Diffusion Models

2023-03-17 更新

ResDiff: Combining CNN and Diffusion Model for Image Super-Resolution

Authors:Shuyao Shang, Zhengyang Shan, Guangxing Liu, Jinglin Zhang

Adapting the Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DPM) for direct image super-resolution is wasteful, given that a simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can recover the main low-frequency content. Therefore, we present ResDiff, a novel Diffusion Probabilistic Model based on Residual structure for Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR). ResDiff utilizes a combination of a CNN, which restores primary low-frequency components, and a DPM, which predicts the residual between the ground-truth image and the CNN-predicted image. In contrast to the common diffusion-based methods that directly use LR images to guide the noise towards HR space, ResDiff utilizes the CNN’s initial prediction to direct the noise towards the residual space between HR space and CNN-predicted space, which not only accelerates the generation process but also acquires superior sample quality. Additionally, a frequency-domain-based loss function for CNN is introduced to facilitate its restoration, and a frequency-domain guided diffusion is designed for DPM on behalf of predicting high-frequency details. The extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate that ResDiff outperforms previous diffusion-based methods in terms of shorter model convergence time, superior generation quality, and more diverse samples.
PDF 18 pages, 13 figures


Stochastic Segmentation with Conditional Categorical Diffusion Models

Authors:Lukas Zbinden, Lars Doorenbos, Theodoros Pissas, Raphael Sznitman, Pablo Márquez-Neila

Semantic segmentation has made significant progress in recent years thanks to deep neural networks, but the common objective of generating a single segmentation output that accurately matches the image’s content may not be suitable for safety-critical domains such as medical diagnostics and autonomous driving. Instead, multiple possible correct segmentation maps may be required to reflect the true distribution of annotation maps. In this context, stochastic semantic segmentation methods must learn to predict conditional distributions of labels given the image, but this is challenging due to the typically multimodal distributions, high-dimensional output spaces, and limited annotation data. To address these challenges, we propose a conditional categorical diffusion model (CCDM) for semantic segmentation based on Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models. Our model is conditioned to the input image, enabling it to generate multiple segmentation label maps that account for the aleatoric uncertainty arising from divergent ground truth annotations. Our experimental results show that CCDM achieves state-of-the-art performance on LIDC, a stochastic semantic segmentation dataset, and outperforms established baselines on the classical segmentation dataset Cityscapes.
PDF Code available at https://github.com/LarsDoorenbos/ccdm-stochastic-segmentation


Robust Evaluation of Diffusion-Based Adversarial Purification

Authors:Minjong Lee, Dongwoo Kim

We question the current evaluation practice on diffusion-based purification methods. Diffusion-based purification methods aim to remove adversarial effects from an input data point at test time. The approach gains increasing attention as an alternative to adversarial training due to the disentangling between training and testing. Well-known white-box attacks are often employed to measure the robustness of the purification. However, it is unknown whether these attacks are the most effective for the diffusion-based purification since the attacks are often tailored for adversarial training. We analyze the current practices and provide a new guideline for measuring the robustness of purification methods against adversarial attacks. Based on our analysis, we further propose a new purification strategy showing competitive results against the state-of-the-art adversarial training approaches.


Taming Diffusion Models for Audio-Driven Co-Speech Gesture Generation

Authors:Lingting Zhu, Xian Liu, Xuanyu Liu, Rui Qian, Ziwei Liu, Lequan Yu

Animating virtual avatars to make co-speech gestures facilitates various applications in human-machine interaction. The existing methods mainly rely on generative adversarial networks (GANs), which typically suffer from notorious mode collapse and unstable training, thus making it difficult to learn accurate audio-gesture joint distributions. In this work, we propose a novel diffusion-based framework, named Diffusion Co-Speech Gesture (DiffGesture), to effectively capture the cross-modal audio-to-gesture associations and preserve temporal coherence for high-fidelity audio-driven co-speech gesture generation. Specifically, we first establish the diffusion-conditional generation process on clips of skeleton sequences and audio to enable the whole framework. Then, a novel Diffusion Audio-Gesture Transformer is devised to better attend to the information from multiple modalities and model the long-term temporal dependency. Moreover, to eliminate temporal inconsistency, we propose an effective Diffusion Gesture Stabilizer with an annealed noise sampling strategy. Benefiting from the architectural advantages of diffusion models, we further incorporate implicit classifier-free guidance to trade off between diversity and gesture quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DiffGesture achieves state-of-theart performance, which renders coherent gestures with better mode coverage and stronger audio correlations. Code is available at https://github.com/Advocate99/DiffGesture.
PDF Accepted by IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023. 10 pages, 3 figures


DIRE for Diffusion-Generated Image Detection

Authors:Zhendong Wang, Jianmin Bao, Wengang Zhou, Weilun Wang, Hezhen Hu, Hong Chen, Houqiang Li

