Domain Adaptation

2022-10-25 更新

On Cross-Domain Pre-Trained Language Models for Clinical Text Mining: How Do They Perform on Data-Constrained Fine-Tuning?

Authors:Yuping Wu, Lifeng Han, Valerio Antonini, Goran Nenadic

Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have been deployed in many natural language processing (NLP) tasks and in various domains. Language model pre-training from general or mixed domain rich data plus fine-tuning using small amounts of available data in a low resource domain demonstrated beneficial results by researchers. In this work, we question this statement and verify if BERT-based PLMs from the biomedical domain can perform well in clinical text mining tasks via fine-tuning. We test the state-of-the-art models, i.e. Bioformer which is pre-trained on a large amount of biomedical data from PubMed corpus. We use a historical n2c2 clinical NLP challenge dataset for fine-tuning its task-adapted version (BioformerApt), and show that their performances are actually very low. We also present our own end-to-end model, TransformerCRF, which is developed using Transformer and conditional random fields (CRFs) as encoder and decoder. We further create a new variation model by adding a CRF layer on top of PLM Bioformer (BioformerCRF). We investigate the performances of TransformerCRF on clinical text mining tasks by training from scratch using a limited amount of data, as well as the model BioformerCRF. Experimental evaluation shows that, in a \textit{constrained setting}, all tested models are \textit{far from ideal} regarding extreme low-frequency special token recognition, even though they can achieve relatively higher accuracy on overall text tagging. Our models including source codes will be hosted at \url{}.


360-MLC: Multi-view Layout Consistency for Self-training and Hyper-parameter Tuning

Authors:Bolivar Solarte, Chin-Hsuan Wu, Yueh-Cheng Liu, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Min Sun

We present 360-MLC, a self-training method based on multi-view layout consistency for finetuning monocular room-layout models using unlabeled 360-images only. This can be valuable in practical scenarios where a pre-trained model needs to be adapted to a new data domain without using any ground truth annotations. Our simple yet effective assumption is that multiple layout estimations in the same scene must define a consistent geometry regardless of their camera positions. Based on this idea, we leverage a pre-trained model to project estimated layout boundaries from several camera views into the 3D world coordinate. Then, we re-project them back to the spherical coordinate and build a probability function, from which we sample the pseudo-labels for self-training. To handle unconfident pseudo-labels, we evaluate the variance in the re-projected boundaries as an uncertainty value to weight each pseudo-label in our loss function during training. In addition, since ground truth annotations are not available during training nor in testing, we leverage the entropy information in multiple layout estimations as a quantitative metric to measure the geometry consistency of the scene, allowing us to evaluate any layout estimator for hyper-parameter tuning, including model selection without ground truth annotations. Experimental results show that our solution achieves favorable performance against state-of-the-art methods when self-training from three publicly available source datasets to a unique, newly labeled dataset consisting of multi-view of the same scenes.
PDF NeurIPS 2022


A Novel Adaptive Causal Sampling Method for Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors:Jia Guo, Haifeng Wang, Chenping Hou

Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have become a kind of attractive machine learning method for obtaining solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs). Training PINNs can be seen as a semi-supervised learning task, in which only exact values of initial and boundary points can be obtained in solving forward problems, and in the whole spatio-temporal domain collocation points are sampled without exact labels, which brings training difficulties. Thus the selection of collocation points and sampling methods are quite crucial in training PINNs. Existing sampling methods include fixed and dynamic types, and in the more popular latter one, sampling is usually controlled by PDE residual loss. We point out that it is not sufficient to only consider the residual loss in adaptive sampling and sampling should obey temporal causality. We further introduce temporal causality into adaptive sampling and propose a novel adaptive causal sampling method to improve the performance and efficiency of PINNs. Numerical experiments of several PDEs with high-order derivatives and strong nonlinearity, including Cahn Hilliard and KdV equations, show that the proposed sampling method can improve the performance of PINNs with few collocation points. We demonstrate that by utilizing such a relatively simple sampling method, prediction performance can be improved up to two orders of magnitude compared with state-of-the-art results with almost no extra computation cost, especially when points are limited.


