
2023-11-05 更新

Understanding and Improving Adversarial Attacks on Latent Diffusion Model

Authors:Boyang Zheng, Chumeng Liang, Xiaoyu Wu, Yan Liu

Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) has emerged as a leading tool in image generation, particularly with its capability in few-shot generation. This capability also presents risks, notably in unauthorized artwork replication and misinformation generation. In response, adversarial attacks have been designed to safeguard personal images from being used as reference data. However, existing adversarial attacks are predominantly empirical, lacking a solid theoretical foundation. In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding adversarial attacks on LDM. Based on the framework, we propose a novel adversarial attack that exploits a unified target to guide the adversarial attack both in the forward and the reverse process of LDM. We provide empirical evidences that our method overcomes the offset problem of the optimization of adversarial attacks in existing methods. Through rigorous experiments, our findings demonstrate that our method outperforms current attacks and is able to generalize over different state-of-the-art few-shot generation pipelines based on LDM. Our method can serve as a stronger and efficient tool for people exposed to the risk of data privacy and security to protect themselves in the new era of powerful generative models. The code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/CaradryanLiang/ImprovedAdvDM.git.


AFLOW: Developing Adversarial Examples under Extremely Noise-limited Settings

Authors:Renyang Liu, Jinhong Zhang, Haoran Li, Jin Zhang, Yuanyu Wang, Wei Zhou

Extensive studies have demonstrated that deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Despite the significant progress in the attack success rate that has been made recently, the adversarial noise generated by most of the existing attack methods is still too conspicuous to the human eyes and proved to be easily detected by defense mechanisms. Resulting that these malicious examples cannot contribute to exploring the vulnerabilities of existing DNNs sufficiently. Thus, to better reveal the defects of DNNs and further help enhance their robustness under noise-limited situations, a new inconspicuous adversarial examples generation method is exactly needed to be proposed. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel Normalize Flow-based end-to-end attack framework, called AFLOW, to synthesize imperceptible adversarial examples under strict constraints. Specifically, rather than the noise-adding manner, AFLOW directly perturbs the hidden representation of the corresponding image to craft the desired adversarial examples. Compared with existing methods, extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show that the adversarial examples built by AFLOW exhibit superiority in imperceptibility, image quality and attack capability. Even on robust models, AFLOW can still achieve higher attack results than previous methods.


WaveAttack: Asymmetric Frequency Obfuscation-based Backdoor Attacks Against Deep Neural Networks

Authors:Jun Xia, Zhihao Yue, Yingbo Zhou, Zhiwei Ling, Xian Wei, Mingsong Chen

Due to the popularity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, numerous backdoor attacks are designed by adversaries to mislead deep neural network predictions by manipulating training samples and training processes. Although backdoor attacks are effective in various real scenarios, they still suffer from the problems of both low fidelity of poisoned samples and non-negligible transfer in latent space, which make them easily detectable by existing backdoor detection algorithms. To overcome the weakness, this paper proposes a novel frequency-based backdoor attack method named WaveAttack, which obtains image high-frequency features through Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) to generate backdoor triggers. Furthermore, we introduce an asymmetric frequency obfuscation method, which can add an adaptive residual in the training and inference stage to improve the impact of triggers and further enhance the effectiveness of WaveAttack. Comprehensive experimental results show that WaveAttack not only achieves higher stealthiness and effectiveness, but also outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) backdoor attack methods in the fidelity of images by up to 28.27\% improvement in PSNR, 1.61\% improvement in SSIM, and 70.59\% reduction in IS.


IRAD: Implicit Representation-driven Image Resampling against Adversarial Attacks

Authors:Yue Cao, Tianlin Li, Xiaofeng Cao, Ivor Tsang, Yang Liu, Qing Guo

We introduce a novel approach to counter adversarial attacks, namely, image resampling. Image resampling transforms a discrete image into a new one, simulating the process of scene recapturing or rerendering as specified by a geometrical transformation. The underlying rationale behind our idea is that image resampling can alleviate the influence of adversarial perturbations while preserving essential semantic information, thereby conferring an inherent advantage in defending against adversarial attacks. To validate this concept, we present a comprehensive study on leveraging image resampling to defend against adversarial attacks. We have developed basic resampling methods that employ interpolation strategies and coordinate shifting magnitudes. Our analysis reveals that these basic methods can partially mitigate adversarial attacks. However, they come with apparent limitations: the accuracy of clean images noticeably decreases, while the improvement in accuracy on adversarial examples is not substantial. We propose implicit representation-driven image resampling (IRAD) to overcome these limitations. First, we construct an implicit continuous representation that enables us to represent any input image within a continuous coordinate space. Second, we introduce SampleNet, which automatically generates pixel-wise shifts for resampling in response to different inputs. Furthermore, we can extend our approach to the state-of-the-art diffusion-based method, accelerating it with fewer time steps while preserving its defense capability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly enhances the adversarial robustness of diverse deep models against various attacks while maintaining high accuracy on clean images.