Diffusion models have shown remarkable success in visual synthesis, but have also raised concerns about potential abuse for malicious purposes. In this paper, we seek to build a detector for telling apart real images from diffusion-generated images. We find that existing detectors struggle to detect images generated by diffusion models, even if we include generated images from a specific diffusion model in their training data. To address this issue, we propose a novel image representation called DIffusion Reconstruction Error (DIRE), which measures the error between an input image and its reconstruction counterpart by a pre-trained diffusion model. We observe that diffusion-generated images can be approximately reconstructed by a diffusion model while real images cannot. It provides a hint that DIRE can serve as a bridge to distinguish generated and real images. DIRE provides an effective way to detect images generated by most diffusion models, and it is general for detecting generated images from unseen diffusion models and robust to various perturbations. Furthermore, we establish a comprehensive diffusion-generated benchmark including images generated by eight diffusion models to evaluate the performance of diffusion-generated image detectors. Extensive experiments on our collected benchmark demonstrate that DIRE exhibits superiority over previous generated-image detectors. The code and dataset are available at https://github.com/ZhendongWang6/DIRE.
PDF A general diffusion-generated image detector


DINAR: Diffusion Inpainting of Neural Textures for One-Shot Human Avatars

Authors:David Svitov, Dmitrii Gudkov, Renat Bashirov, Victor Lemptisky

We present DINAR, an approach for creating realistic rigged fullbody avatars from single RGB images. Similarly to previous works, our method uses neural textures combined with the SMPL-X body model to achieve photo-realistic quality of avatars while keeping them easy to animate and fast to infer. To restore the texture, we use a latent diffusion model and show how such model can be trained in the neural texture space. The use of the diffusion model allows us to realistically reconstruct large unseen regions such as the back of a person given the frontal view. The models in our pipeline are trained using 2D images and videos only. In the experiments, our approach achieves state-of-the-art rendering quality and good generalization to new poses and viewpoints. In particular, the approach improves state-of-the-art on the SnapshotPeople public benchmark.


DiffIR: Efficient Diffusion Model for Image Restoration

Authors:Bin Xia, Yulun Zhang, Shiyin Wang, Yitong Wang, Xinglong Wu, Yapeng Tian, Wenming Yang, Luc Van Gool

Diffusion model (DM) has achieved SOTA performance by modeling the image synthesis process into a sequential application of a denoising network. However, different from image synthesis generating each pixel from scratch, most pixels of image restoration (IR) are given. Thus, for IR, traditional DMs running massive iterations on a large model to estimate whole images or feature maps is inefficient. To address this issue, we propose an efficient DM for IR (DiffIR), which consists of a compact IR prior extraction network (CPEN), dynamic IR transformer (DIRformer), and denoising network. Specifically, DiffIR has two training stages: pretraining and training DM. In pretraining, we input ground-truth images into CPEN${S1}$ to capture a compact IR prior representation (IPR) to guide DIRformer. In the second stage, we train the DM to directly estimate the same IRP as pretrained CPEN${S1}$ only using LQ images. We observe that since the IPR is only a compact vector, DiffIR can use fewer iterations than traditional DM to obtain accurate estimations and generate more stable and realistic results. Since the iterations are few, our DiffIR can adopt a joint optimization of CPEN$_{S2}$, DIRformer, and denoising network, which can further reduce the estimation error influence. We conduct extensive experiments on several IR tasks and achieve SOTA performance while consuming less computational costs.


$P+$: Extended Textual Conditioning in Text-to-Image Generation

Authors:Andrey Voynov, Qinghao Chu, Daniel Cohen-Or, Kfir Aberman

We introduce an Extended Textual Conditioning space in text-to-image models, referred to as $P+$. This space consists of multiple textual conditions, derived from per-layer prompts, each corresponding to a layer of the denoising U-net of the diffusion model. We show that the extended space provides greater disentangling and control over image synthesis. We further introduce Extended Textual Inversion (XTI), where the images are inverted into $P+$, and represented by per-layer tokens. We show that XTI is more expressive and precise, and converges faster than the original Textual Inversion (TI) space. The extended inversion method does not involve any noticeable trade-off between reconstruction and editability and induces more regular inversions. We conduct a series of extensive experiments to analyze and understand the properties of the new space, and to showcase the effectiveness of our method for personalizing text-to-image models. Furthermore, we utilize the unique properties of this space to achieve previously unattainable results in object-style mixing using text-to-image models. Project page: https://prompt-plus.github.io


Efficient Diffusion Training via Min-SNR Weighting Strategy

Authors:Tiankai Hang, Shuyang Gu, Chen Li, Jianmin Bao, Dong Chen, Han Hu, Xin Geng, Baining Guo

Denoising diffusion models have been a mainstream approach for image generation, however, training these models often suffers from slow convergence. In this paper, we discovered that the slow convergence is partly due to conflicting optimization directions between timesteps. To address this issue, we treat the diffusion training as a multi-task learning problem, and introduce a simple yet effective approach referred to as Min-SNR-$\gamma$. This method adapts loss weights of timesteps based on clamped signal-to-noise ratios, which effectively balances the conflicts among timesteps. Our results demonstrate a significant improvement in converging speed, 3.4$\times$ faster than previous weighting strategies. It is also more effective, achieving a new record FID score of 2.06 on the ImageNet $256\times256$ benchmark using smaller architectures than that employed in previous state-of-the-art.


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