
2023-09-12 更新

Self-supervised Semantic Segmentation: Consistency over Transformation

Authors:Sanaz Karimijafarbigloo, Reza Azad, Amirhossein Kazerouni, Yury Velichko, Ulas Bagci, Dorit Merhof

Accurate medical image segmentation is of utmost importance for enabling automated clinical decision procedures. However, prevailing supervised deep learning approaches for medical image segmentation encounter significant challenges due to their heavy dependence on extensive labeled training data. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel self-supervised algorithm, \textbf{S$^3$-Net}, which integrates a robust framework based on the proposed Inception Large Kernel Attention (I-LKA) modules. This architectural enhancement makes it possible to comprehensively capture contextual information while preserving local intricacies, thereby enabling precise semantic segmentation. Furthermore, considering that lesions in medical images often exhibit deformations, we leverage deformable convolution as an integral component to effectively capture and delineate lesion deformations for superior object boundary definition. Additionally, our self-supervised strategy emphasizes the acquisition of invariance to affine transformations, which is commonly encountered in medical scenarios. This emphasis on robustness with respect to geometric distortions significantly enhances the model’s ability to accurately model and handle such distortions. To enforce spatial consistency and promote the grouping of spatially connected image pixels with similar feature representations, we introduce a spatial consistency loss term. This aids the network in effectively capturing the relationships among neighboring pixels and enhancing the overall segmentation quality. The S$^3$-Net approach iteratively learns pixel-level feature representations for image content clustering in an end-to-end manner. Our experimental results on skin lesion and lung organ segmentation tasks show the superior performance of our method compared to the SOTA approaches. https://github.com/mindflow-institue/SSCT
PDF Accepted in ICCV 2023 workshop CVAMD


Improving the matching of deformable objects by learning to detect keypoints

Authors:Felipe Cadar, Welerson, Vaishnavi Kanagasabapathi, Guilherme Potje, Renato Martins, Erickson R. Nascimento

We propose a novel learned keypoint detection method to increase the number of correct matches for the task of non-rigid image correspondence. By leveraging true correspondences acquired by matching annotated image pairs with a specified descriptor extractor, we train an end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) to find keypoint locations that are more appropriate to the considered descriptor. For that, we apply geometric and photometric warpings to images to generate a supervisory signal, allowing the optimization of the detector. Experiments demonstrate that our method enhances the Mean Matching Accuracy of numerous descriptors when used in conjunction with our detection method, while outperforming the state-of-the-art keypoint detectors on real images of non-rigid objects by 20 p.p. We also apply our method on the complex real-world task of object retrieval where our detector performs on par with the finest keypoint detectors currently available for this task. The source code and trained models are publicly available at https://github.com/verlab/LearningToDetect_PRL_2023
PDF This is the accepted version of the paper to appear at Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL). The final journal version will be available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2023.08.012


dacl10k: Benchmark for Semantic Bridge Damage Segmentation

Authors:Johannes Flotzinger, Philipp J. Rösch, Thomas Braml

Reliably identifying reinforced concrete defects (RCDs)plays a crucial role in assessing the structural integrity, traffic safety, and long-term durability of concrete bridges, which represent the most common bridge type worldwide. Nevertheless, available datasets for the recognition of RCDs are small in terms of size and class variety, which questions their usability in real-world scenarios and their role as a benchmark. Our contribution to this problem is “dacl10k”, an exceptionally diverse RCD dataset for multi-label semantic segmentation comprising 9,920 images deriving from real-world bridge inspections. dacl10k distinguishes 12 damage classes as well as 6 bridge components that play a key role in the building assessment and recommending actions, such as restoration works, traffic load limitations or bridge closures. In addition, we examine baseline models for dacl10k which are subsequently evaluated. The best model achieves a mean intersection-over-union of 0.42 on the test set. dacl10k, along with our baselines, will be openly accessible to researchers and practitioners, representing the currently biggest dataset regarding number of images and class diversity for semantic segmentation in the bridge inspection domain.
PDF 23 pages, 6 figures


OpenIns3D: Snap and Lookup for 3D Open-vocabulary Instance Segmentation

Authors:Zhening Huang, Xiaoyang Wu, Xi Chen, Hengshuang Zhao, Lei Zhu, Joan Lasenby

