Domain Adaptation

2023-02-01 更新

DAFD: Domain Adaptation via Feature Disentanglement for Image Classification

Authors:Zhize Wu, Changjiang Du, Le Zou, Ming Tan, Tong Xu, Fan Cheng, Fudong Nian, Thomas Weise

A good feature representation is the key to image classification. In practice, image classifiers may be applied in scenarios different from what they have been trained on. This so-called domain shift leads to a significant performance drop in image classification. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) reduces the domain shift by transferring the knowledge learned from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. We perform feature disentanglement for UDA by distilling category-relevant features and excluding category-irrelevant features from the global feature maps. This disentanglement prevents the network from overfitting to category-irrelevant information and makes it focus on information useful for classification. This reduces the difficulty of domain alignment and improves the classification accuracy on the target domain. We propose a coarse-to-fine domain adaptation method called Domain Adaptation via Feature Disentanglement~(DAFD), which has two components: (1)the Category-Relevant Feature Selection (CRFS) module, which disentangles the category-relevant features from the category-irrelevant features, and (2)the Dynamic Local Maximum Mean Discrepancy (DLMMD) module, which achieves fine-grained alignment by reducing the discrepancy within the category-relevant features from different domains. Combined with the CRFS, the DLMMD module can align the category-relevant features properly. We conduct comprehensive experiment on four standard datasets. Our results clearly demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of our approach in domain adaptive image classification tasks and its competitiveness to the state of the art.
PDF 10 pages, 7 figures


Team VI-I2R Technical Report on EPIC-KITCHENS-100 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Challenge for Action Recognition 2022

Authors:Yi Cheng, Dongyun Lin, Fen Fang, Hao Xuan Woon, Qianli Xu, Ying Sun

In this report, we present the technical details of our submission to the EPIC-KITCHENS-100 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) Challenge for Action Recognition 2022. This task aims to adapt an action recognition model trained on a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. To achieve this goal, we propose an action-aware domain adaptation framework that leverages the prior knowledge induced from the action recognition task during the adaptation. Specifically, we disentangle the source features into action-relevant features and action-irrelevant features using the learned action classifier and then align the target features with the action-relevant features. To further improve the action prediction performance, we exploit the verb-noun co-occurrence matrix to constrain and refine the action predictions. Our final submission achieved the first place in terms of top-1 action recognition accuracy.


Contrast and Clustering: Learning Neighborhood Pair Representation for Source-free Domain Adaptation

Authors:Yuqi Chen, Xiangbin Zhu, Yonggang Li, Yingjian Li, Yuanwang Wei, Haojie Fang

Domain adaptation has attracted a great deal of attention in the machine learning community, but it requires access to source data, which often raises concerns about data privacy. We are thus motivated to address these issues and propose a simple yet efficient method. This work treats domain adaptation as an unsupervised clustering problem and trains the target model without access to the source data. Specifically, we propose a loss function called contrast and clustering (CaC), where a positive pair term pulls neighbors belonging to the same class together in the feature space to form clusters, while a negative pair term pushes samples of different classes apart. In addition, extended neighbors are taken into account by querying the nearest neighbor indexes in the memory bank to mine for more valuable negative pairs. Extensive experiments on three common benchmarks, VisDA, Office-Home and Office-31, demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code will be made publicly available at
PDF conference paper


When Source-Free Domain Adaptation Meets Learning with Noisy Labels

Authors:Li Yi, Gezheng Xu, Pengcheng Xu, Jiaqi Li, Ruizhi Pu, Charles Ling, A. Ian McLeod, Boyu Wang

