2023-05-05 更新

Real-Time Radiance Fields for Single-Image Portrait View Synthesis

Authors:Alex Trevithick, Matthew Chan, Michael Stengel, Eric R. Chan, Chao Liu, Zhiding Yu, Sameh Khamis, Manmohan Chandraker, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Koki Nagano

We present a one-shot method to infer and render a photorealistic 3D representation from a single unposed image (e.g., face portrait) in real-time. Given a single RGB input, our image encoder directly predicts a canonical triplane representation of a neural radiance field for 3D-aware novel view synthesis via volume rendering. Our method is fast (24 fps) on consumer hardware, and produces higher quality results than strong GAN-inversion baselines that require test-time optimization. To train our triplane encoder pipeline, we use only synthetic data, showing how to distill the knowledge from a pretrained 3D GAN into a feedforward encoder. Technical contributions include a Vision Transformer-based triplane encoder, a camera data augmentation strategy, and a well-designed loss function for synthetic data training. We benchmark against the state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating significant improvements in robustness and image quality in challenging real-world settings. We showcase our results on portraits of faces (FFHQ) and cats (AFHQ), but our algorithm can also be applied in the future to other categories with a 3D-aware image generator.
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LayoutDM: Transformer-based Diffusion Model for Layout Generation

Authors:Shang Chai, Liansheng Zhuang, Fengying Yan

Automatic layout generation that can synthesize high-quality layouts is an important tool for graphic design in many applications. Though existing methods based on generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Auto-Encoders (VAEs) have progressed, they still leave much room for improving the quality and diversity of the results. Inspired by the recent success of diffusion models in generating high-quality images, this paper explores their potential for conditional layout generation and proposes Transformer-based Layout Diffusion Model (LayoutDM) by instantiating the conditional denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) with a purely transformer-based architecture. Instead of using convolutional neural networks, a transformer-based conditional Layout Denoiser is proposed to learn the reverse diffusion process to generate samples from noised layout data. Benefitting from both transformer and DDPM, our LayoutDM is of desired properties such as high-quality generation, strong sample diversity, faithful distribution coverage, and stationary training in comparison to GANs and VAEs. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art generative models in terms of quality and diversity.
PDF Accepted by CVPR 2023


Multimodal-driven Talking Face Generation, Face Swapping, Diffusion Model

Authors:Chao Xu, Shaoting Zhu, Junwei Zhu, Tianxin Huang, Jiangning Zhang, Ying Tai, Yong Liu

Multimodal-driven talking face generation refers to animating a portrait with the given pose, expression, and gaze transferred from the driving image and video, or estimated from the text and audio. However, existing methods ignore the potential of text modal, and their generators mainly follow the source-oriented feature rearrange paradigm coupled with unstable GAN frameworks. In this work, we first represent the emotion in the text prompt, which could inherit rich semantics from the CLIP, allowing flexible and generalized emotion control. We further reorganize these tasks as the target-oriented texture transfer and adopt the Diffusion Models. More specifically, given a textured face as the source and the rendered face projected from the desired 3DMM coefficients as the target, our proposed Texture-Geometry-aware Diffusion Model decomposes the complex transfer problem into multi-conditional denoising process, where a Texture Attention-based module accurately models the correspondences between appearance and geometry cues contained in source and target conditions, and incorporate extra implicit information for high-fidelity talking face generation. Additionally, TGDM can be gracefully tailored for face swapping. We derive a novel paradigm free of unstable seesaw-style optimization, resulting in simple, stable, and effective training and inference schemes. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method.


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