
2022-10-24 更新

Universal hidden monotonic trend estimation with contrastive learning

Authors:Edouard Pineau, Sébastien Razakarivony, Mauricio Gonzalez, Anthony Schrapffer

In this paper, we describe a universal method for extracting the underlying monotonic trend factor from time series data. We propose an approach related to the Mann-Kendall test, a standard monotonic trend detection method and call it contrastive trend estimation (CTE). We show that the CTE method identifies any hidden trend underlying temporal data while avoiding the standard assumptions used for monotonic trend identification. In particular, CTE can take any type of temporal data (vector, images, graphs, time series, etc.) as input. We finally illustrate the interest of our CTE method through several experiments on different types of data and problems.


Improving Adversarial Robustness by Contrastive Guided Diffusion Process

Authors:Yidong Ouyang, Liyan Xie, Guang Cheng

Synthetic data generation has become an emerging tool to help improve the adversarial robustness in classification tasks since robust learning requires a significantly larger amount of training samples compared with standard classification tasks. Among various deep generative models, the diffusion model has been shown to produce high-quality synthetic images and has achieved good performance in improving the adversarial robustness. However, diffusion-type methods are typically slow in data generation as compared with other generative models. Although different acceleration techniques have been proposed recently, it is also of great importance to study how to improve the sample efficiency of generated data for the downstream task. In this paper, we first analyze the optimality condition of synthetic distribution for achieving non-trivial robust accuracy. We show that enhancing the distinguishability among the generated data is critical for improving adversarial robustness. Thus, we propose the Contrastive-Guided Diffusion Process (Contrastive-DP), which adopts the contrastive loss to guide the diffusion model in data generation. We verify our theoretical results using simulations and demonstrate the good performance of Contrastive-DP on image datasets.


Twin Contrastive Learning for Online Clustering

Authors:Yunfan Li, Mouxing Yang, Dezhong Peng, Taihao Li, Jiantao Huang, Xi Peng

This paper proposes to perform online clustering by conducting twin contrastive learning (TCL) at the instance and cluster level. Specifically, we find that when the data is projected into a feature space with a dimensionality of the target cluster number, the rows and columns of its feature matrix correspond to the instance and cluster representation, respectively. Based on the observation, for a given dataset, the proposed TCL first constructs positive and negative pairs through data augmentations. Thereafter, in the row and column space of the feature matrix, instance- and cluster-level contrastive learning are respectively conducted by pulling together positive pairs while pushing apart the negatives. To alleviate the influence of intrinsic false-negative pairs and rectify cluster assignments, we adopt a confidence-based criterion to select pseudo-labels for boosting both the instance- and cluster-level contrastive learning. As a result, the clustering performance is further improved. Besides the elegant idea of twin contrastive learning, another advantage of TCL is that it could independently predict the cluster assignment for each instance, thus effortlessly fitting online scenarios. Extensive experiments on six widely-used image and text benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of TCL. The code will be released on GitHub.


Non-Contrastive Learning Meets Language-Image Pre-Training

Authors:Jinghao Zhou, Li Dong, Zhe Gan, Lijuan Wang, Furu Wei

Contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) serves as a de-facto standard to align images and texts. Nonetheless, the loose correlation between images and texts of web-crawled data renders the contrastive objective data inefficient and craving for a large training batch size. In this work, we explore the validity of non-contrastive language-image pre-training (nCLIP), and study whether nice properties exhibited in visual self-supervised models can emerge. We empirically observe that the non-contrastive objective nourishes representation learning while sufficiently underperforming under zero-shot recognition. Based on the above study, we further introduce xCLIP, a multi-tasking framework combining CLIP and nCLIP, and show that nCLIP aids CLIP in enhancing feature semantics. The synergy between two objectives lets xCLIP enjoy the best of both worlds: superior performance in both zero-shot transfer and representation learning. Systematic evaluation is conducted spanning a wide variety of downstream tasks including zero-shot classification, out-of-domain classification, retrieval, visual representation learning, and textual representation learning, showcasing a consistent performance gain and validating the effectiveness of xCLIP.


Improving Contrastive Learning on Visually Homogeneous Mars Rover Images

Authors:Isaac Ronald Ward, Charles Moore, Kai Pak, Jingdao Chen, Edwin Goh

Contrastive learning has recently demonstrated superior performance to supervised learning, despite requiring no training labels. We explore how contrastive learning can be applied to hundreds of thousands of unlabeled Mars terrain images, collected from the Mars rovers Curiosity and Perseverance, and from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Such methods are appealing since the vast majority of Mars images are unlabeled as manual annotation is labor intensive and requires extensive domain knowledge. Contrastive learning, however, assumes that any given pair of distinct images contain distinct semantic content. This is an issue for Mars image datasets, as any two pairs of Mars images are far more likely to be semantically similar due to the lack of visual diversity on the planet’s surface. Making the assumption that pairs of images will be in visual contrast - when they are in fact not - results in pairs that are falsely considered as negatives, impacting training performance. In this study, we propose two approaches to resolve this: 1) an unsupervised deep clustering step on the Mars datasets, which identifies clusters of images containing similar semantic content and corrects false negative errors during training, and 2) a simple approach which mixes data from different domains to increase visual diversity of the total training dataset. Both cases reduce the rate of false negative pairs, thus minimizing the rate in which the model is incorrectly penalized during contrastive training. These modified approaches remain fully unsupervised end-to-end. To evaluate their performance, we add a single linear layer trained to generate class predictions based on these contrastively-learned features and demonstrate increased performance compared to supervised models; observing an improvement in classification accuracy of 3.06% using only 10% of the labeled data.
PDF Accepted at the AI4Space 2022 Workshop at ECCV 2022


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