Domain Adaptation

2022-09-30 更新

Human Motion Diffusion Model

Authors:Guy Tevet, Sigal Raab, Brian Gordon, Yonatan Shafir, Amit H. Bermano, Daniel Cohen-Or

Natural and expressive human motion generation is the holy grail of computer animation. It is a challenging task, due to the diversity of possible motion, human perceptual sensitivity to it, and the difficulty of accurately describing it. Therefore, current generative solutions are either low-quality or limited in expressiveness. Diffusion models, which have already shown remarkable generative capabilities in other domains, are promising candidates for human motion due to their many-to-many nature, but they tend to be resource hungry and hard to control. In this paper, we introduce Motion Diffusion Model (MDM), a carefully adapted classifier-free diffusion-based generative model for the human motion domain. MDM is transformer-based, combining insights from motion generation literature. A notable design-choice is the prediction of the sample, rather than the noise, in each diffusion step. This facilitates the use of established geometric losses on the locations and velocities of the motion, such as the foot contact loss. As we demonstrate, MDM is a generic approach, enabling different modes of conditioning, and different generation tasks. We show that our model is trained with lightweight resources and yet achieves state-of-the-art results on leading benchmarks for text-to-motion and action-to-motion. .


Motion and Appearance Adaptation for Cross-Domain Motion Transfer

Authors:Borun Xu, Biao Wang, Jinhong Deng, Jiale Tao, Tiezheng Ge, Yuning Jiang, Wen Li, Lixin Duan

Motion transfer aims to transfer the motion of a driving video to a source image. When there are considerable differences between object in the driving video and that in the source image, traditional single domain motion transfer approaches often produce notable artifacts; for example, the synthesized image may fail to preserve the human shape of the source image (cf . Fig. 1 (a)). To address this issue, in this work, we propose a Motion and Appearance Adaptation (MAA) approach for cross-domain motion transfer, in which we regularize the object in the synthesized image to capture the motion of the object in the driving frame, while still preserving the shape and appearance of the object in the source image. On one hand, considering the object shapes of the synthesized image and the driving frame might be different, we design a shape-invariant motion adaptation module that enforces the consistency of the angles of object parts in two images to capture the motion information. On the other hand, we introduce a structure-guided appearance consistency module designed to regularize the similarity between the corresponding patches of the synthesized image and the source image without affecting the learned motion in the synthesized image. Our proposed MAA model can be trained in an end-to-end manner with a cyclic reconstruction loss, and ultimately produces a satisfactory motion transfer result (cf . Fig. 1 (b)). We conduct extensive experiments on human dancing dataset Mixamo-Video to Fashion-Video and human face dataset Vox-Celeb to Cufs; on both of these, our MAA model outperforms existing methods both quantitatively and qualitatively.


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