
2023-03-04 更新

2023-03-04 更新

Evaluation of Data Augmentation and Loss Functions in Semantic Image Segmentation for Drilling Tool Wear Detection

Authors:Elke Schlager, Andreas Windisch, Lukas Hanna, Thomas Klünsner, Elias Jan Hagendorfer, Tamara Teppernegg

Tool wear monitoring is crucial for quality control and cost reduction in manufacturing processes, of which drilling applications are one example. In this paper, we present a U-Net based semantic image segmentation pipeline, deployed on microscopy images of cutting inserts, for the purpose of wear detection. The wear area is differentiated in two different types, resulting in a multiclass classification problem. Joining the two wear types in one general wear class, on the other hand, allows the problem to be formulated as a binary classification task. Apart from the comparison of the binary and multiclass problem, also different loss functions, i. e., Cross Entropy, Focal Cross Entropy, and a loss based on the Intersection over Union (IoU), are investigated. Furthermore, models are trained on image tiles of different sizes, and augmentation techniques of varying intensities are deployed. We find, that the best performing models are binary models, trained on data with moderate augmentation and an IoU-based loss function.


Anatomical Invariance Modeling and Semantic Alignment for Self-supervised Learning in 3D Medical Image Segmentation

Authors:Yankai Jiang, Mingze Sun, Heng Guo, Ke Yan, Le Lu, Minfeng Xu

Self-supervised learning (SSL) has recently achieved promising performance for 3D medical image segmentation tasks. Most current methods follow existing SSL paradigm originally designed for photographic or natural images, which cannot explicitly and thoroughly exploit the intrinsic similar anatomical structures across varying medical images. This may in fact degrade the quality of learned deep representations by maximizing the similarity among features containing spatial misalignment information and different anatomical semantics. In this work, we propose a new self-supervised learning framework, namely Alice, that explicitly fulfills Anatomical invariance modeling and semantic alignment via elaborately combining discriminative and generative objectives. Alice introduces a new contrastive learning strategy which encourages the similarity between views that are diversely mined but with consistent high-level semantics, in order to learn invariant anatomical features. Moreover, we design a conditional anatomical feature alignment module to complement corrupted embeddings with globally matched semantics and inter-patch topology information, conditioned by the distribution of local image content, which permits to create better contrastive pairs. Our extensive quantitative experiments on two public 3D medical image segmentation benchmarks of FLARE 2022 and BTCV demonstrate and validate the performance superiority of Alice, surpassing the previous best SSL counterpart methods by 2.11% and 1.77% in Dice coefficients, respectively.


Threatening Patch Attacks on Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images

Authors:Xuxiang Sun, Gong Cheng, Lei Pei, Hongda Li, Junwei Han

Advanced Patch Attacks (PAs) on object detection in natural images have pointed out the great safety vulnerability in methods based on deep neural networks. However, little attention has been paid to this topic in Optical Remote Sensing Images (O-RSIs). To this end, we focus on this research, i.e., PAs on object detection in O-RSIs, and propose a more Threatening PA without the scarification of the visual quality, dubbed TPA. Specifically, to address the problem of inconsistency between local and global landscapes in existing patch selection schemes, we propose leveraging the First-Order Difference (FOD) of the objective function before and after masking to select the sub-patches to be attacked. Further, considering the problem of gradient inundation when applying existing coordinate-based loss to PAs directly, we design an IoU-based objective function specific for PAs, dubbed Bounding box Drifting Loss (BDL), which pushes the detected bounding boxes far from the initial ones until there are no intersections between them. Finally, on two widely used benchmarks, i.e., DIOR and DOTA, comprehensive evaluations of our TPA with four typical detectors (Faster R-CNN, FCOS, RetinaNet, and YOLO-v4) witness its remarkable effectiveness. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to study the PAs on object detection in O-RSIs, and we hope this work can get our readers interested in studying this topic.


