
2023-10-05 更新

FLIP: Cross-domain Face Anti-spoofing with Language Guidance

Authors:Koushik Srivatsan, Muzammal Naseer, Karthik Nandakumar

Face anti-spoofing (FAS) or presentation attack detection is an essential component of face recognition systems deployed in security-critical applications. Existing FAS methods have poor generalizability to unseen spoof types, camera sensors, and environmental conditions. Recently, vision transformer (ViT) models have been shown to be effective for the FAS task due to their ability to capture long-range dependencies among image patches. However, adaptive modules or auxiliary loss functions are often required to adapt pre-trained ViT weights learned on large-scale datasets such as ImageNet. In this work, we first show that initializing ViTs with multimodal (e.g., CLIP) pre-trained weights improves generalizability for the FAS task, which is in line with the zero-shot transfer capabilities of vision-language pre-trained (VLP) models. We then propose a novel approach for robust cross-domain FAS by grounding visual representations with the help of natural language. Specifically, we show that aligning the image representation with an ensemble of class descriptions (based on natural language semantics) improves FAS generalizability in low-data regimes. Finally, we propose a multimodal contrastive learning strategy to boost feature generalization further and bridge the gap between source and target domains. Extensive experiments on three standard protocols demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, achieving better zero-shot transfer performance than five-shot transfer of adaptive ViTs. Code:
PDF Accepted to ICCV-2023. Project Page:


IFAST: Weakly Supervised Interpretable Face Anti-spoofing from Single-shot Binocular NIR Images

Authors:Jiancheng Huang, Donghao Zhou, Shifeng Chen

Single-shot face anti-spoofing (FAS) is a key technique for securing face recognition systems, and it requires only static images as input. However, single-shot FAS remains a challenging and under-explored problem due to two main reasons: 1) on the data side, learning FAS from RGB images is largely context-dependent, and single-shot images without additional annotations contain limited semantic information. 2) on the model side, existing single-shot FAS models are infeasible to provide proper evidence for their decisions, and FAS methods based on depth estimation require expensive per-pixel annotations. To address these issues, a large binocular NIR image dataset (BNI-FAS) is constructed and published, which contains more than 300,000 real face and plane attack images, and an Interpretable FAS Transformer (IFAST) is proposed that requires only weak supervision to produce interpretable predictions. Our IFAST can produce pixel-wise disparity maps by the proposed disparity estimation Transformer with Dynamic Matching Attention (DMA) block. Besides, a well-designed confidence map generator is adopted to cooperate with the proposed dual-teacher distillation module to obtain the final discriminant results. The comprehensive experiments show that our IFAST can achieve state-of-the-art results on BNI-FAS, proving the effectiveness of the single-shot FAS based on binocular NIR images.


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