
2023-03-04 更新

Pseudo Label-Guided Model Inversion Attack via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network

Authors:Xiaojian Yuan, Kejiang Chen, Jie Zhang, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu, Yang Zhang

Model inversion (MI) attacks have raised increasing concerns about privacy, which can reconstruct training data from public models. Indeed, MI attacks can be formalized as an optimization problem that seeks private data in a certain space. Recent MI attacks leverage a generative adversarial network (GAN) as an image prior to narrow the search space, and can successfully reconstruct even the high-dimensional data (e.g., face images). However, these generative MI attacks do not fully exploit the potential capabilities of the target model, still leading to a vague and coupled search space, i.e., different classes of images are coupled in the search space. Besides, the widely used cross-entropy loss in these attacks suffers from gradient vanishing. To address these problems, we propose Pseudo Label-Guided MI (PLG-MI) attack via conditional GAN (cGAN). At first, a top-n selection strategy is proposed to provide pseudo-labels for public data, and use pseudo-labels to guide the training of the cGAN. In this way, the search space is decoupled for different classes of images. Then a max-margin loss is introduced to improve the search process on the subspace of a target class. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our PLG-MI attack significantly improves the attack success rate and visual quality for various datasets and models, notably, 2~3 $\times$ better than state-of-the-art attacks under large distributional shifts. Our code is available at: https://github.com/LetheSec/PLG-MI-Attack.
PDF Accepted by AAAI 2023


CBA: Contextual Background Attack against Optical Aerial Detection in the Physical World

Authors:Jiawei Lian, Xiaofei Wang, Yuru Su, Mingyang Ma, Shaohui Mei

Patch-based physical attacks have increasingly aroused concerns. However, most existing methods focus on obscuring targets captured on the ground, and some of these methods are simply extended to deceive aerial detectors. They smear the targeted objects in the physical world with the elaborated adversarial patches, which can only slightly sway the aerial detectors’ prediction and with weak attack transferability. To address the above issues, we propose to perform Contextual Background Attack (CBA), a novel physical attack framework against aerial detection, which can achieve strong attack efficacy and transferability in the physical world even without smudging the interested objects at all. Specifically, the targets of interest, i.e. the aircraft in aerial images, are adopted to mask adversarial patches. The pixels outside the mask area are optimized to make the generated adversarial patches closely cover the critical contextual background area for detection, which contributes to gifting adversarial patches with more robust and transferable attack potency in the real world. To further strengthen the attack performance, the adversarial patches are forced to be outside targets during training, by which the detected objects of interest, both on and outside patches, benefit the accumulation of attack efficacy. Consequently, the sophisticatedly designed patches are gifted with solid fooling efficacy against objects both on and outside the adversarial patches simultaneously. Extensive proportionally scaled experiments are performed in physical scenarios, demonstrating the superiority and potential of the proposed framework for physical attacks. We expect that the proposed physical attack method will serve as a benchmark for assessing the adversarial robustness of diverse aerial detectors and defense methods.


GLOW: Global Layout Aware Attacks for Object Detection

Authors:Jun Bao, Buyu Liu, Jianping Fan, Jun Yu

Adversarial attacks aims to perturb images such that a predictor outputs incorrect results. Due to the limited research in structured attacks, imposing consistency checks on natural multi-object scenes is a promising yet practical defense against conventional adversarial attacks. More desired attacks, to this end, should be able to fool defenses with such consistency checks. Therefore, we present the first approach GLOW that copes with various attack requests by generating global layout-aware adversarial attacks where both categorical and geometric layout constraints are explicitly established. Specifically, we focus on object detection task and given a victim image, GLOW first localizes victim objects according to target labels. And then it generates multiple attack plans, together with their context-consistency scores. Our proposed GLOW, on the one hand, is capable of handling various types of requests, including single or multiple victim objects, with or without specified victim objects. On the other hand, it produces a consistency score for each attack plan, reflecting the overall contextual consistency that both semantic category and global scene layout are considered. In experiment, we design multiple types of attack requests and validate our ideas on MS COCO validation set. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that we can achieve about 40$\%$ average relative improvement compared to state-of-the-art methods in conventional single object attack request; Moreover, our method outperforms SOTAs significantly on more generic attack requests by at least 30$\%$; Finally, our method produces superior performance under challenging zero-query black-box setting, or 30$\%$ better than SOTAs. Our code, model and attack requests would be made available.