Semantic Image Segmentation: Two Decades of Research

Authors:Gabriela Csurka, Riccardo Volpi, Boris Chidlovskii

Semantic image segmentation (SiS) plays a fundamental role in a broad variety of computer vision applications, providing key information for the global understanding of an image. This survey is an effort to summarize two decades of research in the field of SiS, where we propose a literature review of solutions starting from early historical methods followed by an overview of more recent deep learning methods including the latest trend of using transformers. We complement the review by discussing particular cases of the weak supervision and side machine learning techniques that can be used to improve the semantic segmentation such as curriculum, incremental or self-supervised learning. State-of-the-art SiS models rely on a large amount of annotated samples, which are more expensive to obtain than labels for tasks such as image classification. Since unlabeled data is instead significantly cheaper to obtain, it is not surprising that Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) reached a broad success within the semantic segmentation community. Therefore, a second core contribution of this book is to summarize five years of a rapidly growing field, Domain Adaptation for Semantic Image Segmentation (DASiS) which embraces the importance of semantic segmentation itself and a critical need of adapting segmentation models to new environments. In addition to providing a comprehensive survey on DASiS techniques, we unveil also newer trends such as multi-domain learning, domain generalization, domain incremental learning, test-time adaptation and source-free domain adaptation. Finally, we conclude this survey by describing datasets and benchmarks most widely used in SiS and DASiS and briefly discuss related tasks such as instance and panoptic image segmentation, as well as applications such as medical image segmentation.
PDF Pre-print of the book: G. Csurka, R. Volpi and B. Chidlovski: Semantic Image Segmentation: Two Decades of Research, FTCGV (14): No. 1-2, http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/0600000095. The authors retained the copyright and are allowed to post it on arXiv. Research only use, commercial use or systematic downloading (by robots or other automatic processes) is prohibited


A Deep Learning-based Global and Segmentation-based Semantic Feature Fusion Approach for Indoor Scene Classification

Authors:Ricardo Pereira, Tiago Barros, Luís Garrote, Ana Lopes, Urbano J. Nunes

Indoor scene classification has become an important task in perception modules and has been widely used in various applications. However, problems such as intra-category variability and inter-category similarity have been holding back the models’ performance, which leads to the need for new types of features to obtain a more meaningful scene representation. A semantic segmentation mask provides pixel-level information about the objects available in the scene, which makes it a promising source of information to obtain a more meaningful local representation of the scene. Therefore, in this work, a novel approach that uses a semantic segmentation mask to obtain a 2D spatial layout of the object categories across the scene, designated by segmentation-based semantic features (SSFs), is proposed. These features represent, per object category, the pixel count, as well as the 2D average position and respective standard deviation values. Moreover, a two-branch network, GS2F2App, that exploits CNN-based global features extracted from RGB images and the segmentation-based features extracted from the proposed SSFs, is also proposed. GS2F2App was evaluated in two indoor scene benchmark datasets: the SUN RGB-D and the NYU Depth V2, achieving state-of-the-art results on both datasets.


Hard-aware Instance Adaptive Self-training for Unsupervised Cross-domain Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Chuang Zhu, Kebin Liu, Wenqi Tang, Ke Mei, Jiaqi Zou, Tiejun Huang

The divergence between labeled training data and unlabeled testing data is a significant challenge for recent deep learning models. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) attempts to solve such problem. Recent works show that self-training is a powerful approach to UDA. However, existing methods have difficulty in balancing the scalability and performance. In this paper, we propose a hard-aware instance adaptive self-training framework for UDA on the task of semantic segmentation. To effectively improve the quality and diversity of pseudo-labels, we develop a novel pseudo-label generation strategy with an instance adaptive selector. We further enrich the hard class pseudo-labels with inter-image information through a skillfully designed hard-aware pseudo-label augmentation. Besides, we propose the region-adaptive regularization to smooth the pseudo-label region and sharpen the non-pseudo-label region. For the non-pseudo-label region, consistency constraint is also constructed to introduce stronger supervision signals during model optimization. Our method is so concise and efficient that it is easy to be generalized to other UDA methods. Experiments on GTA5 to Cityscapes, SYNTHIA to Cityscapes, and Cityscapes to Oxford RobotCar demonstrate the superior performance of our approach compared with the state-of-the-art methods.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2008.12197


TransUPR: A Transformer-based Uncertain Point Refiner for LiDAR Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Zifan Yu, Meida Chen, Zhikang Zhang, Suya You, Fengbo Ren

In this work, we target the problem of uncertain points refinement for image-based LiDAR point cloud semantic segmentation (LiDAR PCSS). This problem mainly results from the boundary-blurring problem of convolution neural networks (CNNs) and quantitation loss of spherical projection, which are often hard to avoid for common image-based LiDAR PCSS approaches. We propose a plug-and-play transformer-based uncertain point refiner (TransUPR) to address the problem. Through local feature aggregation, uncertain point localization, and self-attention-based transformer design, TransUPR, integrated into an existing range image-based LiDAR PCSS approach (e.g., CENet), achieves the state-of-the-art performance (68.2% mIoU) on Semantic-KITTI benchmark, which provides a performance improvement of 0.6% on the mIoU.
PDF 5 pages


A Survey on Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Adrian Peláez-Vegas, Pablo Mesejo, Julián Luengo

Semantic segmentation is one of the most challenging tasks in computer vision. However, in many applications, a frequent obstacle is the lack of labeled images, due to the high cost of pixel-level labeling. In this scenario, it makes sense to approach the problem from a semi-supervised point of view, where both labeled and unlabeled images are exploited. In recent years this line of research has gained much interest and many approaches have been published in this direction. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to provide an overview of the current state of the art in semi-supervised semantic segmentation, offering an updated taxonomy of all existing methods to date. This is complemented by an experimentation with a variety of models representing all the categories of the taxonomy on the most widely used becnhmark datasets in the literature, and a final discussion on the results obtained, the challenges and the most promising lines of future research.


