Vision Transformer

2023-09-12 更新

AnomalyGPT: Detecting Industrial Anomalies using Large Vision-Language Models

Authors:Zhaopeng Gu, Bingke Zhu, Guibo Zhu, Yingying Chen, Ming Tang, Jinqiao Wang

Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) such as MiniGPT-4 and LLaVA have demonstrated the capability of understanding images and achieved remarkable performance in various visual tasks. Despite their strong abilities in recognizing common objects due to extensive training datasets, they lack specific domain knowledge and have a weaker understanding of localized details within objects, which hinders their effectiveness in the Industrial Anomaly Detection (IAD) task. On the other hand, most existing IAD methods only provide anomaly scores and necessitate the manual setting of thresholds to distinguish between normal and abnormal samples, which restricts their practical implementation. In this paper, we explore the utilization of LVLM to address the IAD problem and propose AnomalyGPT, a novel IAD approach based on LVLM. We generate training data by simulating anomalous images and producing corresponding textual descriptions for each image. We also employ an image decoder to provide fine-grained semantic and design a prompt learner to fine-tune the LVLM using prompt embeddings. Our AnomalyGPT eliminates the need for manual threshold adjustments, thus directly assesses the presence and locations of anomalies. Additionally, AnomalyGPT supports multi-turn dialogues and exhibits impressive few-shot in-context learning capabilities. With only one normal shot, AnomalyGPT achieves the state-of-the-art performance with an accuracy of 86.1%, an image-level AUC of 94.1%, and a pixel-level AUC of 95.3% on the MVTec-AD dataset. Code is available at
PDF Project page:


Laplacian-Former: Overcoming the Limitations of Vision Transformers in Local Texture Detection

Authors:Reza Azad, Amirhossein Kazerouni, Babak Azad, Ehsan Khodapanah Aghdam, Yury Velichko, Ulas Bagci, Dorit Merhof

Vision Transformer (ViT) models have demonstrated a breakthrough in a wide range of computer vision tasks. However, compared to the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models, it has been observed that the ViT models struggle to capture high-frequency components of images, which can limit their ability to detect local textures and edge information. As abnormalities in human tissue, such as tumors and lesions, may greatly vary in structure, texture, and shape, high-frequency information such as texture is crucial for effective semantic segmentation tasks. To address this limitation in ViT models, we propose a new technique, Laplacian-Former, that enhances the self-attention map by adaptively re-calibrating the frequency information in a Laplacian pyramid. More specifically, our proposed method utilizes a dual attention mechanism via efficient attention and frequency attention while the efficient attention mechanism reduces the complexity of self-attention to linear while producing the same output, selectively intensifying the contribution of shape and texture features. Furthermore, we introduce a novel efficient enhancement multi-scale bridge that effectively transfers spatial information from the encoder to the decoder while preserving the fundamental features. We demonstrate the efficacy of Laplacian-former on multi-organ and skin lesion segmentation tasks with +1.87\% and +0.76\% dice scores compared to SOTA approaches, respectively. Our implementation is publically available at
PDF Accepted in the main conference MICCAI 2023


Fine-grained Recognition with Learnable Semantic Data Augmentation

Authors:Yifan Pu, Yizeng Han, Yulin Wang, Junlan Feng, Chao Deng, Gao Huang

Fine-grained image recognition is a longstanding computer vision challenge that focuses on differentiating objects belonging to multiple subordinate categories within the same meta-category. Since images belonging to the same meta-category usually share similar visual appearances, mining discriminative visual cues is the key to distinguishing fine-grained categories. Although commonly used image-level data augmentation techniques have achieved great success in generic image classification problems, they are rarely applied in fine-grained scenarios, because their random editing-region behavior is prone to destroy the discriminative visual cues residing in the subtle regions. In this paper, we propose diversifying the training data at the feature-level to alleviate the discriminative region loss problem. Specifically, we produce diversified augmented samples by translating image features along semantically meaningful directions. The semantic directions are estimated with a covariance prediction network, which predicts a sample-wise covariance matrix to adapt to the large intra-class variation inherent in fine-grained images. Furthermore, the covariance prediction network is jointly optimized with the classification network in a meta-learning manner to alleviate the degenerate solution problem. Experiments on four competitive fine-grained recognition benchmarks (CUB-200-2011, Stanford Cars, FGVC Aircrafts, NABirds) demonstrate that our method significantly improves the generalization performance on several popular classification networks (e.g., ResNets, DenseNets, EfficientNets, RegNets and ViT). Combined with a recently proposed method, our semantic data augmentation approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CUB-200-2011 dataset. The source code will be released.


