
2023-03-04 更新

GLFF: Global and Local Feature Fusion for Face Forgery Detection

Authors:Yan Ju, Shan Jia, Jialing Cai, Siwei Lyu

With the rapid development of deep generative models (such as Generative Adversarial Networks and Auto-encoders), AI-synthesized images of the human face are now of such high quality that humans can hardly distinguish them from pristine ones. Although existing detection methods have shown high performance in specific evaluation settings, e.g., on images from seen models or on images without real-world post-processings, they tend to suffer serious performance degradation in real-world scenarios where testing images can be generated by more powerful generation models or combined with various post-processing operations. To address this issue, we propose a Global and Local Feature Fusion (GLFF) to learn rich and discriminative representations by combining multi-scale global features from the whole image with refined local features from informative patches for face forgery detection. GLFF fuses information from two branches: the global branch to extract multi-scale semantic features and the local branch to select informative patches for detailed local artifacts extraction. Due to the lack of a face forgery dataset simulating real-world applications for evaluation, we further create a challenging face forgery dataset, named DeepFakeFaceForensics (DF^3), which contains 6 state-of-the-art generation models and a variety of post-processing techniques to approach the real-world scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method to the state-of-the-art methods on the proposed DF^3 dataset and three other open-source datasets.


Deep Composite Face Image Attacks: Generation, Vulnerability and Detection

Authors:Jag Mohan Singh, Raghavendra Ramachandra

Face manipulation attacks have drawn the attention of biometric researchers because of their vulnerability to Face Recognition Systems (FRS). This paper proposes a novel scheme to generate Composite Face Image Attacks (CFIA) based on facial attributes using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Given the face images corresponding to two unique data subjects, the proposed CFIA method will independently generate the segmented facial attributes, then blend them using transparent masks to generate the CFIA samples. We generate $526$ unique CFIA combinations of facial attributes for each pair of contributory data subjects. Extensive experiments are carried out on our newly generated CFIA dataset consisting of 1000 unique identities with 2000 bona fide samples and 526000 CFIA samples, thus resulting in an overall 528000 face image samples. We present a sequence of experiments to benchmark the attack potential of CFIA samples using four different automatic FRS. We introduced a new metric named Generalized Morphing Attack Potential (G-MAP) to benchmark the vulnerability of generated attacks on FRS effectively. Additional experiments are performed on the representative subset of the CFIA dataset to benchmark both perceptual quality and human observer response. Finally, the CFIA detection performance is benchmarked using three different single image based face Morphing Attack Detection (MAD) algorithms. The source code of the proposed method together with CFIA dataset will be made publicly available: \url{https://github.com/jagmohaniiit/LatentCompositionCode}


Dive into the Resolution Augmentations and Metrics in Low Resolution Face Recognition: A Plain yet Effective New Baseline

Authors:Xu Ling, Yichen Lu, Wenqi Xu, Weihong Deng, Yingjie Zhang, Xingchen Cui, Hongzhi Shi, Dongchao Wen

Although deep learning has significantly improved Face Recognition (FR), dramatic performance deterioration may occur when processing Low Resolution (LR) faces. To alleviate this, approaches based on unified feature space are proposed with the sacrifice under High Resolution (HR) circumstances. To deal with the huge domain gap between HR and LR domains and achieve the best on both domains, we first took a closer look at the impacts of several resolution augmentations and then analyzed the difficulty of LR samples from the perspective of the model gradient produced by different resolution samples. Besides, we also find that the introduction of some resolutions could help the learning of lower resolutions. Based on these, we divide the LR samples into three difficulties according to the resolution and propose a more effective Multi-Resolution Augmentation. Then, due to the rapidly increasing domain gap as the resolution decreases, we carefully design a novel and effective metric loss based on a LogExp distance function that provides decent gradients to prevent oscillation near the convergence point or tolerance to small distance errors; it could also dynamically adjust the penalty for errors in different dimensions, allowing for more optimization of dimensions with large errors. Combining these two insights, our model could learn more general knowledge in a wide resolution range of images and balanced results can be achieved by our extremely simple framework. Moreover, the augmentations and metrics are the cornerstones of LRFR, so our method could be considered a new baseline for the LRFR task. Experiments on the LRFR datasets: SCface, XQLFW, and large-scale LRFR dataset: TinyFace demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, while the degradation on HRFR datasets is significantly reduced.
PDF AAAI 2023 R2HCAI Workshop