ViewCo: Discovering Text-Supervised Segmentation Masks via Multi-View Semantic Consistency

Authors:Pengzhen Ren, Changlin Li, Hang Xu, Yi Zhu, Guangrun Wang, Jianzhuang Liu, Xiaojun Chang, Xiaodan Liang

Recently, great success has been made in learning visual representations from text supervision, facilitating the emergence of text-supervised semantic segmentation. However, existing works focus on pixel grouping and cross-modal semantic alignment, while ignoring the correspondence among multiple augmented views of the same image. To overcome such limitation, we propose multi-\textbf{View} \textbf{Co}nsistent learning (ViewCo) for text-supervised semantic segmentation. Specifically, we first propose text-to-views consistency modeling to learn correspondence for multiple views of the same input image. Additionally, we propose cross-view segmentation consistency modeling to address the ambiguity issue of text supervision by contrasting the segment features of Siamese visual encoders. The text-to-views consistency benefits the dense assignment of the visual features by encouraging different crops to align with the same text, while the cross-view segmentation consistency modeling provides additional self-supervision, overcoming the limitation of ambiguous text supervision for segmentation masks. Trained with large-scale image-text data, our model can directly segment objects of arbitrary categories in a zero-shot manner. Extensive experiments show that ViewCo outperforms state-of-the-art methods on average by up to 2.9\%, 1.6\%, and 2.4\% mIoU on PASCAL VOC2012, PASCAL Context, and COCO, respectively.


Lightweight Real-time Semantic Segmentation Network with Efficient Transformer and CNN

Authors:Guoan Xu, Juncheng Li, Guangwei Gao, Huimin Lu, Jian Yang, Dong Yue

In the past decade, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown prominence for semantic segmentation. Although CNN models have very impressive performance, the ability to capture global representation is still insufficient, which results in suboptimal results. Recently, Transformer achieved huge success in NLP tasks, demonstrating its advantages in modeling long-range dependency. Recently, Transformer has also attracted tremendous attention from computer vision researchers who reformulate the image processing tasks as a sequence-to-sequence prediction but resulted in deteriorating local feature details. In this work, we propose a lightweight real-time semantic segmentation network called LETNet. LETNet combines a U-shaped CNN with Transformer effectively in a capsule embedding style to compensate for respective deficiencies. Meanwhile, the elaborately designed Lightweight Dilated Bottleneck (LDB) module and Feature Enhancement (FE) module cultivate a positive impact on training from scratch simultaneously. Extensive experiments performed on challenging datasets demonstrate that LETNet achieves superior performances in accuracy and efficiency balance. Specifically, It only contains 0.95M parameters and 13.6G FLOPs but yields 72.8\% mIoU at 120 FPS on the Cityscapes test set and 70.5\% mIoU at 250 FPS on the CamVid test dataset using a single RTX 3090 GPU. The source code will be available at https://github.com/IVIPLab/LETNet.
PDF IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10 pages


MVFusion: Multi-View 3D Object Detection with Semantic-aligned Radar and Camera Fusion

Authors:Zizhang Wu, Guilian Chen, Yuanzhu Gan, Lei Wang, Jian Pu

Multi-view radar-camera fused 3D object detection provides a farther detection range and more helpful features for autonomous driving, especially under adverse weather. The current radar-camera fusion methods deliver kinds of designs to fuse radar information with camera data. However, these fusion approaches usually adopt the straightforward concatenation operation between multi-modal features, which ignores the semantic alignment with radar features and sufficient correlations across modals. In this paper, we present MVFusion, a novel Multi-View radar-camera Fusion method to achieve semantic-aligned radar features and enhance the cross-modal information interaction. To achieve so, we inject the semantic alignment into the radar features via the semantic-aligned radar encoder (SARE) to produce image-guided radar features. Then, we propose the radar-guided fusion transformer (RGFT) to fuse our radar and image features to strengthen the two modals’ correlation from the global scope via the cross-attention mechanism. Extensive experiments show that MVFusion achieves state-of-the-art performance (51.7% NDS and 45.3% mAP) on the nuScenes dataset. We shall release our code and trained networks upon publication.
PDF Accepted by ICRA 2023


Self-improving object detection via disagreement reconciliation

Authors:Gianluca Scarpellini, Stefano Rosa, Pietro Morerio, Lorenzo Natale, Alessio Del Bue