Exploring Decision-based Black-box Attacks on Face Forgery Detection

Authors:Zhaoyu Chen, Bo Li, Kaixun Jiang, Shuang Wu, Shouhong Ding, Wenqiang Zhang

Face forgery generation technologies generate vivid faces, which have raised public concerns about security and privacy. Many intelligent systems, such as electronic payment and identity verification, rely on face forgery detection. Although face forgery detection has successfully distinguished fake faces, recent studies have demonstrated that face forgery detectors are very vulnerable to adversarial examples. Meanwhile, existing attacks rely on network architectures or training datasets instead of the predicted labels, which leads to a gap in attacking deployed applications. To narrow this gap, we first explore the decision-based attacks on face forgery detection. However, applying existing decision-based attacks directly suffers from perturbation initialization failure and low image quality. First, we propose cross-task perturbation to handle initialization failures by utilizing the high correlation of face features on different tasks. Then, inspired by using frequency cues by face forgery detection, we propose the frequency decision-based attack. We add perturbations in the frequency domain and then constrain the visual quality in the spatial domain. Finally, extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art attack performance on FaceForensics++, CelebDF, and industrial APIs, with high query efficiency and guaranteed image quality. Further, the fake faces by our method can pass face forgery detection and face recognition, which exposes the security problems of face forgery detectors.


Tailoring Adversarial Attacks on Deep Neural Networks for Targeted Class Manipulation Using DeepFool Algorithm

Authors:S. M. Fazle Rabby Labib, Joyanta Jyoti Mondal, Meem Arafat Manab

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have significantly advanced various domains, but their vulnerability to adversarial attacks poses serious concerns. Understanding these vulnerabilities and developing effective defense mechanisms is crucial. DeepFool, an algorithm proposed by Moosavi-Dezfooli et al. (2016), finds minimal perturbations to misclassify input images. However, DeepFool lacks a targeted approach, making it less effective in specific attack scenarios. Also, in previous related works, researchers primarily focus on success, not considering how much an image is getting distorted; the integrity of the image quality, and the confidence level to misclassifying. So, in this paper, we propose Targeted DeepFool, an augmented version of DeepFool that allows targeting specific classes for misclassification. We also introduce a minimum confidence score requirement hyperparameter to enhance flexibility. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method across different deep neural network architectures while preserving image integrity as much as possible. Results show that one of the deep convolutional neural network architectures, AlexNet, and one of the state-of-the-art model Vision Transformer exhibit high robustness to getting fooled. Our code will be made public when publishing the paper.
PDF 8 pages, 3 figures


Uncertainty-weighted Loss Functions for Improved Adversarial Attacks on Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Kira Maag, Asja Fischer

State-of-the-art deep neural networks have been shown to be extremely powerful in a variety of perceptual tasks like semantic segmentation. However, these networks are vulnerable to adversarial perturbations of the input which are imperceptible for humans but lead to incorrect predictions. Treating image segmentation as a sum of pixel-wise classifications, adversarial attacks developed for classification models were shown to be applicable to segmentation models as well. In this work, we present simple uncertainty-based weighting schemes for the loss functions of such attacks that (i) put higher weights on pixel classifications which can more easily perturbed and (ii) zero-out the pixel-wise losses corresponding to those pixels that are already confidently misclassified. The weighting schemes can be easily integrated into the loss function of a range of well-known adversarial attackers with minimal additional computational overhead, but lead to significant improved perturbation performance, as we demonstrate in our empirical analysis on several datasets and models.


Boosting Decision-Based Black-Box Adversarial Attack with Gradient Priors

Authors:Han Liu, Xingshuo Huang, Xiaotong Zhang, Qimai Li, Fenglong Ma, Wei Wang, Hongyang Chen, Hong Yu, Xianchao Zhang

Decision-based methods have shown to be effective in black-box adversarial attacks, as they can obtain satisfactory performance and only require to access the final model prediction. Gradient estimation is a critical step in black-box adversarial attacks, as it will directly affect the query efficiency. Recent works have attempted to utilize gradient priors to facilitate score-based methods to obtain better results. However, these gradient priors still suffer from the edge gradient discrepancy issue and the successive iteration gradient direction issue, thus are difficult to simply extend to decision-based methods. In this paper, we propose a novel Decision-based Black-box Attack framework with Gradient Priors (DBA-GP), which seamlessly integrates the data-dependent gradient prior and time-dependent prior into the gradient estimation procedure. First, by leveraging the joint bilateral filter to deal with each random perturbation, DBA-GP can guarantee that the generated perturbations in edge locations are hardly smoothed, i.e., alleviating the edge gradient discrepancy, thus remaining the characteristics of the original image as much as possible. Second, by utilizing a new gradient updating strategy to automatically adjust the successive iteration gradient direction, DBA-GP can accelerate the convergence speed, thus improving the query efficiency. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed method outperforms other strong baselines significantly.
PDF Accepted by IJCAI 2023


LFAA: Crafting Transferable Targeted Adversarial Examples with Low-Frequency Perturbations

Authors:Kunyu Wang, Juluan Shi, Wenxuan Wang

Deep neural networks are susceptible to adversarial attacks, which pose a significant threat to their security and reliability in real-world applications. The most notable adversarial attacks are transfer-based attacks, where an adversary crafts an adversarial example to fool one model, which can also fool other models. While previous research has made progress in improving the transferability of untargeted adversarial examples, the generation of targeted adversarial examples that can transfer between models remains a challenging task. In this work, we present a novel approach to generate transferable targeted adversarial examples by exploiting the vulnerability of deep neural networks to perturbations on high-frequency components of images. We observe that replacing the high-frequency component of an image with that of another image can mislead deep models, motivating us to craft perturbations containing high-frequency information to achieve targeted attacks. To this end, we propose a method called Low-Frequency Adversarial Attack (\name), which trains a conditional generator to generate targeted adversarial perturbations that are then added to the low-frequency component of the image. Extensive experiments on ImageNet demonstrate that our proposed approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods, improving targeted attack success rates by a margin from 3.2\% to 15.5\%.


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