Contrastive Feature Masking Open-Vocabulary Vision Transformer

Authors:Dahun Kim, Anelia Angelova, Weicheng Kuo

We present Contrastive Feature Masking Vision Transformer (CFM-ViT) - an image-text pretraining methodology that achieves simultaneous learning of image- and region-level representation for open-vocabulary object detection (OVD). Our approach combines the masked autoencoder (MAE) objective into the contrastive learning objective to improve the representation for localization tasks. Unlike standard MAE, we perform reconstruction in the joint image-text embedding space, rather than the pixel space as is customary with the classical MAE method, which causes the model to better learn region-level semantics. Moreover, we introduce Positional Embedding Dropout (PED) to address scale variation between image-text pretraining and detection finetuning by randomly dropping out the positional embeddings during pretraining. PED improves detection performance and enables the use of a frozen ViT backbone as a region classifier, preventing the forgetting of open-vocabulary knowledge during detection finetuning. On LVIS open-vocabulary detection benchmark, CFM-ViT achieves a state-of-the-art 33.9 AP$r$, surpassing the best approach by 7.6 points and achieves better zero-shot detection transfer. Finally, CFM-ViT acquires strong image-level representation, outperforming the state of the art on 8 out of 12 metrics on zero-shot image-text retrieval benchmarks.
PDF Accepted to ICCV 2023


LoGoPrompt: Synthetic Text Images Can Be Good Visual Prompts for Vision-Language Models

Authors:Cheng Shi, Sibei Yang

Prompt engineering is a powerful tool used to enhance the performance of pre-trained models on downstream tasks. For example, providing the prompt Let's think step by step" improved GPT-3's reasoning accuracy to 63% on MutiArith while promptinga photo of” filled with a class name enables CLIP to achieve $80$\% zero-shot accuracy on ImageNet. While previous research has explored prompt learning for the visual modality, analyzing what constitutes a good visual prompt specifically for image recognition is limited. In addition, existing visual prompt tuning methods’ generalization ability is worse than text-only prompting tuning. This paper explores our key insight: synthetic text images are good visual prompts for vision-language models! To achieve that, we propose our LoGoPrompt, which reformulates the classification objective to the visual prompt selection and addresses the chicken-and-egg challenge of first adding synthetic text images as class-wise visual prompts or predicting the class first. Without any trainable visual prompt parameters, experimental results on 16 datasets demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods in few-shot learning, base-to-new generalization, and domain generalization.
PDF ICCV 2023; Project Page:


DeViL: Decoding Vision features into Language

Authors:Meghal Dani, Isabel Rio-Torto, Stephan Alaniz, Zeynep Akata

Post-hoc explanation methods have often been criticised for abstracting away the decision-making process of deep neural networks. In this work, we would like to provide natural language descriptions for what different layers of a vision backbone have learned. Our DeViL method decodes vision features into language, not only highlighting the attribution locations but also generating textual descriptions of visual features at different layers of the network. We train a transformer network to translate individual image features of any vision layer into a prompt that a separate off-the-shelf language model decodes into natural language. By employing dropout both per-layer and per-spatial-location, our model can generalize training on image-text pairs to generate localized explanations. As it uses a pre-trained language model, our approach is fast to train, can be applied to any vision backbone, and produces textual descriptions at different layers of the vision network. Moreover, DeViL can create open-vocabulary attribution maps corresponding to words or phrases even outside the training scope of the vision model. We demonstrate that DeViL generates textual descriptions relevant to the image content on CC3M surpassing previous lightweight captioning models and attribution maps uncovering the learned concepts of the vision backbone. Finally, we show DeViL also outperforms the current state-of-the-art on the neuron-wise descriptions of the MILANNOTATIONS dataset. Code available at
PDF Accepted at GCPR 2023 (Oral)


RADIO: Reference-Agnostic Dubbing Video Synthesis

Authors:Dongyeun Lee, Chaewon Kim, Sangjoon Yu, Jaejun Yoo, Gyeong-Moon Park

One of the most challenging problems in audio-driven talking head generation is achieving high-fidelity detail while ensuring precise synchronization. Given only a single reference image, extracting meaningful identity attributes becomes even more challenging, often causing the network to mirror the facial and lip structures too closely. To address these issues, we introduce RADIO, a framework engineered to yield high-quality dubbed videos regardless of the pose or expression in reference images. The key is to modulate the decoder layers using latent space composed of audio and reference features. Additionally, we incorporate ViT blocks into the decoder to emphasize high-fidelity details, especially in the lip region. Our experimental results demonstrate that RADIO displays high synchronization without the loss of fidelity. Especially in harsh scenarios where the reference frame deviates significantly from the ground truth, our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods, highlighting its robustness. Pre-trained model and codes will be made public after the review.
PDF Under review


A survey on efficient vision transformers: algorithms, techniques, and performance benchmarking

