to full-weight fine-tuning, to combine the pre-trained knowledge from LMs and in-domain knowledge effectively, (3) using the non-linear MLP transformation instead of linear projections, to generate embeddings, and (4) integrating an auxiliary language prediction loss during fine-tuning to stabilize the LMs and retain their original abilities on languages. Empirical results indicate $\textbf{LaMo}$ achieves state-of-the-art performance in sparse-reward tasks and closes the gap between value-based offline RL methods and decision transformers in dense-reward tasks. In particular, our method demonstrates superior performance in scenarios with limited data samples. Our project website is https://lamo2023.github.io
PDF 19 pages, 9 tables


Re-Scoring Using Image-Language Similarity for Few-Shot Object Detection

Authors:Min Jae Jung, Seung Dae Han, Joohee Kim

Few-shot object detection, which focuses on detecting novel objects with few labels, is an emerging challenge in the community. Recent studies show that adapting a pre-trained model or modified loss function can improve performance. In this paper, we explore leveraging the power of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) and hard negative classification loss in low data setting. Specifically, we propose Re-scoring using Image-language Similarity for Few-shot object detection (RISF) which extends Faster R-CNN by introducing Calibration Module using CLIP (CM-CLIP) and Background Negative Re-scale Loss (BNRL). The former adapts CLIP, which performs zero-shot classification, to re-score the classification scores of a detector using image-class similarities, the latter is modified classification loss considering the punishment for fake backgrounds as well as confusing categories on a generalized few-shot object detection dataset. Extensive experiments on MS-COCO and PASCAL VOC show that the proposed RISF substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches. The code will be available.
PDF 19 pages, 11 figures


De-Diffusion Makes Text a Strong Cross-Modal Interface

Authors:Chen Wei, Chenxi Liu, Siyuan Qiao, Zhishuai Zhang, Alan Yuille, Jiahui Yu

We demonstrate text as a strong cross-modal interface. Rather than relying on deep embeddings to connect image and language as the interface representation, our approach represents an image as text, from which we enjoy the interpretability and flexibility inherent to natural language. We employ an autoencoder that uses a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model for decoding. The encoder is trained to transform an input image into text, which is then fed into the fixed text-to-image diffusion decoder to reconstruct the original input — a process we term De-Diffusion. Experiments validate both the precision and comprehensiveness of De-Diffusion text representing images, such that it can be readily ingested by off-the-shelf text-to-image tools and LLMs for diverse multi-modal tasks. For example, a single De-Diffusion model can generalize to provide transferable prompts for different text-to-image tools, and also achieves a new state of the art on open-ended vision-language tasks by simply prompting large language models with few-shot examples.
PDF Technical report. Project page: https://dediffusion.github.io


Calibrated Seq2seq Models for Efficient and Generalizable Ultra-fine Entity Typing

Authors:Yanlin Feng, Adithya Pratapa, David R Mortensen

Ultra-fine entity typing plays a crucial role in information extraction by predicting fine-grained semantic types for entity mentions in text. However, this task poses significant challenges due to the massive number of entity types in the output space. The current state-of-the-art approaches, based on standard multi-label classifiers or cross-encoder models, suffer from poor generalization performance or inefficient inference. In this paper, we present CASENT, a seq2seq model designed for ultra-fine entity typing that predicts ultra-fine types with calibrated confidence scores. Our model takes an entity mention as input and employs constrained beam search to generate multiple types autoregressively. The raw sequence probabilities associated with the predicted types are then transformed into confidence scores using a novel calibration method. We conduct extensive experiments on the UFET dataset which contains over 10k types. Our method outperforms the previous state-of-the-art in terms of F1 score and calibration error, while achieving an inference speedup of over 50 times. Additionally, we demonstrate the generalization capabilities of our model by evaluating it in zero-shot and few-shot settings on five specialized domain entity typing datasets that are unseen during training. Remarkably, our model outperforms large language models with 10 times more parameters in the zero-shot setting, and when fine-tuned on 50 examples, it significantly outperforms ChatGPT on all datasets. Our code, models and demo are available at https://github.com/yanlinf/CASENT.