Recent state-of-the-art source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) methods have focused on learning meaningful cluster structures in the feature space, which have succeeded in adapting the knowledge from source domain to unlabeled target domain without accessing the private source data. However, existing methods rely on the pseudo-labels generated by source models that can be noisy due to domain shift. In this paper, we study SFDA from the perspective of learning with label noise (LLN). Unlike the label noise in the conventional LLN scenario, we prove that the label noise in SFDA follows a different distribution assumption. We also prove that such a difference makes existing LLN methods that rely on their distribution assumptions unable to address the label noise in SFDA. Empirical evidence suggests that only marginal improvements are achieved when applying the existing LLN methods to solve the SFDA problem. On the other hand, although there exists a fundamental difference between the label noise in the two scenarios, we demonstrate theoretically that the early-time training phenomenon (ETP), which has been previously observed in conventional label noise settings, can also be observed in the SFDA problem. Extensive experiments demonstrate significant improvements to existing SFDA algorithms by leveraging ETP to address the label noise in SFDA.
PDF 33 pages, 16 figures, accepted by ICLR 2023


Iterative Loop Learning Combining Self-Training and Active Learning for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

Authors:Licong Guan, Xue Yuan

Recently, self-training and active learning have been proposed to alleviate this problem. Self-training can improve model accuracy with massive unlabeled data, but some pseudo labels containing noise would be generated with limited or imbalanced training data. And there will be suboptimal models if human guidance is absent. Active learning can select more effective data to intervene, while the model accuracy can not be improved because the massive unlabeled data are not used. And the probability of querying sub-optimal samples will increase when the domain difference is too large, increasing annotation cost. This paper proposes an iterative loop learning method combining Self-Training and Active Learning (STAL) for domain adaptive semantic segmentation. The method first uses self-training to learn massive unlabeled data to improve model accuracy and provide more accurate selection models for active learning. Secondly, combined with the sample selection strategy of active learning, manual intervention is used to correct the self-training learning. Iterative loop to achieve the best performance with minimal label cost. Extensive experiments show that our method establishes state-of-the-art performance on tasks of GTAV to Cityscapes, SYNTHIA to Cityscapes, improving by 4.9% mIoU and 5.2% mIoU, compared to the previous best method, respectively. Code will be available.
PDF 11 pages,5 figures


Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Person Re-Identification via Dual-level Asymmetric Mutual Learning

Authors:Qiong Wu, Jiahan Li, Pingyang Dai, Qixiang Ye, Liujuan Cao, Yongjian Wu, Rongrong Ji

Unsupervised domain adaptation person re-identification (Re-ID) aims to identify pedestrian images within an unlabeled target domain with an auxiliary labeled source-domain dataset. Many existing works attempt to recover reliable identity information by considering multiple homogeneous networks. And take these generated labels to train the model in the target domain. However, these homogeneous networks identify people in approximate subspaces and equally exchange their knowledge with others or their mean net to improve their ability, inevitably limiting the scope of available knowledge and putting them into the same mistake. This paper proposes a Dual-level Asymmetric Mutual Learning method (DAML) to learn discriminative representations from a broader knowledge scope with diverse embedding spaces. Specifically, two heterogeneous networks mutually learn knowledge from asymmetric subspaces through the pseudo label generation in a hard distillation manner. The knowledge transfer between two networks is based on an asymmetric mutual learning manner. The teacher network learns to identify both the target and source domain while adapting to the target domain distribution based on the knowledge of the student. Meanwhile, the student network is trained on the target dataset and employs the ground-truth label through the knowledge of the teacher. Extensive experiments in Market-1501, CUHK-SYSU, and MSMT17 public datasets verified the superiority of DAML over state-of-the-arts.


Producing Usable Taxonomies Cheaply and Rapidly at Pinterest Using Discovered Dynamic $μ$-Topics