Object detectors often experience a drop in performance when new environmental conditions are insufficiently represented in the training data. This paper studies how to automatically fine-tune a pre-existing object detector while exploring and acquiring images in a new environment without relying on human intervention, i.e., in a self-supervised fashion. In our setting, an agent initially explores the environment using a pre-trained off-the-shelf detector to locate objects and associate pseudo-labels. By assuming that pseudo-labels for the same object must be consistent across different views, we devise a novel mechanism for producing refined predictions from the consensus among observations. Our approach improves the off-the-shelf object detector by 2.66% in terms of mAP and outperforms the current state of the art without relying on ground-truth annotations.
PDF This article is a conference paper related to arXiv:2302.03566 and is currently under review


A General Visual Representation Guided Framework with Global Affinity for Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection

Authors:Binwei Xu, Haoran Liang, Weihua Gong, Ronghua Liang, Peng Chen

Fully supervised salient object detection (SOD) methods have made considerable progress in performance, yet these models rely heavily on expensive pixel-wise labels. Recently, to achieve a trade-off between labeling burden and performance, scribble-based SOD methods have attracted increasing attention. Previous models directly implement the SOD task only based on small-scale SOD training data. Due to the limited information provided by the weakly scribble tags and such small-scale training data, it is extremely difficult for them to understand the image and further achieve a superior SOD task. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework guided by general visual representations that simulate the general cognition of humans for scribble-based SOD. It consists of a task-related encoder, a general visual module, and an information integration module to combine efficiently the general visual representations learned from large-scale unlabeled datasets with task-related features to perform the SOD task based on understanding the contextual connections of images. Meanwhile, we propose a novel global semantic affinity loss to guide the model to perceive the global structure of the salient objects. Experimental results on five public benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method that only utilizes scribble annotations without introducing any extra label outperforms the state-of-the-art weakly supervised SOD methods and is comparable or even superior to the state-of-the-art fully supervised models.


Video-SwinUNet: Spatio-temporal Deep Learning Framework for VFSS Instance Segmentation

Authors:Chengxi Zeng, Xinyu Yang, David Smithard, Majid Mirmehdi, Alberto M Gambaruto, Tilo Burghardt

This paper presents a deep learning framework for medical video segmentation. Convolution neural network (CNN) and transformer-based methods have achieved great milestones in medical image segmentation tasks due to their incredible semantic feature encoding and global information comprehension abilities. However, most existing approaches ignore a salient aspect of medical video data - the temporal dimension. Our proposed framework explicitly extracts features from neighbouring frames across the temporal dimension and incorporates them with a temporal feature blender, which then tokenises the high-level spatio-temporal feature to form a strong global feature encoded via a Swin Transformer. The final segmentation results are produced via a UNet-like encoder-decoder architecture. Our model outperforms other approaches by a significant margin and improves the segmentation benchmarks on the VFSS2022 dataset, achieving a dice coefficient of 0.8986 and 0.8186 for the two datasets tested. Our studies also show the efficacy of the temporal feature blending scheme and cross-dataset transferability of learned capabilities. Code and models are fully available at https://github.com/SimonZeng7108/Video-SwinUNet.


Fusing Visual Appearance and Geometry for Multi-modality 6DoF Object Tracking

Authors:Manuel Stoiber, Mariam Elsayed, Anne E. Reichert, Florian Steidle, Dongheui Lee, Rudolph Triebel

In many applications of advanced robotic manipulation, six degrees of freedom (6DoF) object pose estimates are continuously required. In this work, we develop a multi-modality tracker that fuses information from visual appearance and geometry to estimate object poses. The algorithm extends our previous method ICG, which uses geometry, to additionally consider surface appearance. In general, object surfaces contain local characteristics from text, graphics, and patterns, as well as global differences from distinct materials and colors. To incorporate this visual information, two modalities are developed. For local characteristics, keypoint features are used to minimize distances between points from keyframes and the current image. For global differences, a novel region approach is developed that considers multiple regions on the object surface. In addition, it allows the modeling of external geometries. Experiments on the YCB-Video and OPT datasets demonstrate that our approach ICG+ performs best on both datasets, outperforming both conventional and deep learning-based methods. At the same time, the algorithm is highly efficient and runs at more than 300 Hz. The source code of our tracker is publicly available.
PDF Submitted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots


Efficient Context Integration through Factorized Pyramidal Learning for Ultra-Lightweight Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Nadeem Atif, Saquib Mazhar, Debajit Sarma, M. K. Bhuyan, Shaik Rafi Ahamed

