Domain Adaptation

2023-09-12 更新

Trust your Good Friends: Source-free Domain Adaptation by Reciprocal Neighborhood Clustering

Authors:Shiqi Yang, Yaxing Wang, Joost van de Weijer, Luis Herranz, Shangling Jui, Jian Yang

Domain adaptation (DA) aims to alleviate the domain shift between source domain and target domain. Most DA methods require access to the source data, but often that is not possible (e.g. due to data privacy or intellectual property). In this paper, we address the challenging source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) problem, where the source pretrained model is adapted to the target domain in the absence of source data. Our method is based on the observation that target data, which might not align with the source domain classifier, still forms clear clusters. We capture this intrinsic structure by defining local affinity of the target data, and encourage label consistency among data with high local affinity. We observe that higher affinity should be assigned to reciprocal neighbors. To aggregate information with more context, we consider expanded neighborhoods with small affinity values. Furthermore, we consider the density around each target sample, which can alleviate the negative impact of potential outliers. In the experimental results we verify that the inherent structure of the target features is an important source of information for domain adaptation. We demonstrate that this local structure can be efficiently captured by considering the local neighbors, the reciprocal neighbors, and the expanded neighborhood. Finally, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on several 2D image and 3D point cloud recognition datasets.
PDF Accepted by IEEE TPAMI, extended version of conference paper arXiv:2110.04202


MILA: Memory-Based Instance-Level Adaptation for Cross-Domain Object Detection

Authors:Onkar Krishna, Hiroki Ohashi, Saptarshi Sinha

Cross-domain object detection is challenging, and it involves aligning labeled source and unlabeled target domains. Previous approaches have used adversarial training to align features at both image-level and instance-level. At the instance level, finding a suitable source sample that aligns with a target sample is crucial. A source sample is considered suitable if it differs from the target sample only in domain, without differences in unimportant characteristics such as orientation and color, which can hinder the model’s focus on aligning the domain difference. However, existing instance-level feature alignment methods struggle to find suitable source instances because their search scope is limited to mini-batches. Mini-batches are often so small in size that they do not always contain suitable source instances. The insufficient diversity of mini-batches becomes problematic particularly when the target instances have high intra-class variance. To address this issue, we propose a memory-based instance-level domain adaptation framework. Our method aligns a target instance with the most similar source instance of the same category retrieved from a memory storage. Specifically, we introduce a memory module that dynamically stores the pooled features of all labeled source instances, categorized by their labels. Additionally, we introduce a simple yet effective memory retrieval module that retrieves a set of matching memory slots for target instances. Our experiments on various domain shift scenarios demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing non-memory-based methods significantly.


Adaptive Parametric Prototype Learning for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification

Authors:Marzi Heidari, Abdullah Alchihabi, Qing En, Yuhong Guo

Cross-domain few-shot classification induces a much more challenging problem than its in-domain counterpart due to the existence of domain shifts between the training and test tasks. In this paper, we develop a novel Adaptive Parametric Prototype Learning (APPL) method under the meta-learning convention for cross-domain few-shot classification. Different from existing prototypical few-shot methods that use the averages of support instances to calculate the class prototypes, we propose to learn class prototypes from the concatenated features of the support set in a parametric fashion and meta-learn the model by enforcing prototype-based regularization on the query set. In addition, we fine-tune the model in the target domain in a transductive manner using a weighted-moving-average self-training approach on the query instances. We conduct experiments on multiple cross-domain few-shot benchmark datasets. The empirical results demonstrate that APPL yields superior performance than many state-of-the-art cross-domain few-shot learning methods.


A Robust Negative Learning Approach to Partial Domain Adaptation Using Source Prototypes

Authors:Sandipan Choudhuri, Suli Adeniye, Arunabha Sen

This work proposes a robust Partial Domain Adaptation (PDA) framework that mitigates the negative transfer problem by incorporating a robust target-supervision strategy. It leverages ensemble learning and includes diverse, complementary label feedback, alleviating the effect of incorrect feedback and promoting pseudo-label refinement. Rather than relying exclusively on first-order moments for distribution alignment, our approach offers explicit objectives to optimize intra-class compactness and inter-class separation with the inferred source prototypes and highly-confident target samples in a domain-invariant fashion. Notably, we ensure source data privacy by eliminating the need to access the source data during the adaptation phase through a priori inference of source prototypes. We conducted a series of comprehensive experiments, including an ablation analysis, covering a range of partial domain adaptation tasks. Comprehensive evaluations on benchmark datasets corroborate our framework’s enhanced robustness and generalization, demonstrating its superiority over existing state-of-the-art PDA approaches.