Adaptive Divergence-based Non-negative Latent Factor Analysis

Authors:Ye Yuan, Guangxiao Yuan, Renfang Wang, Xin Luo

High-Dimensional and Incomplete (HDI) data are frequently found in various industrial applications with complex interactions among numerous nodes, which are commonly non-negative for representing the inherent non-negativity of node interactions. A Non-negative Latent Factor (NLF) model is able to extract intrinsic features from such data efficiently. However, existing NLF models all adopt a static divergence metric like Euclidean distance or {\alpha}-\b{eta} divergence to build its learning objective, which greatly restricts its scalability of accurately representing HDI data from different domains. Aiming at addressing this issue, this study presents an Adaptive Divergence-based Non-negative Latent Factor (ADNLF) model with three-fold ideas: a) generalizing the objective function with the {\alpha}-\b{eta}-divergence to expand its potential of representing various HDI data; b) adopting a non-negative bridging function to connect the optimization variables with output latent factors for fulfilling the non-negativity constraints constantly; and c) making the divergence parameters adaptive through particle swarm optimization, thereby facilitating adaptive divergence in the learning objective to achieve high scalability. Empirical studies are conducted on four HDI datasets from real applications, whose results demonstrate that in comparison with state-of-the-art NLF models, an ADNLF model achieves significantly higher estimation accuracy for missing data of an HDI dataset with high computational efficiency.


Domain Adaptive Segmentation of Electron Microscopy with Sparse Point Annotations

Authors:Dafei Qiu, Jiajin Yi, Jialin Peng

Accurate segmentation of organelle instances, e.g., mitochondria, is essential for electron microscopy analysis. Despite the outstanding performance of fully supervised methods, they highly rely on sufficient per-pixel annotated data and are sensitive to domain shift. Aiming to develop a highly annotation-efficient approach with competitive performance, we focus on weakly-supervised domain adaptation (WDA) with a type of extremely sparse and weak annotation demanding minimal annotation efforts, i.e., sparse point annotations on only a small subset of object instances. To reduce performance degradation arising from domain shift, we explore multi-level transferable knowledge through conducting three complementary tasks, i.e., counting, detection, and segmentation, constituting a task pyramid with different levels of domain invariance. The intuition behind this is that after investigating a related source domain, it is much easier to spot similar objects in the target domain than to delineate their fine boundaries. Specifically, we enforce counting estimation as a global constraint to the detection with sparse supervision, which further guides the segmentation. A cross-position cut-and-paste augmentation is introduced to further compensate for the annotation sparsity. Extensive validations show that our model with only 15\% point annotations can achieve comparable performance as supervised models and shows robustness to annotation selection.
PDF 7pages, 4 figures


Exploring the Limits of Domain-Adaptive Training for Detoxifying Large-Scale Language Models

Authors:Boxin Wang, Wei Ping, Chaowei Xiao, Peng Xu, Mostofa Patwary, Mohammad Shoeybi, Bo Li, Anima Anandkumar, Bryan Catanzaro

Pre-trained language models (LMs) are shown to easily generate toxic language. In this work, we systematically explore domain-adaptive training to reduce the toxicity of language models. We conduct this study on three dimensions: training corpus, model size, and parameter efficiency. For the training corpus, we propose to leverage the generative power of LMs and generate nontoxic datasets for domain-adaptive training, which mitigates the exposure bias and is shown to be more data-efficient than using a curated pre-training corpus. We demonstrate that the self-generation method consistently outperforms the existing baselines across various model sizes on both automatic and human evaluations, even when it uses a 1/3 smaller training corpus. We then comprehensively study detoxifying LMs with parameter sizes ranging from 126M up to 530B (3x larger than GPT-3), a scale that has never been studied before. We find that i) large LMs have similar toxicity levels as smaller ones given the same pre-training corpus, and ii) large LMs require more endeavor to detoxify. We also explore parameter-efficient training methods for detoxification. We demonstrate that adding and training adapter-only layers in LMs not only saves a lot of parameters but also achieves a better trade-off between toxicity and perplexity than whole model adaptation for the large-scale models.
PDF NeurIPS 2022


Unknown-Aware Domain Adversarial Learning for Open-Set Domain Adaptation

Authors:JoonHo Jang, Byeonghu Na, DongHyeok Shin, Mingi Ji, Kyungwoo Song, Il-Chul Moon