Semantic segmentation is a pixel-level prediction task to classify each pixel of the input image. Deep learning models, such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have been extremely successful in achieving excellent performances in this domain. However, mobile application, such as autonomous driving, demand real-time processing of incoming stream of images. Hence, achieving efficient architectures along with enhanced accuracy is of paramount importance. Since, accuracy and model size of CNNs are intrinsically contentious in nature, the challenge is to achieve a decent trade-off between accuracy and model size. To address this, we propose a novel Factorized Pyramidal Learning (FPL) module to aggregate rich contextual information in an efficient manner. On one hand, it uses a bank of convolutional filters with multiple dilation rates which leads to multi-scale context aggregation; crucial in achieving better accuracy. On the other hand, parameters are reduced by a careful factorization of the employed filters; crucial in achieving lightweight models. Moreover, we decompose the spatial pyramid into two stages which enables a simple and efficient feature fusion within the module to solve the notorious checkerboard effect. We also design a dedicated Feature-Image Reinforcement (FIR) unit to carry out the fusion operation of shallow and deep features with the downsampled versions of the input image. This gives an accuracy enhancement without increasing model parameters. Based on the FPL module and FIR unit, we propose an ultra-lightweight real-time network, called FPLNet, which achieves state-of-the-art accuracy-efficiency trade-off. More specifically, with only less than 0.5 million parameters, the proposed network achieves 66.93\% and 66.28\% mIoU on Cityscapes validation and test set, respectively. Moreover, FPLNet has a processing speed of 95.5 frames per second (FPS).


Authors:Kun Yang, Jing Liu, Dingkang Yang, Hanqi Wang, Peng Sun, Yanni Zhang, Yan Liu, Liang Song

With the rapid development of intelligent transportation system applications, a tremendous amount of multi-view video data has emerged to enhance vehicle perception. However, performing video analytics efficiently by exploiting the spatial-temporal redundancy from video data remains challenging. Accordingly, we propose a novel traffic-related framework named CEVAS to achieve efficient object detection using multi-view video data. Briefly, a fine-grained input filtering policy is introduced to produce a reasonable region of interest from the captured images. Also, we design a sharing object manager to manage the information of objects with spatial redundancy and share their results with other vehicles. We further derive a content-aware model selection policy to select detection methods adaptively. Experimental results show that our framework significantly reduces response latency while achieving the same detection accuracy as the state-of-the-art methods.
PDF Accepted by ICASSP 2023


A Convolutional Vision Transformer for Semantic Segmentation of Side-Scan Sonar Data

Authors:Hayat Rajani, Nuno Gracias, Rafael Garcia

Distinguishing among different marine benthic habitat characteristics is of key importance in a wide set of seabed operations ranging from installations of oil rigs to laying networks of cables and monitoring the impact of humans on marine ecosystems. The Side-Scan Sonar (SSS) is a widely used imaging sensor in this regard. It produces high-resolution seafloor maps by logging the intensities of sound waves reflected back from the seafloor. In this work, we leverage these acoustic intensity maps to produce pixel-wise categorization of different seafloor types. We propose a novel architecture adapted from the Vision Transformer (ViT) in an encoder-decoder framework. Further, in doing so, the applicability of ViTs is evaluated on smaller datasets. To overcome the lack of CNN-like inductive biases, thereby making ViTs more conducive to applications in low data regimes, we propose a novel feature extraction module to replace the Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) block within transformer layers and a novel module to extract multiscale patch embeddings. A lightweight decoder is also proposed to complement this design in order to further boost multiscale feature extraction. With the modified architecture, we achieve state-of-the-art results and also meet real-time computational requirements. We make our code available at ~\url{https://github.com/hayatrajani/s3seg-vit
PDF Submitted to Ocean Engineering special issue “Autonomous Marine Robotics Operations”


BOP Challenge 2022 on Detection, Segmentation and Pose Estimation of Specific Rigid Objects

Authors:Martin Sundermeyer, Tomas Hodan, Yann Labbe, Gu Wang, Eric Brachmann, Bertram Drost, Carsten Rother, Jiri Matas

We present the evaluation methodology, datasets and results of the BOP Challenge 2022, the fourth in a series of public competitions organized with the goal to capture the status quo in the field of 6D object pose estimation from an RGB/RGB-D image. In 2022, we witnessed another significant improvement in the pose estimation accuracy — the state of the art, which was 56.9 AR$_C$ in 2019 (Vidal et al.) and 69.8 AR$_C$ in 2020 (CosyPose), moved to new heights of 83.7 AR$_C$ (GDRNPP). Out of 49 pose estimation methods evaluated since 2019, the top 18 are from 2022. Methods based on point pair features, which were introduced in 2010 and achieved competitive results even in 2020, are now clearly outperformed by deep learning methods. The synthetic-to-real domain gap was again significantly reduced, with 82.7 AR$_C$ achieved by GDRNPP trained only on synthetic images from BlenderProc. The fastest variant of GDRNPP reached 80.5 AR$_C$ with an average time per image of 0.23s. Since most of the recent methods for 6D object pose estimation begin by detecting/segmenting objects, we also started evaluating 2D object detection and segmentation performance based on the COCO metrics. Compared to the Mask R-CNN results from CosyPose in 2020, detection improved from 60.3 to 77.3 AP$_C$ and segmentation from 40.5 to 58.7 AP$_C$. The online evaluation system stays open and is available at: \href{http://bop.felk.cvut.cz/}{bop.felk.cvut.cz}.
PDF arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2009.07378