Authors:Abhijit Mahabal, Jiyun Luo, Rui Huang, Michael Ellsworth, Rui Li

Creating a taxonomy of interests is expensive and human-effort intensive: not only do we need to identify nodes and interconnect them, in order to use the taxonomy, we must also connect the nodes to relevant entities such as users, pins, and queries. Connecting to entities is challenging because of ambiguities inherent to language but also because individual interests are dynamic and evolve. Here, we offer an alternative approach that begins with bottom-up discovery of $\mu$-topics called pincepts. The discovery process itself connects these $\mu$-topics dynamically with relevant queries, pins, and users at high precision, automatically adapting to shifting interests. Pincepts cover all areas of user interest and automatically adjust to the specificity of user interests and are thus suitable for the creation of various kinds of taxonomies. Human experts associate taxonomy nodes with $\mu$-topics (on average, 3 $\mu$-topics per node), and the $\mu$-topics offer a high-level data layer that allows quick definition, immediate inspection, and easy modification. Even more powerfully, $\mu$-topics allow easy exploration of nearby semantic space, enabling curators to spot and fill gaps. Curators’ domain knowledge is heavily leveraged and we thus don’t need untrained mechanical Turks, allowing further cost reduction. These $\mu$-topics thus offer a satisfactory “symbolic” stratum over which to define taxonomies. We have successfully applied this technique for very rapidly iterating on and launching the home decor and fashion styles taxonomy for style-based personalization, prominently featured at the top of Pinterest search results, at 94% precision, improving search success rate by 34.8% as well as boosting long clicks and pin saves.


N-Gram Nearest Neighbor Machine Translation

Authors:Rui Lv, Junliang Guo, Rui Wang, Xu Tan, Qi Liu, Tao Qin

Nearest neighbor machine translation augments the Autoregressive Translation~(AT) with $k$-nearest-neighbor retrieval, by comparing the similarity between the token-level context representations of the target tokens in the query and the datastore. However, the token-level representation may introduce noise when translating ambiguous words, or fail to provide accurate retrieval results when the representation generated by the model contains indistinguishable context information, e.g., Non-Autoregressive Translation~(NAT) models. In this paper, we propose a novel $n$-gram nearest neighbor retrieval method that is model agnostic and applicable to both AT and NAT models. Specifically, we concatenate the adjacent $n$-gram hidden representations as the key, while the tuple of corresponding target tokens is the value. In inference, we propose tailored decoding algorithms for AT and NAT models respectively. We demonstrate that the proposed method consistently outperforms the token-level method on both AT and NAT models as well on general as on domain adaptation translation tasks. On domain adaptation, the proposed method brings $1.03$ and $2.76$ improvements regarding the average BLEU score on AT and NAT models respectively.


GaitSADA: Self-Aligned Domain Adaptation for mmWave Gait Recognition

Authors:Ekkasit Pinyoanuntapong, Ayman Ali, Kalvik Jakkala, Pu Wang, Minwoo Lee, Qucheng Peng, Chen Chen, Zhi Sun

mmWave radar-based gait recognition is a novel user identification method that captures human gait biometrics from mmWave radar return signals. This technology offers privacy protection and is resilient to weather and lighting conditions. However, its generalization performance is yet unknown and limits its practical deployment. To address this problem, in this paper, a non-synthetic dataset is collected and analyzed to reveal the presence of spatial and temporal domain shifts in mmWave gait biometric data, which significantly impacts identification accuracy. To address this issue, a novel self-aligned domain adaptation method called GaitSADA is proposed. GaitSADA improves system generalization performance by using a two-stage semi-supervised model training approach. The first stage uses semi-supervised contrastive learning and the second stage uses semi-supervised consistency training with centroid alignment. Extensive experiments show that GaitSADA outperforms representative domain adaptation methods by an average of 15.41% in low data regimes.
PDF Submitted to ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN)


Active Learning-based Domain Adaptive Localized Polynomial Chaos Expansion

Authors:Lukáš Novák, Michael D. Shields, Václav Sadílek, Miroslav Vořechovský

The paper presents a novel methodology to build surrogate models of complicated functions by an active learning-based sequential decomposition of the input random space and construction of localized polynomial chaos expansions, referred to as domain adaptive localized polynomial chaos expansion (DAL-PCE). The approach utilizes sequential decomposition of the input random space into smaller sub-domains approximated by low-order polynomial expansions. This allows approximation of functions with strong nonlinearties, discontinuities, and/or singularities. Decomposition of the input random space and local approximations alleviates the Gibbs phenomenon for these types of problems and confines error to a very small vicinity near the non-linearity. The global behavior of the surrogate model is therefore significantly better than existing methods as shown in numerical examples. The whole process is driven by an active learning routine that uses the recently proposed $\Theta$ criterion to assess local variance contributions. The proposed approach balances both \emph{exploitation} of the surrogate model and \emph{exploration} of the input random space and thus leads to efficient and accurate approximation of the original mathematical model. The numerical results show the superiority of the DAL-PCE in comparison to (i) a single global polynomial chaos expansion and (ii) the recently proposed stochastic spectral embedding (SSE) method developed as an accurate surrogate model and which is based on a similar domain decomposition process. This method represents general framework upon which further extensions and refinements can be based, and which can be combined with any technique for non-intrusive polynomial chaos expansion construction.