Better Practices for Domain Adaptation

Authors:Linus Ericsson, Da Li, Timothy M. Hospedales

Distribution shifts are all too common in real-world applications of machine learning. Domain adaptation (DA) aims to address this by providing various frameworks for adapting models to the deployment data without using labels. However, the domain shift scenario raises a second more subtle challenge: the difficulty of performing hyperparameter optimisation (HPO) for these adaptation algorithms without access to a labelled validation set. The unclear validation protocol for DA has led to bad practices in the literature, such as performing HPO using the target test labels when, in real-world scenarios, they are not available. This has resulted in over-optimism about DA research progress compared to reality. In this paper, we analyse the state of DA when using good evaluation practice, by benchmarking a suite of candidate validation criteria and using them to assess popular adaptation algorithms. We show that there are challenges across all three branches of domain adaptation methodology including Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA), Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA), and Test Time Adaptation (TTA). While the results show that realistically achievable performance is often worse than expected, they also show that using proper validation splits is beneficial, as well as showing that some previously unexplored validation metrics provide the best options to date. Altogether, our improved practices covering data, training, validation and hyperparameter optimisation form a new rigorous pipeline to improve benchmarking, and hence research progress, within this important field going forward.
PDF AutoML 2023 (Best paper award)


ConDA: Contrastive Domain Adaptation for AI-generated Text Detection

Authors:Amrita Bhattacharjee, Tharindu Kumarage, Raha Moraffah, Huan Liu

Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly being used for generating text in a variety of use cases, including journalistic news articles. Given the potential malicious nature in which these LLMs can be used to generate disinformation at scale, it is important to build effective detectors for such AI-generated text. Given the surge in development of new LLMs, acquiring labeled training data for supervised detectors is a bottleneck. However, there might be plenty of unlabeled text data available, without information on which generator it came from. In this work we tackle this data problem, in detecting AI-generated news text, and frame the problem as an unsupervised domain adaptation task. Here the domains are the different text generators, i.e. LLMs, and we assume we have access to only the labeled source data and unlabeled target data. We develop a Contrastive Domain Adaptation framework, called ConDA, that blends standard domain adaptation techniques with the representation power of contrastive learning to learn domain invariant representations that are effective for the final unsupervised detection task. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, resulting in average performance gains of 31.7% from the best performing baselines, and within 0.8% margin of a fully supervised detector. All our code and data is available at
PDF Accepted at IJCNLP-AACL 2023 main track


Adapting Self-Supervised Representations to Multi-Domain Setups

Authors:Neha Kalibhat, Sam Sharpe, Jeremy Goodsitt, Bayan Bruss, Soheil Feizi

Current state-of-the-art self-supervised approaches, are effective when trained on individual domains but show limited generalization on unseen domains. We observe that these models poorly generalize even when trained on a mixture of domains, making them unsuitable to be deployed under diverse real-world setups. We therefore propose a general-purpose, lightweight Domain Disentanglement Module (DDM) that can be plugged into any self-supervised encoder to effectively perform representation learning on multiple, diverse domains with or without shared classes. During pre-training according to a self-supervised loss, DDM enforces a disentanglement in the representation space by splitting it into a domain-variant and a domain-invariant portion. When domain labels are not available, DDM uses a robust clustering approach to discover pseudo-domains. We show that pre-training with DDM can show up to 3.5% improvement in linear probing accuracy on state-of-the-art self-supervised models including SimCLR, MoCo, BYOL, DINO, SimSiam and Barlow Twins on multi-domain benchmarks including PACS, DomainNet and WILDS. Models trained with DDM show significantly improved generalization (7.4%) to unseen domains compared to baselines. Therefore, DDM can efficiently adapt self-supervised encoders to provide high-quality, generalizable representations for diverse multi-domain data.
PDF Published at BMVC 2023


S-Adapter: Generalizing Vision Transformer for Face Anti-Spoofing with Statistical Tokens

Authors:Rizhao Cai, Zitong Yu, Chenqi Kong, Haoliang Li, Changsheng Chen, Yongjian Hu, Alex Kot

