
2022-11-15 更新

Attacking Face Recognition with T-shirts: Database, Vulnerability Assessment and Detection

Authors:M. Ibsen, C. Rathgeb, F. Brechtel, R. Klepp, K. Pöppelmann, A. George, S. Marcel, C. Busch

Face recognition systems are widely deployed for biometric authentication. Despite this, it is well-known that, without any safeguards, face recognition systems are highly vulnerable to presentation attacks. In response to this security issue, several promising methods for detecting presentation attacks have been proposed which show high performance on existing benchmarks. However, an ongoing challenge is the generalization of presentation attack detection methods to unseen and new attack types. To this end, we propose a new T-shirt Face Presentation Attack (TFPA) database of 1,608 T-shirt attacks using 100 unique presentation attack instruments. In an extensive evaluation, we show that this type of attack can compromise the security of face recognition systems and that some state-of-the-art attack detection mechanisms trained on popular benchmarks fail to robustly generalize to the new attacks. Further, we propose three new methods for detecting T-shirt attack images, one which relies on the statistical differences between depth maps of bona fide images and T-shirt attacks, an anomaly detection approach trained on features only extracted from bona fide RGB images, and a fusion approach which achieves competitive detection performance.


Physical-World Optical Adversarial Attacks on 3D Face Recognition

Authors:Yanjie Li, Yiquan Li, Xuelong Dai, Songtao Guo, Bin Xiao

2D face recognition has been proven insecure for physical adversarial attacks. However, few studies have investigated the possibility of attacking real-world 3D face recognition systems. 3D-printed attacks recently proposed cannot generate adversarial points in the air. In this paper, we attack 3D face recognition systems through elaborate optical noises. We took structured light 3D scanners as our attack target. End-to-end attack algorithms are designed to generate adversarial illumination for 3D faces through the inherent or an additional projector to produce adversarial points at arbitrary positions. Nevertheless, face reflectance is a complex procedure because the skin is translucent. To involve this projection-and-capture procedure in optimization loops, we model it by Lambertian rendering model and use SfSNet to estimate the albedo. Moreover, to improve the resistance to distance and angle changes while maintaining the perturbation unnoticeable, a 3D transform invariant loss and two kinds of sensitivity maps are introduced. Experiments are conducted in both simulated and physical worlds. We successfully attacked point-cloud-based and depth-image-based 3D face recognition algorithms while needing fewer perturbations than previous state-of-the-art physical-world 3D adversarial attacks.
PDF Submitted to CVPR 2023


Unsupervised Face Recognition using Unlabeled Synthetic Data

Authors:Fadi Boutros, Marcel Klemt, Meiling Fang, Arjan Kuijper, Naser Damer

Over the past years, the main research innovations in face recognition focused on training deep neural networks on large-scale identity-labeled datasets using variations of multi-class classification losses. However, many of these datasets are retreated by their creators due to increased privacy and ethical concerns. Very recently, privacy-friendly synthetic data has been proposed as an alternative to privacy-sensitive authentic data to comply with privacy regulations and to ensure the continuity of face recognition research. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised face recognition model based on unlabeled synthetic data (USynthFace). Our proposed USynthFace learns to maximize the similarity between two augmented images of the same synthetic instance. We enable this by a large set of geometric and color transformations in addition to GAN-based augmentation that contributes to the USynthFace model training. We also conduct numerous empirical studies on different components of our USynthFace. With the proposed set of augmentation operations, we proved the effectiveness of our USynthFace in achieving relatively high recognition accuracies using unlabeled synthetic data.
PDF Accepted at Face and gesture 2023


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