Authors:Lorenzo Papa, Paolo Russo, Irene Amerini, Luping Zhou

Vision Transformer (ViT) architectures are becoming increasingly popular and widely employed to tackle computer vision applications. Their main feature is the capacity to extract global information through the self-attention mechanism, outperforming earlier convolutional neural networks. However, ViT deployment and performance have grown steadily with their size, number of trainable parameters, and operations. Furthermore, self-attention’s computational and memory cost quadratically increases with the image resolution. Generally speaking, it is challenging to employ these architectures in real-world applications due to many hardware and environmental restrictions, such as processing and computational capabilities. Therefore, this survey investigates the most efficient methodologies to ensure sub-optimal estimation performances. More in detail, four efficient categories will be analyzed: compact architecture, pruning, knowledge distillation, and quantization strategies. Moreover, a new metric called Efficient Error Rate has been introduced in order to normalize and compare models’ features that affect hardware devices at inference time, such as the number of parameters, bits, FLOPs, and model size. Summarizing, this paper firstly mathematically defines the strategies used to make Vision Transformer efficient, describes and discusses state-of-the-art methodologies, and analyzes their performances over different application scenarios. Toward the end of this paper, we also discuss open challenges and promising research directions.


Compressing Vision Transformers for Low-Resource Visual Learning

Authors:Eric Youn, Sai Mitheran J, Sanjana Prabhu, Siyuan Chen

Vision transformer (ViT) and its variants have swept through visual learning leaderboards and offer state-of-the-art accuracy in tasks such as image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation by attending to different parts of the visual input and capturing long-range spatial dependencies. However, these models are large and computation-heavy. For instance, the recently proposed ViT-B model has 86M parameters making it impractical for deployment on resource-constrained devices. As a result, their deployment on mobile and edge scenarios is limited. In our work, we aim to take a step toward bringing vision transformers to the edge by utilizing popular model compression techniques such as distillation, pruning, and quantization. Our chosen application environment is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is battery-powered and memory-constrained, carrying a single-board computer on the scale of an NVIDIA Jetson Nano with 4GB of RAM. On the other hand, the UAV requires high accuracy close to that of state-of-the-art ViTs to ensure safe object avoidance in autonomous navigation, or correct localization of humans in search-and-rescue. Inference latency should also be minimized given the application requirements. Hence, our target is to enable rapid inference of a vision transformer on an NVIDIA Jetson Nano (4GB) with minimal accuracy loss. This allows us to deploy ViTs on resource-constrained devices, opening up new possibilities in surveillance, environmental monitoring, etc. Our implementation is made available at


Distribution-Aware Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models

Authors:Eulrang Cho, Jooyeon Kim, Hyunwoo J. Kim

Pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) have shown impressive performance on various downstream tasks by utilizing knowledge learned from large data. In general, the performance of VLMs on target tasks can be further improved by prompt tuning, which adds context to the input image or text. By leveraging data from target tasks, various prompt-tuning methods have been studied in the literature. A key to prompt tuning is the feature space alignment between two modalities via learnable vectors with model parameters fixed. We observed that the alignment becomes more effective when embeddings of each modality are `well-arranged’ in the latent space. Inspired by this observation, we proposed distribution-aware prompt tuning (DAPT) for vision-language models, which is simple yet effective. Specifically, the prompts are learned by maximizing inter-dispersion, the distance between classes, as well as minimizing the intra-dispersion measured by the distance between embeddings from the same class. Our extensive experiments on 11 benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method significantly improves generalizability. The code is available at
PDF Accepted to ICCV2023


Chasing Consistency in Text-to-3D Generation from a Single Image

Authors:Yichen Ouyang, Wenhao Chai, Jiayi Ye, Dapeng Tao, Yibing Zhan, Gaoang Wang

Text-to-3D generation from a single-view image is a popular but challenging task in 3D vision. Although numerous methods have been proposed, existing works still suffer from the inconsistency issues, including 1) semantic inconsistency, 2) geometric inconsistency, and 3) saturation inconsistency, resulting in distorted, overfitted, and over-saturated generations. In light of the above issues, we present Consist3D, a three-stage framework Chasing for semantic-, geometric-, and saturation-Consistent Text-to-3D generation from a single image, in which the first two stages aim to learn parameterized consistency tokens, and the last stage is for optimization. Specifically, the semantic encoding stage learns a token independent of views and estimations, promoting semantic consistency and robustness. Meanwhile, the geometric encoding stage learns another token with comprehensive geometry and reconstruction constraints under novel-view estimations, reducing overfitting and encouraging geometric consistency. Finally, the optimization stage benefits from the semantic and geometric tokens, allowing a low classifier-free guidance scale and therefore preventing oversaturation. Experimental results demonstrate that Consist3D produces more consistent, faithful, and photo-realistic 3D assets compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, Consist3D also allows background and object editing through text prompts.
PDF 9 pages, 11 figures