Face Anti-Spoofing (FAS) aims to detect malicious attempts to invade a face recognition system by presenting spoofed faces. State-of-the-art FAS techniques predominantly rely on deep learning models but their cross-domain generalization capabilities are often hindered by the domain shift problem, which arises due to different distributions between training and testing data. In this study, we develop a generalized FAS method under the Efficient Parameter Transfer Learning (EPTL) paradigm, where we adapt the pre-trained Vision Transformer models for the FAS task. During training, the adapter modules are inserted into the pre-trained ViT model, and the adapters are updated while other pre-trained parameters remain fixed. We find the limitations of previous vanilla adapters in that they are based on linear layers, which lack a spoofing-aware inductive bias and thus restrict the cross-domain generalization. To address this limitation and achieve cross-domain generalized FAS, we propose a novel Statistical Adapter (S-Adapter) that gathers local discriminative and statistical information from localized token histograms. To further improve the generalization of the statistical tokens, we propose a novel Token Style Regularization (TSR), which aims to reduce domain style variance by regularizing Gram matrices extracted from tokens across different domains. Our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed S-Adapter and TSR provide significant benefits in both zero-shot and few-shot cross-domain testing, outperforming state-of-the-art methods on several benchmark tests. We will release the source code upon acceptance.


Grouping Boundary Proposals for Fast Interactive Image Segmentation

Authors:Li Liu, Da Chen, Minglei Shu, Laurent D. Cohen

Geodesic models are known as an efficient tool for solving various image segmentation problems. Most of existing approaches only exploit local pointwise image features to track geodesic paths for delineating the objective boundaries. However, such a segmentation strategy cannot take into account the connectivity of the image edge features, increasing the risk of shortcut problem, especially in the case of complicated scenario. In this work, we introduce a new image segmentation model based on the minimal geodesic framework in conjunction with an adaptive cut-based circular optimal path computation scheme and a graph-based boundary proposals grouping scheme. Specifically, the adaptive cut can disconnect the image domain such that the target contours are imposed to pass through this cut only once. The boundary proposals are comprised of precomputed image edge segments, providing the connectivity information for our segmentation model. These boundary proposals are then incorporated into the proposed image segmentation model, such that the target segmentation contours are made up of a set of selected boundary proposals and the corresponding geodesic paths linking them. Experimental results show that the proposed model indeed outperforms state-of-the-art minimal paths-based image segmentation approaches.


MoEController: Instruction-based Arbitrary Image Manipulation with Mixture-of-Expert Controllers

Authors:Sijia Li, Chen Chen, Haonan Lu

Diffusion-model-based text-guided image generation has recently made astounding progress, producing fascinating results in open-domain image manipulation tasks. Few models, however, currently have complete zero-shot capabilities for both global and local image editing due to the complexity and diversity of image manipulation tasks. In this work, we propose a method with a mixture-of-expert (MOE) controllers to align the text-guided capacity of diffusion models with different kinds of human instructions, enabling our model to handle various open-domain image manipulation tasks with natural language instructions. First, we use large language models (ChatGPT) and conditional image synthesis models (ControlNet) to generate a large number of global image transfer dataset in addition to the instruction-based local image editing dataset. Then, using an MOE technique and task-specific adaptation training on a large-scale dataset, our conditional diffusion model can edit images globally and locally. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach performs surprisingly well on various image manipulation tasks when dealing with open-domain images and arbitrary human instructions. Please refer to our project page: []
PDF 5 pages,6 figures


Efficient Finetuning Large Language Models For Vietnamese Chatbot

Authors:Vu-Thuan Doan, Quoc-Truong Truong, Duc-Vu Nguyen, Vinh-Tiep Nguyen, Thuy-Ngan Nguyen Luu

Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, PaLM, and LLaMa, have been shown to achieve remarkable performance across a variety of natural language tasks. Recent advancements in instruction tuning bring LLMs with ability in following user’s instructions and producing human-like responses. However, the high costs associated with training and implementing LLMs pose challenges to academic research. Furthermore, the availability of pretrained LLMs and instruction-tune datasets for Vietnamese language is limited. To tackle these concerns, we leverage large-scale instruction-following datasets from open-source projects, namely Alpaca, GPT4All, and Chat-Doctor, which cover general domain and specific medical domain. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first instructional dataset for Vietnamese. Subsequently, we utilize parameter-efficient tuning through Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) on two open LLMs: Bloomz (Multilingual) and GPTJ-6B (Vietnamese), resulting four models: Bloomz-Chat, Bloomz-Doctor, GPTJ-Chat, GPTJ-Doctor.Finally, we assess the effectiveness of our methodology on a per-sample basis, taking into consideration the helpfulness, relevance, accuracy, level of detail in their responses. This evaluation process entails the utilization of GPT-4 as an automated scoring mechanism. Despite utilizing a low-cost setup, our method demonstrates about 20-30\% improvement over the original models in our evaluation tasks.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2304.08177, arXiv:2303.16199 by other authors


Self-Supervised Transformer with Domain Adaptive Reconstruction for General Face Forgery Video Detection