DLOFTBs — Fast Tracking of Deformable Linear Objects with B-splines

Authors:Piotr Kicki, Amadeusz Szymko, Krzysztof Walas

While the manipulation of rigid objects is an extensively explored research topic, deformable linear object (DLO) manipulation seems significantly underdeveloped. A potential reason for this is the inherent difficulty in describing and observing the state of the DLO as its geometry changes during manipulation. This paper proposes an algorithm for fast-tracking the shape of a DLO based on the masked image. Having no prior knowledge about the tracked object, the proposed method finds a reliable representation of the shape of the tracked object within tens of milliseconds. This algorithm’s main idea is to first skeletonize the DLO mask image, walk through the parts of the DLO skeleton, arrange the segments into an ordered path, and finally fit a B-spline into it. Experiments show that our solution outperforms the State-of-the-Art approaches in DLO’s shape reconstruction accuracy and algorithm running time and can handle challenging scenarios such as severe occlusions, self-intersections, and multiple DLOs in a single image.
PDF Accepted at International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023


Self Correspondence Distillation for End-to-End Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Rongtao Xu, Changwei Wang, Jiaxi Sun, Shibiao Xu, Weiliang Meng, Xiaopeng Zhang

Efficiently training accurate deep models for weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) with image-level labels is challenging and important. Recently, end-to-end WSSS methods have become the focus of research due to their high training efficiency. However, current methods suffer from insufficient extraction of comprehensive semantic information, resulting in low-quality pseudo-labels and sub-optimal solutions for end-to-end WSSS. To this end, we propose a simple and novel Self Correspondence Distillation (SCD) method to refine pseudo-labels without introducing external supervision. Our SCD enables the network to utilize feature correspondence derived from itself as a distillation target, which can enhance the network’s feature learning process by complementing semantic information. In addition, to further improve the segmentation accuracy, we design a Variation-aware Refine Module to enhance the local consistency of pseudo-labels by computing pixel-level variation. Finally, we present an efficient end-to-end Transformer-based framework (TSCD) via SCD and Variation-aware Refine Module for the accurate WSSS task. Extensive experiments on the PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at {https://github.com/Rongtao-Xu/RepresentationLearning/tree/main/SCD-AAAI2023}.


Soft labelling for semantic segmentation: Bringing coherence to label down-sampling

Authors:Roberto Alcover-Couso, Marcos Escudero-Vinolo, Juan C. SanMiguel

In semantic segmentation, training data down-sampling is commonly performed because of limited resources, adapting image size to the model input, or improving data augmentation. This down-sampling typically employs different strategies for the image data and the annotated labels. Such discrepancy leads to mismatches between the down-sampled pixels and labels. Hence, training performance significantly decreases as the down-sampling factor increases. In this paper, we bring together the downsampling strategies for the image data and annotated labels. To that aim, we propose a soft-labeling method for label down-sampling that takes advantage of structural content prior to down-sampling. Thereby, fully aligning softlabels with image data to keep the distribution of the sampled pixels. This proposal also produces richer annotations for under-represented semantic classes. Altogether, it permits training competitive models at lower resolutions. Experiments show that the proposal outperforms other downsampling strategies. Moreover, state of the art performance is achieved for reference benchmarks, but employing significantly less computational resources than other approaches. This proposal enables competitive research for semantic segmentation under resource constraints.


Aligning Bag of Regions for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection

Authors:Size Wu, Wenwei Zhang, Sheng Jin, Wentao Liu, Chen Change Loy

Pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) learn to align vision and language representations on large-scale datasets, where each image-text pair usually contains a bag of semantic concepts. However, existing open-vocabulary object detectors only align region embeddings individually with the corresponding features extracted from the VLMs. Such a design leaves the compositional structure of semantic concepts in a scene under-exploited, although the structure may be implicitly learned by the VLMs. In this work, we propose to align the embedding of bag of regions beyond individual regions. The proposed method groups contextually interrelated regions as a bag. The embeddings of regions in a bag are treated as embeddings of words in a sentence, and they are sent to the text encoder of a VLM to obtain the bag-of-regions embedding, which is learned to be aligned to the corresponding features extracted by a frozen VLM. Applied to the commonly used Faster R-CNN, our approach surpasses the previous best results by 4.6 box AP50 and 2.8 mask AP on novel categories of open-vocabulary COCO and LVIS benchmarks, respectively. Code and models are available at https://github.com/wusize/ovdet.