Learning to Adapt CLIP for Few-Shot Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors:Xueting Hu, Ce Zhang, Yi Zhang, Bowen Hai, Ke Yu, Zhihai He

Pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs), such as CLIP, have shown enhanced performance across a range of tasks that involve the integration of visual and linguistic modalities. When CLIP is used for depth estimation tasks, the patches, divided from the input images, can be combined with a series of semantic descriptions of the depth information to obtain similarity results. The coarse estimation of depth is then achieved by weighting and summing the depth values, called depth bins, corresponding to the predefined semantic descriptions. The zero-shot approach circumvents the computational and time-intensive nature of traditional fully-supervised depth estimation methods. However, this method, utilizing fixed depth bins, may not effectively generalize as images from different scenes may exhibit distinct depth distributions. To address this challenge, we propose a few-shot-based method which learns to adapt the VLMs for monocular depth estimation to balance training costs and generalization capabilities. Specifically, it assigns different depth bins for different scenes, which can be selected by the model during inference. Additionally, we incorporate learnable prompts to preprocess the input text to convert the easily human-understood text into easily model-understood vectors and further enhance the performance. With only one image per scene for training, our extensive experiment results on the NYU V2 and KITTI dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms the previous state-of-the-art method by up to 10.6\% in terms of MARE.
PDF Accepted by WACV 2024


A Survey of Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving

Authors:Zhenjie Yang, Xiaosong Jia, Hongyang Li, Junchi Yan

Autonomous driving technology, a catalyst for revolutionizing transportation and urban mobility, has the tend to transition from rule-based systems to data-driven strategies. Traditional module-based systems are constrained by cumulative errors among cascaded modules and inflexible pre-set rules. In contrast, end-to-end autonomous driving systems have the potential to avoid error accumulation due to their fully data-driven training process, although they often lack transparency due to their ``black box” nature, complicating the validation and traceability of decisions. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated abilities including understanding context, logical reasoning, and generating answers. A natural thought is to utilize these abilities to empower autonomous driving. By combining LLM with foundation vision models, it could open the door to open-world understanding, reasoning, and few-shot learning, which current autonomous driving systems are lacking. In this paper, we systematically review a research line about \textit{Large Language Models for Autonomous Driving (LLM4AD)}. This study evaluates the current state of technological advancements, distinctly outlining the principal challenges and prospective directions for the field. For the convenience of researchers in academia and industry, we provide real-time updates on the latest advances in the field as well as relevant open-source resources via the designated link: https://github.com/Thinklab-SJTU/Awesome-LLM4AD.
PDF GitHub Repo: https://github.com/Thinklab-SJTU/Awesome-LLM4AD


Multi-view Relation Learning for Cross-domain Few-shot Hyperspectral Image Classification

Authors:Chun Liu, Longwei Yang, Zheng Li, Wei Yang, Zhigang Han, Jianzhong Guo, Junyong Yu

Cross-domain few-shot hyperspectral image classification focuses on learning prior knowledge from a large number of labeled samples from source domain and then transferring the knowledge to the tasks which contain only few labeled samples in target domains. Following the metric-based manner, many current methods first extract the features of the query and support samples, and then directly predict the classes of query samples according to their distance to the support samples or prototypes. The relations between samples have not been fully explored and utilized. Different from current works, this paper proposes to learn sample relations from different views and take them into the model learning process, to improve the cross-domain few-shot hyperspectral image classification. Building on current DCFSL method which adopts a domain discriminator to deal with domain-level distribution difference, the proposed method applys contrastive learning to learn the class-level sample relations to obtain more discriminable sample features. In addition, it adopts a transformer based cross-attention learning module to learn the set-level sample relations and acquire the attentions from query samples to support samples. Our experimental results have demonstrated the contribution of the multi-view relation learning mechanism for few-shot hyperspectral image classification when compared with the state of the art methods.


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