Current 3D open-vocabulary scene understanding methods mostly utilize well-aligned 2D images as the bridge to learn 3D features with language. However, applying these approaches becomes challenging in scenarios where 2D images are absent. In this work, we introduce a completely new pipeline, namely, OpenIns3D, which requires no 2D image inputs, for 3D open-vocabulary scene understanding at the instance level. The OpenIns3D framework employs a “Mask-Snap-Lookup” scheme. The “Mask” module learns class-agnostic mask proposals in 3D point clouds. The “Snap” module generates synthetic scene-level images at multiple scales and leverages 2D vision language models to extract interesting objects. The “Lookup” module searches through the outcomes of “Snap” with the help of Mask2Pixel maps, which contain the precise correspondence between 3D masks and synthetic images, to assign category names to the proposed masks. This 2D input-free, easy-to-train, and flexible approach achieved state-of-the-art results on a wide range of indoor and outdoor datasets with a large margin. Furthermore, OpenIns3D allows for effortless switching of 2D detectors without re-training. When integrated with state-of-the-art 2D open-world models such as ODISE and GroundingDINO, superb results are observed on open-vocabulary instance segmentation. When integrated with LLM-powered 2D models like LISA, it demonstrates a remarkable capacity to process highly complex text queries, including those that require intricate reasoning and world knowledge. Project page: https://zheninghuang.github.io/OpenIns3D/
PDF 24 pages, 16 figures, 13 tables. Project page: https://zheninghuang.github.io/OpenIns3D/


When 3D Bounding-Box Meets SAM: Point Cloud Instance Segmentation with Weak-and-Noisy Supervision

Authors:Qingtao Yu, Heming Du, Chen Liu, Xin Yu

Learning from bounding-boxes annotations has shown great potential in weakly-supervised 3D point cloud instance segmentation. However, we observed that existing methods would suffer severe performance degradation with perturbed bounding box annotations. To tackle this issue, we propose a complementary image prompt-induced weakly-supervised point cloud instance segmentation (CIP-WPIS) method. CIP-WPIS leverages pretrained knowledge embedded in the 2D foundation model SAM and 3D geometric prior to achieve accurate point-wise instance labels from the bounding box annotations. Specifically, CP-WPIS first selects image views in which 3D candidate points of an instance are fully visible. Then, we generate complementary background and foreground prompts from projections to obtain SAM 2D instance mask predictions. According to these, we assign the confidence values to points indicating the likelihood of points belonging to the instance. Furthermore, we utilize 3D geometric homogeneity provided by superpoints to decide the final instance label assignments. In this fashion, we achieve high-quality 3D point-wise instance labels. Extensive experiments on both Scannet-v2 and S3DIS benchmarks demonstrate that our method is robust against noisy 3D bounding-box annotations and achieves state-of-the-art performance.


S$^3$-MonoDETR: Supervised Shape&Scale-perceptive Deformable Transformer for Monocular 3D Object Detection

Authors:Xuan He, Kailun Yang, Junwei Zheng, Jin Yuan, Luis M. Bergasa, Hui Zhang, Zhiyong Li

Recently, transformer-based methods have shown exceptional performance in monocular 3D object detection, which can predict 3D attributes from a single 2D image. These methods typically use visual and depth representations to generate query points on objects, whose quality plays a decisive role in the detection accuracy. However, current unsupervised attention mechanisms without any geometry appearance awareness in transformers are susceptible to producing noisy features for query points, which severely limits the network performance and also makes the model have a poor ability to detect multi-category objects in a single training process. To tackle this problem, this paper proposes a novel “Supervised Shape&Scale-perceptive Deformable Attention” (S$^3$-DA) module for monocular 3D object detection. Concretely, S$^3$-DA utilizes visual and depth features to generate diverse local features with various shapes and scales and predict the corresponding matching distribution simultaneously to impose valuable shape&scale perception for each query. Benefiting from this, S$^3$-DA effectively estimates receptive fields for query points belonging to any category, enabling them to generate robust query features. Besides, we propose a Multi-classification-based Shape$\&$Scale Matching (MSM) loss to supervise the above process. Extensive experiments on KITTI and Waymo Open datasets demonstrate that S$^3$-DA significantly improves the detection accuracy, yielding state-of-the-art performance of single-category and multi-category 3D object detection in a single training process compared to the existing approaches. The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/mikasa3lili/S3-MonoDETR.
PDF The source code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/mikasa3lili/S3-MonoDETR