WSD: Wild Selfie Dataset for Face Recognition in Selfie Images

Authors:Laxman Kumarapu, Shiv Ram Dubey, Snehasis Mukherjee, Parkhi Mohan, Sree Pragna Vinnakoti, Subhash Karthikeya

With the rise of handy smart phones in the recent years, the trend of capturing selfie images is observed. Hence efficient approaches are required to be developed for recognising faces in selfie images. Due to the short distance between the camera and face in selfie images, and the different visual effects offered by the selfie apps, face recognition becomes more challenging with existing approaches. A dataset is needed to be developed to encourage the study to recognize faces in selfie images. In order to alleviate this problem and to facilitate the research on selfie face images, we develop a challenging Wild Selfie Dataset (WSD) where the images are captured from the selfie cameras of different smart phones, unlike existing datasets where most of the images are captured in controlled environment. The WSD dataset contains 45,424 images from 42 individuals (i.e., 24 female and 18 male subjects), which are divided into 40,862 training and 4,562 test images. The average number of images per subject is 1,082 with minimum and maximum number of images for any subject are 518 and 2,634, respectively. The proposed dataset consists of several challenges, including but not limited to augmented reality filtering, mirrored images, occlusion, illumination, scale, expressions, view-point, aspect ratio, blur, partial faces, rotation, and alignment. We compare the proposed dataset with existing benchmark datasets in terms of different characteristics. The complexity of WSD dataset is also observed experimentally, where the performance of the existing state-of-the-art face recognition methods is poor on WSD dataset, compared to the existing datasets. Hence, the proposed WSD dataset opens up new challenges in the area of face recognition and can be beneficial to the community to study the specific challenges related to selfie images and develop improved methods for face recognition in selfie images.


Effect of Lossy Compression Algorithms on Face Image Quality and Recognition

Authors:Torsten Schlett, Sebastian Schachner, Christian Rathgeb, Juan Tapia, Christoph Busch

Lossy face image compression can degrade the image quality and the utility for the purpose of face recognition. This work investigates the effect of lossy image compression on a state-of-the-art face recognition model, and on multiple face image quality assessment models. The analysis is conducted over a range of specific image target sizes. Four compression types are considered, namely JPEG, JPEG 2000, downscaled PNG, and notably the new JPEG XL format. Frontal color images from the ColorFERET database were used in a Region Of Interest (ROI) variant and a portrait variant. We primarily conclude that JPEG XL allows for superior mean and worst case face recognition performance especially at lower target sizes, below approximately 5kB for the ROI variant, while there appears to be no critical advantage among the compression types at higher target sizes. Quality assessments from modern models correlate well overall with the compression effect on face recognition performance.


Pose Impact Estimation on Face Recognition using 3D-Aware Synthetic Data with Application to Quality Assessment

Authors:Marcel Grimmer, Christian Rathgeb, Christoph Busch

Evaluating the quality of facial images is essential for operating face recognition systems with sufficient accuracy. The recent advances in face quality standardisation (ISO/IEC WD 29794-5) recommend the usage of component quality measures for breaking down face quality into its individual factors, hence providing valuable feedback for operators to re-capture low-quality images. In light of recent advances in 3D-aware generative adversarial networks, we propose a novel dataset, “Syn-YawPitch”, comprising 1,000 identities with varying yaw-pitch angle combinations. Utilizing this dataset, we demonstrate that pitch angles beyond 30 degrees have a significant impact on the biometric performance of current face recognition systems. Furthermore, we propose a lightweight and efficient pose quality predictor that adheres to the standards of ISO/IEC WD 29794-5 and is freely available for use at https://github.com/datasciencegrimmer/Syn-YawPitch/.


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