GLOW: Global Layout Aware Attacks for Object Detection

Authors:Jun Bao, Buyu Liu, Jianping Fan, Jun Yu

Adversarial attacks aims to perturb images such that a predictor outputs incorrect results. Due to the limited research in structured attacks, imposing consistency checks on natural multi-object scenes is a promising yet practical defense against conventional adversarial attacks. More desired attacks, to this end, should be able to fool defenses with such consistency checks. Therefore, we present the first approach GLOW that copes with various attack requests by generating global layout-aware adversarial attacks where both categorical and geometric layout constraints are explicitly established. Specifically, we focus on object detection task and given a victim image, GLOW first localizes victim objects according to target labels. And then it generates multiple attack plans, together with their context-consistency scores. Our proposed GLOW, on the one hand, is capable of handling various types of requests, including single or multiple victim objects, with or without specified victim objects. On the other hand, it produces a consistency score for each attack plan, reflecting the overall contextual consistency that both semantic category and global scene layout are considered. In experiment, we design multiple types of attack requests and validate our ideas on MS COCO validation set. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that we can achieve about 40$\%$ average relative improvement compared to state-of-the-art methods in conventional single object attack request; Moreover, our method outperforms SOTAs significantly on more generic attack requests by at least 30$\%$; Finally, our method produces superior performance under challenging zero-query black-box setting, or 30$\%$ better than SOTAs. Our code, model and attack requests would be made available.


Foundation Model Drives Weakly Incremental Learning for Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Chaohui Yu, Qiang Zhou, Jingliang Li, Jianlong Yuan, Zhibin Wang, Fan Wang

Modern incremental learning for semantic segmentation methods usually learn new categories based on dense annotations. Although achieve promising results, pixel-by-pixel labeling is costly and time-consuming. Weakly incremental learning for semantic segmentation (WILSS) is a novel and attractive task, which aims at learning to segment new classes from cheap and widely available image-level labels. Despite the comparable results, the image-level labels can not provide details to locate each segment, which limits the performance of WILSS. This inspires us to think how to improve and effectively utilize the supervision of new classes given image-level labels while avoiding forgetting old ones. In this work, we propose a novel and data-efficient framework for WILSS, named FMWISS. Specifically, we propose pre-training based co-segmentation to distill the knowledge of complementary foundation models for generating dense pseudo labels. We further optimize the noisy pseudo masks with a teacher-student architecture, where a plug-in teacher is optimized with a proposed dense contrastive loss. Moreover, we introduce memory-based copy-paste augmentation to improve the catastrophic forgetting problem of old classes. Extensive experiments on Pascal VOC and COCO datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our framework, e.g., FMWISS achieves 70.7% and 73.3% in the 15-5 VOC setting, outperforming the state-of-the-art method by 3.4% and 6.1%, respectively.


Memory-aided Contrastive Consensus Learning for Co-salient Object Detection

Authors:Peng Zheng, Jie Qin, Shuo Wang, Tian-Zhu Xiang, Huan Xiong

Co-Salient Object Detection (CoSOD) aims at detecting common salient objects within a group of relevant source images. Most of the latest works employ the attention mechanism for finding common objects. To achieve accurate CoSOD results with high-quality maps and high efficiency, we propose a novel Memory-aided Contrastive Consensus Learning (MCCL) framework, which is capable of effectively detecting co-salient objects in real time (~110 fps). To learn better group consensus, we propose the Group Consensus Aggregation Module (GCAM) to abstract the common features of each image group; meanwhile, to make the consensus representation more discriminative, we introduce the Memory-based Contrastive Module (MCM), which saves and updates the consensus of images from different groups in a queue of memories. Finally, to improve the quality and integrity of the predicted maps, we develop an Adversarial Integrity Learning (AIL) strategy to make the segmented regions more likely composed of complete objects with less surrounding noise. Extensive experiments on all the latest CoSOD benchmarks demonstrate that our lite MCCL outperforms 13 cutting-edge models, achieving the new state of the art (~5.9% and ~6.2% improvement in S-measure on CoSOD3k and CoSal2015, respectively). Our source codes, saliency maps, and online demos are publicly available at https://github.com/ZhengPeng7/MCCL.


