
2023-03-22 更新

Contrastive Semi-supervised Learning for Underwater Image Restoration via Reliable Bank

Authors:Shirui Huang, Keyan Wang, Huan Liu, Jun Chen, Yunsong Li

Despite the remarkable achievement of recent underwater image restoration techniques, the lack of labeled data has become a major hurdle for further progress. In this work, we propose a mean-teacher based Semi-supervised Underwater Image Restoration (Semi-UIR) framework to incorporate the unlabeled data into network training. However, the naive mean-teacher method suffers from two main problems: (1) The consistency loss used in training might become ineffective when the teacher’s prediction is wrong. (2) Using L1 distance may cause the network to overfit wrong labels, resulting in confirmation bias. To address the above problems, we first introduce a reliable bank to store the “best-ever” outputs as pseudo ground truth. To assess the quality of outputs, we conduct an empirical analysis based on the monotonicity property to select the most trustworthy NR-IQA method. Besides, in view of the confirmation bias problem, we incorporate contrastive regularization to prevent the overfitting on wrong labels. Experimental results on both full-reference and non-reference underwater benchmarks demonstrate that our algorithm has obvious improvement over SOTA methods quantitatively and qualitatively. Code has been released at https://github.com/Huang-ShiRui/Semi-UIR.


MXM-CLR: A Unified Framework for Contrastive Learning of Multifold Cross-Modal Representations

Authors:Ye Wang, Bowei Jiang, Changqing Zou, Rui Ma

Multifold observations are common for different data modalities, e.g., a 3D shape can be represented by multi-view images and an image can be described with different captions. Existing cross-modal contrastive representation learning (XM-CLR) methods such as CLIP are not fully suitable for multifold data as they only consider one positive pair and treat other pairs as negative when computing the contrastive loss. In this paper, we propose MXM-CLR, a unified framework for contrastive learning of multifold cross-modal representations. MXM-CLR explicitly models and learns the relationships between multifold observations of instances from different modalities for more comprehensive representation learning. The key of MXM-CLR is a novel multifold-aware hybrid loss which considers multiple positive observations when computing the hard and soft relationships for the cross-modal data pairs. We conduct quantitative and qualitative comparisons with SOTA baselines for cross-modal retrieval tasks on the Text2Shape and Flickr30K datasets. We also perform extensive evaluations on the adaptability and generalizability of MXM-CLR, as well as ablation studies on the loss design and effects of batch sizes. The results show the superiority of MXM-CLR in learning better representations for the multifold data. The code is available at https://github.com/JLU-ICL/MXM-CLR.
PDF 16 pages, 14 figures


Contrastive Alignment of Vision to Language Through Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning

Authors:Zaid Khan, Yun Fu

Contrastive vision-language models (e.g. CLIP) are typically created by updating all the parameters of a vision model and language model through contrastive training. Can such models be created by a small number of parameter updates to an already-trained language model and vision model? The literature describes techniques that can create vision-language models by updating a small number of parameters in a language model, but these require already aligned visual representations and are non-contrastive, hence unusable for latency-sensitive applications such as neural search. We explore the feasibility and benefits of parameter-efficient contrastive vision-language alignment through transfer learning: creating a model such as CLIP by minimally updating an already-trained vision and language model. We find that a minimal set of parameter updates ($<$7%) can achieve the same performance as full-model training, and updating specific components ($<$1% of parameters) can match 75% of full-model training. We describe a series of experiments: we show that existing knowledge is conserved more strongly in parameter-efficient training and that parameter-efficient scaling scales with model and dataset size. Where paired-image text data is scarce but strong multilingual language models exist (e.g. low resource languages), parameter-efficient training is even preferable to full-model training. Given a fixed compute budget, parameter-efficient training allows training larger models on the same hardware, achieving equivalent performance in less time. Parameter-efficient training hence constitutes an energy-efficient and effective training strategy for contrastive vision-language models that may be preferable to the full-model training paradigm for common use cases. Code and weights at https://github.com/codezakh/LilT.
PDF Accepted to ICLR 2023


Visual Representation Learning from Unlabeled Video using Contrastive Masked Autoencoders

Authors:Jefferson Hernandez, Ruben Villegas, Vicente Ordonez

Masked Autoencoders (MAEs) learn self-supervised representations by randomly masking input image patches and a reconstruction loss. Alternatively, contrastive learning self-supervised methods encourage two versions of the same input to have a similar representation, while pulling apart the representations for different inputs. We propose ViC-MAE, a general method that combines both MAE and contrastive learning by pooling the local feature representations learned under the MAE reconstruction objective and leveraging this global representation under a contrastive objective across video frames. We show that visual representations learned under ViC-MAE generalize well to both video classification and image classification tasks. Using a backbone ViT-B/16 network pre-trained on the Moments in Time (MiT) dataset, we obtain state-of-the-art transfer learning from video to images on Imagenet-1k by improving 1.58% in absolute top-1 accuracy from a recent previous work. Moreover, our method maintains a competitive transfer-learning performance of 81.50% top-1 accuracy on the Kinetics-400 video classification benchmark. In addition, we show that despite its simplicity, ViC-MAE yields improved results compared to combining MAE pre-training with previously proposed contrastive objectives such as VicReg and SiamSiam.


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