MILA: Memory-Based Instance-Level Adaptation for Cross-Domain Object Detection

Authors:Onkar Krishna, Hiroki Ohashi, Saptarshi Sinha

Cross-domain object detection is challenging, and it involves aligning labeled source and unlabeled target domains. Previous approaches have used adversarial training to align features at both image-level and instance-level. At the instance level, finding a suitable source sample that aligns with a target sample is crucial. A source sample is considered suitable if it differs from the target sample only in domain, without differences in unimportant characteristics such as orientation and color, which can hinder the model’s focus on aligning the domain difference. However, existing instance-level feature alignment methods struggle to find suitable source instances because their search scope is limited to mini-batches. Mini-batches are often so small in size that they do not always contain suitable source instances. The insufficient diversity of mini-batches becomes problematic particularly when the target instances have high intra-class variance. To address this issue, we propose a memory-based instance-level domain adaptation framework. Our method aligns a target instance with the most similar source instance of the same category retrieved from a memory storage. Specifically, we introduce a memory module that dynamically stores the pooled features of all labeled source instances, categorized by their labels. Additionally, we introduce a simple yet effective memory retrieval module that retrieves a set of matching memory slots for target instances. Our experiments on various domain shift scenarios demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing non-memory-based methods significantly.


CoTDet: Affordance Knowledge Prompting for Task Driven Object Detection

Authors:Jiajin Tang, Ge Zheng, Jingyi Yu, Sibei Yang

Task driven object detection aims to detect object instances suitable for affording a task in an image. Its challenge lies in object categories available for the task being too diverse to be limited to a closed set of object vocabulary for traditional object detection. Simply mapping categories and visual features of common objects to the task cannot address the challenge. In this paper, we propose to explore fundamental affordances rather than object categories, i.e., common attributes that enable different objects to accomplish the same task. Moreover, we propose a novel multi-level chain-of-thought prompting (MLCoT) to extract the affordance knowledge from large language models, which contains multi-level reasoning steps from task to object examples to essential visual attributes with rationales. Furthermore, to fully exploit knowledge to benefit object recognition and localization, we propose a knowledge-conditional detection framework, namely CoTDet. It conditions the detector from the knowledge to generate object queries and regress boxes. Experimental results demonstrate that our CoTDet outperforms state-of-the-art methods consistently and significantly (+15.6 box AP and +14.8 mask AP) and can generate rationales for why objects are detected to afford the task.
PDF Accepted by ICCV 2023


ClusterFusion: Leveraging Radar Spatial Features for Radar-Camera 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles

Authors:Irfan Tito Kurniawan, Bambang Riyanto Trilaksono

Thanks to the complementary nature of millimeter wave radar and camera, deep learning-based radar-camera 3D object detection methods may reliably produce accurate detections even in low-visibility conditions. This makes them preferable to use in autonomous vehicles’ perception systems, especially as the combined cost of both sensors is cheaper than the cost of a lidar. Recent radar-camera methods commonly perform feature-level fusion which often involves projecting the radar points onto the same plane as the image features and fusing the extracted features from both modalities. While performing fusion on the image plane is generally simpler and faster, projecting radar points onto the image plane flattens the depth dimension of the point cloud which might lead to information loss and makes extracting the spatial features of the point cloud harder. We proposed ClusterFusion, an architecture that leverages the local spatial features of the radar point cloud by clustering the point cloud and performing feature extraction directly on the point cloud clusters before projecting the features onto the image plane. ClusterFusion achieved the state-of-the-art performance among all radar-monocular camera methods on the test slice of the nuScenes dataset with 48.7% nuScenes detection score (NDS). We also investigated the performance of different radar feature extraction strategies on point cloud clusters: a handcrafted strategy, a learning-based strategy, and a combination of both, and found that the handcrafted strategy yielded the best performance. The main goal of this work is to explore the use of radar’s local spatial and point-wise features by extracting them directly from radar point cloud clusters for a radar-monocular camera 3D object detection method that performs cross-modal feature fusion on the image plane.
PDF Submitted to IEEE Access


DiffusionEngine: Diffusion Model is Scalable Data Engine for Object Detection

Authors:Manlin Zhang, Jie Wu, Yuxi Ren, Ming Li, Jie Qin, Xuefeng Xiao, Wei Liu, Rui Wang, Min Zheng, Andy J. Ma

