2023-05-03 更新

LD-GAN: Low-Dimensional Generative Adversarial Network for Spectral Image Generation with Variance Regularization

Authors:Emmanuel Martinez, Roman Jacome, Alejandra Hernandez-Rojas, Henry Arguello

Deep learning methods are state-of-the-art for spectral image (SI) computational tasks. However, these methods are constrained in their performance since available datasets are limited due to the highly expensive and long acquisition time. Usually, data augmentation techniques are employed to mitigate the lack of data. Surpassing classical augmentation methods, such as geometric transformations, GANs enable diverse augmentation by learning and sampling from the data distribution. Nevertheless, GAN-based SI generation is challenging since the high-dimensionality nature of this kind of data hinders the convergence of the GAN training yielding to suboptimal generation. To surmount this limitation, we propose low-dimensional GAN (LD-GAN), where we train the GAN employing a low-dimensional representation of the {dataset} with the latent space of a pretrained autoencoder network. Thus, we generate new low-dimensional samples which are then mapped to the SI dimension with the pretrained decoder network. Besides, we propose a statistical regularization to control the low-dimensional representation variance for the autoencoder training and to achieve high diversity of samples generated with the GAN. We validate our method LD-GAN as data augmentation strategy for compressive spectral imaging, SI super-resolution, and RBG to spectral tasks with improvements varying from 0.5 to 1 [dB] in each task respectively. We perform comparisons against the non-data augmentation training, traditional DA, and with the same GAN adjusted and trained to generate the full-sized SIs. The code of this paper can be found in
PDF This paper was accepted at the LatinX in Computer Vision Research Workshop at CVPR2023


Identity-driven Three-Player Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic-based Face Recognition

Authors:Jan Niklas Kolf, Tim Rieber, Jurek Elliesen, Fadi Boutros, Arjan Kuijper, Naser Damer

Many of the commonly used datasets for face recognition development are collected from the internet without proper user consent. Due to the increasing focus on privacy in the social and legal frameworks, the use and distribution of these datasets are being restricted and strongly questioned. These databases, which have a realistically high variability of data per identity, have enabled the success of face recognition models. To build on this success and to align with privacy concerns, synthetic databases, consisting purely of synthetic persons, are increasingly being created and used in the development of face recognition solutions. In this work, we present a three-player generative adversarial network (GAN) framework, namely IDnet, that enables the integration of identity information into the generation process. The third player in our IDnet aims at forcing the generator to learn to generate identity-separable face images. We empirically proved that our IDnet synthetic images are of higher identity discrimination in comparison to the conventional two-player GAN, while maintaining a realistic intra-identity variation. We further studied the identity link between the authentic identities used to train the generator and the generated synthetic identities, showing very low similarities between these identities. We demonstrated the applicability of our IDnet data in training face recognition models by evaluating these models on a wide set of face recognition benchmarks. In comparison to the state-of-the-art works in synthetic-based face recognition, our solution achieved comparable results to a recent rendering-based approach and outperformed all existing GAN-based approaches. The training code and the synthetic face image dataset are publicly available ( ).
PDF Accepted at CVPR Workshops


StyleAvatar: Real-time Photo-realistic Portrait Avatar from a Single Video

Authors:Lizhen Wang, Xiaochen Zhao, Jingxiang Sun, Yuxiang Zhang, Hongwen Zhang, Tao Yu, Yebin Liu

Face reenactment methods attempt to restore and re-animate portrait videos as realistically as possible. Existing methods face a dilemma in quality versus controllability: 2D GAN-based methods achieve higher image quality but suffer in fine-grained control of facial attributes compared with 3D counterparts. In this work, we propose StyleAvatar, a real-time photo-realistic portrait avatar reconstruction method using StyleGAN-based networks, which can generate high-fidelity portrait avatars with faithful expression control. We expand the capabilities of StyleGAN by introducing a compositional representation and a sliding window augmentation method, which enable faster convergence and improve translation generalization. Specifically, we divide the portrait scenes into three parts for adaptive adjustments: facial region, non-facial foreground region, and the background. Besides, our network leverages the best of UNet, StyleGAN and time coding for video learning, which enables high-quality video generation. Furthermore, a sliding window augmentation method together with a pre-training strategy are proposed to improve translation generalization and training performance, respectively. The proposed network can converge within two hours while ensuring high image quality and a forward rendering time of only 20 milliseconds. Furthermore, we propose a real-time live system, which further pushes research into applications. Results and experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of image quality, full portrait video generation, and real-time re-animation compared to existing facial reenactment methods. Training and inference code for this paper are at
PDF 8 pages, 5 figures, SIGGRAPH 2023 Conference Proceedings


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