Mobile V-MoEs: Scaling Down Vision Transformers via Sparse Mixture-of-Experts

Authors:Erik Daxberger, Floris Weers, Bowen Zhang, Tom Gunter, Ruoming Pang, Marcin Eichner, Michael Emmersberger, Yinfei Yang, Alexander Toshev, Xianzhi Du

Sparse Mixture-of-Experts models (MoEs) have recently gained popularity due to their ability to decouple model size from inference efficiency by only activating a small subset of the model parameters for any given input token. As such, sparse MoEs have enabled unprecedented scalability, resulting in tremendous successes across domains such as natural language processing and computer vision. In this work, we instead explore the use of sparse MoEs to scale-down Vision Transformers (ViTs) to make them more attractive for resource-constrained vision applications. To this end, we propose a simplified and mobile-friendly MoE design where entire images rather than individual patches are routed to the experts. We also propose a stable MoE training procedure that uses super-class information to guide the router. We empirically show that our sparse Mobile Vision MoEs (V-MoEs) can achieve a better trade-off between performance and efficiency than the corresponding dense ViTs. For example, for the ViT-Tiny model, our Mobile V-MoE outperforms its dense counterpart by 3.39% on ImageNet-1k. For an even smaller ViT variant with only 54M FLOPs inference cost, our MoE achieves an improvement of 4.66%.


Unified Language-Vision Pretraining with Dynamic Discrete Visual Tokenization

Authors:Yang Jin, Kun Xu, Kun Xu, Liwei Chen, Chao Liao, Jianchao Tan, Bin Chen, Chenyi Lei, An Liu, Chengru Song, Xiaoqiang Lei, Yadong Mu, Di Zhang, Wenwu Ou, Kun Gai

Recently, the remarkable advance of the Large Language Model (LLM) has inspired researchers to transfer its extraordinary reasoning capability to data across several modalities. The prevailing approaches primarily regard visual input as the prompt and focus exclusively on optimizing the text generation process conditioned upon vision content by a frozen LLM. Such an inequitable treatment of vision and language heavily constrains the model’s potential. In this paper, we break through this limitation by representing both vision and language in a unified representation. To this end, we craft a visual tokenizer that translates the non-linguistic image into a sequence of discrete tokens like a foreign language that LLM can read. The resulting visual tokens encompass high-level semantics worthy of a word and also support dynamic sequence length varying from the image content. Coped with this visual tokenizer, the presented foundation model called LaVIT (Language-VIsion Transformer) can handle both image and text indiscriminately under a unified generative learning paradigm. Pre-trained on the web-scale image-text corpus, LaVIT is empowered with impressive multi-modal comprehension capability. The extensive experiments showcase that it outperforms existing models by a large margin on downstream tasks. Our code and models will be available at


CNN or ViT? Revisiting Vision Transformers Through the Lens of Convolution

Authors:Chenghao Li, Chaoning Zhang

The success of Vision Transformer (ViT) has been widely reported on a wide range of image recognition tasks. The merit of ViT over CNN has been largely attributed to large training datasets or auxiliary pre-training. Without pre-training, the performance of ViT on small datasets is limited because the global self-attention has limited capacity in local modeling. Towards boosting ViT on small datasets without pre-training, this work improves its local modeling by applying a weight mask on the original self-attention matrix. A straightforward way to locally adapt the self-attention matrix can be realized by an element-wise learnable weight mask (ELM), for which our preliminary results show promising results. However, the element-wise simple learnable weight mask not only induces a non-trivial additional parameter overhead but also increases the optimization complexity. To this end, this work proposes a novel Gaussian mixture mask (GMM) in which one mask only has two learnable parameters and it can be conveniently used in any ViT variants whose attention mechanism allows the use of masks. Experimental results on multiple small datasets demonstrate that the effectiveness of our proposed Gaussian mask for boosting ViTs for free (almost zero additional parameter or computation cost). Our code will be publicly available at \href{}{}.


Zero-Shot Co-salient Object Detection Framework

Authors:Haoke Xiao, Lv Tang, Bo Li, Zhiming Luo, Shaozi Li

Co-salient Object Detection (CoSOD) endeavors to replicate the human visual system’s capacity to recognize common and salient objects within a collection of images. Despite recent advancements in deep learning models, these models still rely on training with well-annotated CoSOD datasets. The exploration of training-free zero-shot CoSOD frameworks has been limited. In this paper, taking inspiration from the zero-shot transfer capabilities of foundational computer vision models, we introduce the first zero-shot CoSOD framework that harnesses these models without any training process. To achieve this, we introduce two novel components in our proposed framework: the group prompt generation (GPG) module and the co-saliency map generation (CMP) module. We evaluate the framework’s performance on widely-used datasets and observe impressive results. Our approach surpasses existing unsupervised methods and even outperforms fully supervised methods developed before 2020, while remaining competitive with some fully supervised methods developed before 2022.


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