
2023-09-12 更新

SOAR: Scene-debiasing Open-set Action Recognition

Authors:Yuanhao Zhai, Ziyi Liu, Zhenyu Wu, Yi Wu, Chunluan Zhou, David Doermann, Junsong Yuan, Gang Hua

Deep learning models have a risk of utilizing spurious clues to make predictions, such as recognizing actions based on the background scene. This issue can severely degrade the open-set action recognition performance when the testing samples have different scene distributions from the training samples. To mitigate this problem, we propose a novel method, called Scene-debiasing Open-set Action Recognition (SOAR), which features an adversarial scene reconstruction module and an adaptive adversarial scene classification module. The former prevents the decoder from reconstructing the video background given video features, and thus helps reduce the background information in feature learning. The latter aims to confuse scene type classification given video features, with a specific emphasis on the action foreground, and helps to learn scene-invariant information. In addition, we design an experiment to quantify the scene bias. The results indicate that the current open-set action recognizers are biased toward the scene, and our proposed SOAR method better mitigates such bias. Furthermore, our extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods, and the ablation studies confirm the effectiveness of our proposed modules.
PDF Accepted to ICCV 2023, code:


Mask2Anomaly: Mask Transformer for Universal Open-set Segmentation

Authors:Shyam Nandan Rai, Fabio Cermelli, Barbara Caputo, Carlo Masone

Segmenting unknown or anomalous object instances is a critical task in autonomous driving applications, and it is approached traditionally as a per-pixel classification problem. However, reasoning individually about each pixel without considering their contextual semantics results in high uncertainty around the objects’ boundaries and numerous false positives. We propose a paradigm change by shifting from a per-pixel classification to a mask classification. Our mask-based method, Mask2Anomaly, demonstrates the feasibility of integrating a mask-classification architecture to jointly address anomaly segmentation, open-set semantic segmentation, and open-set panoptic segmentation. Mask2Anomaly includes several technical novelties that are designed to improve the detection of anomalies/unknown objects: i) a global masked attention module to focus individually on the foreground and background regions; ii) a mask contrastive learning that maximizes the margin between an anomaly and known classes; iii) a mask refinement solution to reduce false positives; and iv) a novel approach to mine unknown instances based on the mask-architecture properties. By comprehensive qualitative and qualitative evaluation, we show Mask2Anomaly achieves new state-of-the-art results across the benchmarks of anomaly segmentation, open-set semantic segmentation, and open-set panoptic segmentation.
PDF 16 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2307.13316


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