Open-Set Domain Adaptation (OSDA) assumes that a target domain contains unknown classes, which are not discovered in a source domain. Existing domain adversarial learning methods are not suitable for OSDA because distribution matching with $\textit{unknown}$ classes leads to negative transfer. Previous OSDA methods have focused on matching the source and the target distribution by only utilizing $\textit{known}$ classes. However, this $\textit{known}$-only matching may fail to learn the target-$\textit{unknown}$ feature space. Therefore, we propose Unknown-Aware Domain Adversarial Learning (UADAL), which $\textit{aligns}$ the source and the target-$\textit{known}$ distribution while simultaneously $\textit{segregating}$ the target-$\textit{unknown}$ distribution in the feature alignment procedure. We provide theoretical analyses on the optimized state of the proposed $\textit{unknown-aware}$ feature alignment, so we can guarantee both $\textit{alignment}$ and $\textit{segregation}$ theoretically. Empirically, we evaluate UADAL on the benchmark datasets, which shows that UADAL outperforms other methods with better feature alignments by reporting state-of-the-art performances.
PDF Accepted at NeurIPS 2022


Towards Online Domain Adaptive Object Detection

Authors:Vibashan VS, Poojan Oza, Vishal M. Patel

Existing object detection models assume both the training and test data are sampled from the same source domain. This assumption does not hold true when these detectors are deployed in real-world applications, where they encounter new visual domain. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) methods are generally employed to mitigate the adverse effects caused by domain shift. Existing UDA methods operate in an offline manner where the model is first adapted towards the target domain and then deployed in real-world applications. However, this offline adaptation strategy is not suitable for real-world applications as the model frequently encounters new domain shifts. Hence, it becomes critical to develop a feasible UDA method that generalizes to these domain shifts encountered during deployment time in a continuous online manner. To this end, we propose a novel unified adaptation framework that adapts and improves generalization on the target domain in online settings. In particular, we introduce MemXformer - a cross-attention transformer-based memory module where items in the memory take advantage of domain shifts and record prototypical patterns of the target distribution. Further, MemXformer produces strong positive and negative pairs to guide a novel contrastive loss, which enhances target specific representation learning. Experiments on diverse detection benchmarks show that the proposed strategy can produce state-of-the-art performance in both online and offline settings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to address online and offline adaptation settings for object detection. Code at
PDF Accepted to WACV 2023


Representation Learning for Resource-Constrained Keyphrase Generation

Authors:Di Wu, Wasi Uddin Ahmad, Sunipa Dev, Kai-Wei Chang

State-of-the-art keyphrase generation methods generally depend on large annotated datasets, limiting their performance in domains with limited annotated data. To overcome this challenge, we design a data-oriented approach that first identifies salient information using retrieval-based corpus-level statistics, and then learns a task-specific intermediate representation based on a pre-trained language model using large-scale unlabeled documents. We introduce salient span recovery and salient span prediction as denoising training objectives that condense the intra-article and inter-article knowledge essential for keyphrase generation. Through experiments on multiple keyphrase generation benchmarks, we show the effectiveness of the proposed approach for facilitating low-resource keyphrase generation and zero-shot domain adaptation. Our method especially benefits the generation of absent keyphrases, approaching the performance of models trained with large training sets.
PDF EMNLP 2022 (Findings)


Spending Thinking Time Wisely: Accelerating MCTS with Virtual Expansions

Authors:Weirui Ye, Pieter Abbeel, Yang Gao

One of the most important AI research questions is to trade off computation versus performance since ``perfect rationality” exists in theory but is impossible to achieve in practice. Recently, Monte-Carlo tree search (MCTS) has attracted considerable attention due to the significant performance improvement in various challenging domains. However, the expensive time cost during search severely restricts its scope for applications. This paper proposes the Virtual MCTS (V-MCTS), a variant of MCTS that spends more search time on harder states and less search time on simpler states adaptively. We give theoretical bounds of the proposed method and evaluate the performance and computations on $9 \times 9$ Go board games and Atari games. Experiments show that our method can achieve comparable performances to the original search algorithm while requiring less than $50\%$ search time on average. We believe that this approach is a viable alternative for tasks under limited time and resources. The code is available at \url{}.


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