Data is the cornerstone of deep learning. This paper reveals that the recently developed Diffusion Model is a scalable data engine for object detection. Existing methods for scaling up detection-oriented data often require manual collection or generative models to obtain target images, followed by data augmentation and labeling to produce training pairs, which are costly, complex, or lacking diversity. To address these issues, we presentDiffusionEngine (DE), a data scaling-up engine that provides high-quality detection-oriented training pairs in a single stage. DE consists of a pre-trained diffusion model and an effective Detection-Adapter, contributing to generating scalable, diverse and generalizable detection data in a plug-and-play manner. Detection-Adapter is learned to align the implicit semantic and location knowledge in off-the-shelf diffusion models with detection-aware signals to make better bounding-box predictions. Additionally, we contribute two datasets, i.e., COCO-DE and VOC-DE, to scale up existing detection benchmarks for facilitating follow-up research. Extensive experiments demonstrate that data scaling-up via DE can achieve significant improvements in diverse scenarios, such as various detection algorithms, self-supervised pre-training, data-sparse, label-scarce, cross-domain, and semi-supervised learning. For example, when using DE with a DINO-based adapter to scale up data, mAP is improved by 3.1% on COCO, 7.6% on VOC, and 11.5% on Clipart.
PDF Code and Models are publicly available. Project Page: https://mettyz.github.io/DiffusionEngine


UnitModule: A Lightweight Joint Image Enhancement Module for Underwater Object Detection

Authors:Zhuoyan Liu, Bo Wang, Ye Li, Jiaxian He, Yunfeng Li

Underwater object detection faces the problem of underwater image degradation, which affects the performance of the detector. Underwater object detection methods based on noise reduction and image enhancement usually do not provide images preferred by the detector or require additional datasets. In this paper, we propose a plug-and-play Underwater joint image enhancement Module (UnitModule) that provides the input image preferred by the detector. We design an unsupervised learning loss for the joint training of UnitModule with the detector without additional datasets to improve the interaction between UnitModule and the detector. Furthermore, a color cast predictor with the assisting color cast loss and a data augmentation called Underwater Color Random Transfer (UCRT) are designed to improve the performance of UnitModule on underwater images with different color casts. Extensive experiments are conducted on DUO for different object detection models, where UnitModule achieves the highest performance improvement of 2.6 AP for YOLOv5-S and gains the improvement of 3.3 AP on the brand-new test set (URPCtest). And UnitModule significantly improves the performance of all object detection models we test, especially for models with a small number of parameters. In addition, UnitModule with a small number of parameters of 31K has little effect on the inference speed of the original object detection model. Our quantitative and visual analysis also demonstrates the effectiveness of UnitModule in enhancing the input image and improving the perception ability of the detector for object features.


Transformers in Small Object Detection: A Benchmark and Survey of State-of-the-Art

Authors:Aref Miri Rekavandi, Shima Rashidi, Farid Boussaid, Stephen Hoefs, Emre Akbas, Mohammed bennamoun

Transformers have rapidly gained popularity in computer vision, especially in the field of object recognition and detection. Upon examining the outcomes of state-of-the-art object detection methods, we noticed that transformers consistently outperformed well-established CNN-based detectors in almost every video or image dataset. While transformer-based approaches remain at the forefront of small object detection (SOD) techniques, this paper aims to explore the performance benefits offered by such extensive networks and identify potential reasons for their SOD superiority. Small objects have been identified as one of the most challenging object types in detection frameworks due to their low visibility. We aim to investigate potential strategies that could enhance transformers’ performance in SOD. This survey presents a taxonomy of over 60 research studies on developed transformers for the task of SOD, spanning the years 2020 to 2023. These studies encompass a variety of detection applications, including small object detection in generic images, aerial images, medical images, active millimeter images, underwater images, and videos. We also compile and present a list of 12 large-scale datasets suitable for SOD that were overlooked in previous studies and compare the performance of the reviewed studies using popular metrics such as mean Average Precision (mAP), Frames Per Second (FPS), number of parameters, and more. Researchers can keep track of newer studies on our web page, which is available at \url{https://github.com/arekavandi/Transformer-SOD}.


Zero-Shot Co-salient Object Detection Framework

Authors:Haoke Xiao, Lv Tang, Bo Li, Zhiming Luo, Shaozi Li

Co-salient Object Detection (CoSOD) endeavors to replicate the human visual system’s capacity to recognize common and salient objects within a collection of images. Despite recent advancements in deep learning models, these models still rely on training with well-annotated CoSOD datasets. The exploration of training-free zero-shot CoSOD frameworks has been limited. In this paper, taking inspiration from the zero-shot transfer capabilities of foundational computer vision models, we introduce the first zero-shot CoSOD framework that harnesses these models without any training process. To achieve this, we introduce two novel components in our proposed framework: the group prompt generation (GPG) module and the co-saliency map generation (CMP) module. We evaluate the framework’s performance on widely-used datasets and observe impressive results. Our approach surpasses existing unsupervised methods and even outperforms fully supervised methods developed before 2020, while remaining competitive with some fully supervised methods developed before 2022.


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