ADL-ID: Adversarial Disentanglement Learning for Wireless Device Fingerprinting Temporal Domain Adaptation

Authors:Abdurrahman Elmaghbub, Bechir Hamdaoui, Weng-Keen Wong

As the journey of 5G standardization is coming to an end, academia and industry have already begun to consider the sixth-generation (6G) wireless networks, with an aim to meet the service demands for the next decade. Deep learning-based RF fingerprinting (DL-RFFP) has recently been recognized as a potential solution for enabling key wireless network applications and services, such as spectrum policy enforcement and network access control. The state-of-the-art DL-RFFP frameworks suffer from a significant performance drop when tested with data drawn from a domain that is different from that used for training data. In this paper, we propose ADL-ID, an unsupervised domain adaption framework that is based on adversarial disentanglement representation to address the temporal domain adaptation for the RFFP task. Our framework has been evaluated on real LoRa and WiFi datasets and showed about 24% improvement in accuracy when compared to the baseline CNN network on short-term temporal adaptation. It also improves the classification accuracy by up to 9% on long-term temporal adaptation. Furthermore, we release a 5-day, 2.1TB, large-scale WiFi 802.11b dataset collected from 50 Pycom devices to support the research community efforts in developing and validating robust RFFP methods.
PDF The paper has been accepted at IEEE ICC’23 - MWN Symposium


Recurrent Structure Attention Guidance for Depth Super-Resolution

Authors:Jiayi Yuan, Haobo Jiang, Xiang Li, Jianjun Qian, Jun Li, Jian Yang

Image guidance is an effective strategy for depth super-resolution. Generally, most existing methods employ hand-crafted operators to decompose the high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) ingredients from low-resolution depth maps and guide the HF ingredients by directly concatenating them with image features. However, the hand-designed operators usually cause inferior HF maps (e.g., distorted or structurally missing) due to the diverse appearance of complex depth maps. Moreover, the direct concatenation often results in weak guidance because not all image features have a positive effect on the HF maps. In this paper, we develop a recurrent structure attention guided (RSAG) framework, consisting of two important parts. First, we introduce a deep contrastive network with multi-scale filters for adaptive frequency-domain separation, which adopts contrastive networks from large filters to small ones to calculate the pixel contrasts for adaptive high-quality HF predictions. Second, instead of the coarse concatenation guidance, we propose a recurrent structure attention block, which iteratively utilizes the latest depth estimation and the image features to jointly select clear patterns and boundaries, aiming at providing refined guidance for accurate depth recovery. In addition, we fuse the features of HF maps to enhance the edge structures in the decomposed LF maps. Extensive experiments show that our approach obtains superior performance compared with state-of-the-art depth super-resolution methods.
PDF Accepted by AAAI-2023


Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Graph-Structured Data Using Class-Conditional Distribution Alignment

Authors:Mengxi Wu, Mohammad Rostami

Adopting deep learning models for graph-structured data is challenging due to the high cost of collecting and annotating large training data. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) has been used successfully to address the challenge of data annotation for array-structured data. However, UDA methods for graph-structured data are quite limited. We develop a novel UDA algorithm for graph-structured data based on aligning the distribution of the target domain with unannotated data with the distribution of a source domain with annotated data in a shared embedding space. Specifically, we minimize both the sliced Wasserstein distance (SWD) and the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) between the distributions of the source and the target domains at the output of graph encoding layers. Moreover, we develop a novel pseudo-label generation technique to align the distributions class-conditionally to address the challenge of class mismatch. Our empirical results on the Ego-network and the IMDB$\&$Reddit datasets demonstrate that our method is effective and leads to state-of-the-art performance.


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