Adversarial Attack with Raindrops

Authors:Jiyuan Liu, Bingyi Lu, Mingkang Xiong, Tao Zhang, Huilin Xiong

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples, which are usually designed artificially to fool DNNs, but rarely exist in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we study the adversarial examples caused by raindrops, to demonstrate that there exist plenty of natural phenomena being able to work as adversarial attackers to DNNs. Moreover, we present a new approach to generate adversarial raindrops, denoted as AdvRD, using the generative adversarial network (GAN) technique to simulate natural raindrops. The images crafted by our AdvRD look very similar to the real-world raindrop images, statistically close to the distribution of true raindrop images, and more importantly, can perform strong adversarial attack to the state-of-the-art DNN models. On the other side, we show that the adversarial training using our AdvRD images can significantly improve the robustness of DNNs to the real-world raindrop attacks. Extensive experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the images crafted by AdvRD are visually and statistically close to the natural raindrop images, can work as strong attackers to DNN models, and also help improve the robustness of DNNs to raindrop attacks.
PDF 10 pages, 7 figures, cvpr2023


Feature Extraction Matters More: Universal Deepfake Disruption through Attacking Ensemble Feature Extractors

Authors:Long Tang, Dengpan Ye, Zhenhao Lu, Yunming Zhang, Shengshan Hu, Yue Xu, Chuanxi Chen

Adversarial example is a rising way of protecting facial privacy security from deepfake modification. To prevent massive facial images from being illegally modified by various deepfake models, it is essential to design a universal deepfake disruptor. However, existing works treat deepfake disruption as an End-to-End process, ignoring the functional difference between feature extraction and image reconstruction, which makes it difficult to generate a cross-model universal disruptor. In this work, we propose a novel Feature-Output ensemble UNiversal Disruptor (FOUND) against deepfake networks, which explores a new opinion that considers attacking feature extractors as the more critical and general task in deepfake disruption. We conduct an effective two-stage disruption process. We first disrupt multi-model feature extractors through multi-feature aggregation and individual-feature maintenance, and then develop a gradient-ensemble algorithm to enhance the disruption effect by simplifying the complex optimization problem of disrupting multiple End-to-End models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FOUND can significantly boost the disruption effect against ensemble deepfake benchmark models. Besides, our method can fast obtain a cross-attribute, cross-image, and cross-model universal deepfake disruptor with only a few training images, surpassing state-of-the-art universal disruptors in both success rate and efficiency.


AdvRain: Adversarial Raindrops to Attack Camera-based Smart Vision Systems

Authors:Amira Guesmi, Muhammad Abdullah Hanif, Muhammad Shafique

Vision-based perception modules are increasingly deployed in many applications, especially autonomous vehicles and intelligent robots. These modules are being used to acquire information about the surroundings and identify obstacles. Hence, accurate detection and classification are essential to reach appropriate decisions and take appropriate and safe actions at all times. Current studies have demonstrated that “printed adversarial attacks”, known as physical adversarial attacks, can successfully mislead perception models such as object detectors and image classifiers. However, most of these physical attacks are based on noticeable and eye-catching patterns for generated perturbations making them identifiable/detectable by human eye or in test drives. In this paper, we propose a camera-based inconspicuous adversarial attack (\textbf{AdvRain}) capable of fooling camera-based perception systems over all objects of the same class. Unlike mask based fake-weather attacks that require access to the underlying computing hardware or image memory, our attack is based on emulating the effects of a natural weather condition (i.e., Raindrops) that can be printed on a translucent sticker, which is externally placed over the lens of a camera. To accomplish this, we provide an iterative process based on performing a random search aiming to identify critical positions to make sure that the performed transformation is adversarial for a target classifier. Our transformation is based on blurring predefined parts of the captured image corresponding to the areas covered by the raindrop. We achieve a drop in average model accuracy of more than $45\%$ and $40\%$ on VGG19 for ImageNet and Resnet34 for Caltech-101, respectively, using only $20$ raindrops.


文章作者: 木子已
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