Authors:Daichi Zhang, Zihao Xiao, Jianmin Li, Shiming Ge

Face forgery videos have caused severe social public concern, and various detectors have been proposed recently. However, most of them are trained in a supervised manner with limited generalization when detecting videos from different forgery methods or real source videos. To tackle this issue, we explore to take full advantage of the difference between real and forgery videos by only exploring the common representation of real face videos. In this paper, a Self-supervised Transformer cooperating with Contrastive and Reconstruction learning (CoReST) is proposed, which is first pre-trained only on real face videos in a self-supervised manner, and then fine-tuned a linear head on specific face forgery video datasets. Two specific auxiliary tasks incorporated contrastive and reconstruction learning are designed to enhance the representation learning. Furthermore, a Domain Adaptive Reconstruction (DAR) module is introduced to bridge the gap between different forgery domains by reconstructing on unlabeled target videos when fine-tuning. Extensive experiments on public datasets demonstrate that our proposed method performs even better than the state-of-the-art supervised competitors with impressive generalization.


DAD++: Improved Data-free Test Time Adversarial Defense

Authors:Gaurav Kumar Nayak, Inder Khatri, Shubham Randive, Ruchit Rawal, Anirban Chakraborty

With the increasing deployment of deep neural networks in safety-critical applications such as self-driving cars, medical imaging, anomaly detection, etc., adversarial robustness has become a crucial concern in the reliability of these networks in real-world scenarios. A plethora of works based on adversarial training and regularization-based techniques have been proposed to make these deep networks robust against adversarial attacks. However, these methods require either retraining models or training them from scratch, making them infeasible to defend pre-trained models when access to training data is restricted. To address this problem, we propose a test time Data-free Adversarial Defense (DAD) containing detection and correction frameworks. Moreover, to further improve the efficacy of the correction framework in cases when the detector is under-confident, we propose a soft-detection scheme (dubbed as “DAD++”). We conduct a wide range of experiments and ablations on several datasets and network architectures to show the efficacy of our proposed approach. Furthermore, we demonstrate the applicability of our approach in imparting adversarial defense at test time under data-free (or data-efficient) applications/setups, such as Data-free Knowledge Distillation and Source-free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, as well as Semi-supervised classification frameworks. We observe that in all the experiments and applications, our DAD++ gives an impressive performance against various adversarial attacks with a minimal drop in clean accuracy. The source code is available at:
PDF IJCV Journal (Under Review)


From Artificially Real to Real: Leveraging Pseudo Data from Large Language Models for Low-Resource Molecule Discovery

Authors:Yuhan Chen, Nuwa Xi, Yanrui Du, Haochun Wang, Chen Jianyu, Sendong Zhao, Bing Qin

Molecule discovery serves as a cornerstone in numerous scientific domains, fueling the development of new materials and innovative drug designs. Recent developments of in-silico molecule discovery have highlighted the promising results of cross-modal techniques, which bridge molecular structures with their descriptive annotations. However, these cross-modal methods frequently encounter the issue of data scarcity, hampering their performance and application. In this paper, we address the low-resource challenge by utilizing artificially-real data generated by Large Language Models (LLMs). We first introduce a retrieval-based prompting strategy to construct high-quality pseudo data, then explore the optimal method to effectively leverage this pseudo data. Experiments show that using pseudo data for domain adaptation outperforms all existing methods, while also requiring a smaller model scale, reduced data size and lower training cost, highlighting its efficiency. Furthermore, our method shows a sustained improvement as the volume of pseudo data increases, revealing the great potential of pseudo data in advancing low-resource cross-modal molecule discovery.


Authors:Hai-Long Nguyen, Dieu-Quynh Nguyen, Hoang-Trung Nguyen, Thu-Trang Pham, Huu-Dong Nguyen, Thach-Anh Nguyen, Thi-Hai-Yen Vuong, Ha-Thanh Nguyen

In recent years, natural language processing has gained significant popularity in various sectors, including the legal domain. This paper presents NeCo Team’s solutions to the Vietnamese text processing tasks provided in the Automated Legal Question Answering Competition 2023 (ALQAC 2023), focusing on legal domain knowledge acquisition for low-resource languages through data enrichment. Our methods for the legal document retrieval task employ a combination of similarity ranking and deep learning models, while for the second task, which requires extracting an answer from a relevant legal article in response to a question, we propose a range of adaptive techniques to handle different question types. Our approaches achieve outstanding results on both tasks of the competition, demonstrating the potential benefits and effectiveness of question answering systems in the legal field, particularly for low-resource languages.


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