AdaptiveShape: Solving Shape Variability for 3D Object Detection with Geometry Aware Anchor Distributions

Authors:Benjamin Sick, Michael Walter, Jochen Abhau

3D object detection with point clouds and images plays an important role in perception tasks such as autonomous driving. Current methods show great performance on detection and pose estimation of standard-shaped vehicles but lack behind on more complex shapes as e.g. semi-trailer truck combinations. Determining the shape and motion of those special vehicles accurately is crucial in yard operation and maneuvering and industrial automation applications. This work introduces several new methods to improve and measure the performance for such classes. State-of-the-art methods are based on predefined anchor grids or heatmaps for ground truth targets. However, the underlying representations do not take the shape of different sized objects into account. Our main contribution, AdaptiveShape, uses shape aware anchor distributions and heatmaps to improve the detection capabilities. For large vehicles we achieve +10.9% AP in comparison to current shape agnostic methods. Furthermore we introduce a new fast LiDAR-camera fusion. It is based on 2D bounding box camera detections which are available in many processing pipelines. This fusion method does not rely on perfectly calibrated or temporally synchronized systems and is therefore applicable to a broad range of robotic applications. We extend a standard point pillar network to account for temporal data and improve learning of complex object movements. In addition we extended a ground truth augmentation to use grouped object pairs to further improve truck AP by +2.2% compared to conventional augmentation.


D2Q-DETR: Decoupling and Dynamic Queries for Oriented Object Detection with Transformers

Authors:Qiang Zhou, Chaohui Yu, Zhibin Wang, Fan Wang

Despite the promising results, existing oriented object detection methods usually involve heuristically designed rules, e.g., RRoI generation, rotated NMS. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework for oriented object detection, which simplifies the model pipeline and obtains superior performance. Our framework is based on DETR, with the box regression head replaced with a points prediction head. The learning of points is more flexible, and the distribution of points can reflect the angle and size of the target rotated box. We further propose to decouple the query features into classification and regression features, which significantly improves the model precision. Aerial images usually contain thousands of instances. To better balance model precision and efficiency, we propose a novel dynamic query design, which reduces the number of object queries in stacked decoder layers without sacrificing model performance. Finally, we rethink the label assignment strategy of existing DETR-like detectors and propose an effective label re-assignment strategy for improved performance. We name our method D2Q-DETR. Experiments on the largest and challenging DOTA-v1.0 and DOTA-v1.5 datasets show that D2Q-DETR outperforms existing NMS-based and NMS-free oriented object detection methods and achieves the new state-of-the-art.
PDF 5 figures


A Coarse to Fine Framework for Object Detection in High Resolution Image

Authors:Jinyan Liu, Jie Chen

Object detection is a fundamental problem in computer vision, aiming at locating and classifying objects in image. Although current devices can easily take very high-resolution images, current approaches of object detection seldom consider detecting tiny object or the large scale variance problem in high resolution images. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet efficient approach that improves accuracy of object detection especially for small objects and large scale variance scene while reducing the computational cost in high resolution image. Inspired by observing that overall detection accuracy is reduced if the image is properly down-sampled but the recall rate is not significantly reduced. Besides, small objects can be better detected by inputting high-resolution images even if using lightweight detector. We propose a cluster-based coarse-to-fine object detection framework to enhance the performance for detecting small objects while ensure the accuracy of large objects in high-resolution images. For the first stage, we perform coarse detection on the down-sampled image and center localization of small objects by lightweight detector on high-resolution image, and then obtains image chips based on cluster region generation method by coarse detection and center localization results, and further sends chips to the second stage detector for fine detection. Finally, we merge the coarse detection and fine detection results. Our approach can make good use of the sparsity of the objects and the information in high-resolution image, thereby making the detection more efficient. Experiment results show that our proposed approach achieves promising performance compared with other state-of-the-art detectors.


Token Contrast for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Lixiang Ru, Heliang Zheng, Yibing Zhan, Bo Du

Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS) using image-level labels typically utilizes Class Activation Map (CAM) to generate the pseudo labels. Limited by the local structure perception of CNN, CAM usually cannot identify the integral object regions. Though the recent Vision Transformer (ViT) can remedy this flaw, we observe it also brings the over-smoothing issue, \ie, the final patch tokens incline to be uniform. In this work, we propose Token Contrast (ToCo) to address this issue and further explore the virtue of ViT for WSSS. Firstly, motivated by the observation that intermediate layers in ViT can still retain semantic diversity, we designed a Patch Token Contrast module (PTC). PTC supervises the final patch tokens with the pseudo token relations derived from intermediate layers, allowing them to align the semantic regions and thus yield more accurate CAM. Secondly, to further differentiate the low-confidence regions in CAM, we devised a Class Token Contrast module (CTC) inspired by the fact that class tokens in ViT can capture high-level semantics. CTC facilitates the representation consistency between uncertain local regions and global objects by contrasting their class tokens. Experiments on the PASCAL VOC and MS COCO datasets show the proposed ToCo can remarkably surpass other single-stage competitors and achieve comparable performance with state-of-the-art multi-stage methods. Code is available at https://github.com/rulixiang/ToCo.
PDF Accepted to CVPR 2023


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