2022-11-15 更新

Latent-NeRF for Shape-Guided Generation of 3D Shapes and Textures

Authors:Gal Metzer, Elad Richardson, Or Patashnik, Raja Giryes, Daniel Cohen-Or

Text-guided image generation has progressed rapidly in recent years, inspiring major breakthroughs in text-guided shape generation. Recently, it has been shown that using score distillation, one can successfully text-guide a NeRF model to generate a 3D object. We adapt the score distillation to the publicly available, and computationally efficient, Latent Diffusion Models, which apply the entire diffusion process in a compact latent space of a pretrained autoencoder. As NeRFs operate in image space, a naive solution for guiding them with latent score distillation would require encoding to the latent space at each guidance step. Instead, we propose to bring the NeRF to the latent space, resulting in a Latent-NeRF. Analyzing our Latent-NeRF, we show that while Text-to-3D models can generate impressive results, they are inherently unconstrained and may lack the ability to guide or enforce a specific 3D structure. To assist and direct the 3D generation, we propose to guide our Latent-NeRF using a Sketch-Shape: an abstract geometry that defines the coarse structure of the desired object. Then, we present means to integrate such a constraint directly into a Latent-NeRF. This unique combination of text and shape guidance allows for increased control over the generation process. We also show that latent score distillation can be successfully applied directly on 3D meshes. This allows for generating high-quality textures on a given geometry. Our experiments validate the power of our different forms of guidance and the efficiency of using latent rendering. Implementation is available at


3D-Aware Encoding for Style-based Neural Radiance Fields

Authors:Yu-Jhe Li, Tao Xu, Bichen Wu, Ningyuan Zheng, Xiaoliang Dai, Albert Pumarola, Peizhao Zhang, Peter Vajda, Kris Kitani

We tackle the task of NeRF inversion for style-based neural radiance fields, (e.g., StyleNeRF). In the task, we aim to learn an inversion function to project an input image to the latent space of a NeRF generator and then synthesize novel views of the original image based on the latent code. Compared with GAN inversion for 2D generative models, NeRF inversion not only needs to 1) preserve the identity of the input image, but also 2) ensure 3D consistency in generated novel views. This requires the latent code obtained from the single-view image to be invariant across multiple views. To address this new challenge, we propose a two-stage encoder for style-based NeRF inversion. In the first stage, we introduce a base encoder that converts the input image to a latent code. To ensure the latent code is view-invariant and is able to synthesize 3D consistent novel view images, we utilize identity contrastive learning to train the base encoder. Second, to better preserve the identity of the input image, we introduce a refining encoder to refine the latent code and add finer details to the output image. Importantly note that the novelty of this model lies in the design of its first-stage encoder which produces the closest latent code lying on the latent manifold and thus the refinement in the second stage would be close to the NeRF manifold. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed two-stage encoder qualitatively and quantitatively exhibits superiority over the existing encoders for inversion in both image reconstruction and novel-view rendering.
PDF 21 pages (under review)


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