2022-09-05 更新

Exploring Gradient-based Multi-directional Controls in GANs

Authors:Zikun Chen, Ruowei Jiang, Brendan Duke, Han Zhao, Parham Aarabi

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been widely applied in modeling diverse image distributions. However, despite its impressive applications, the structure of the latent space in GANs largely remains as a black-box, leaving its controllable generation an open problem, especially when spurious correlations between different semantic attributes exist in the image distributions. To address this problem, previous methods typically learn linear directions or individual channels that control semantic attributes in the image space. However, they often suffer from imperfect disentanglement, or are unable to obtain multi-directional controls. In this work, in light of the above challenges, we propose a novel approach that discovers nonlinear controls, which enables multi-directional manipulation as well as effective disentanglement, based on gradient information in the learned GAN latent space. More specifically, we first learn interpolation directions by following the gradients from classification networks trained separately on the attributes, and then navigate the latent space by exclusively controlling channels activated for the target attribute in the learned directions. Empirically, with small training data, our approach is able to gain fine-grained controls over a diverse set of bi-directional and multi-directional attributes, and we showcase its ability to achieve disentanglement significantly better than state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.
PDF Accepted to ECCV 2022 (oral)


Unsupervised Joint Image Transfer and Uncertainty Quantification Using Patch Invariant Networks

Authors:Christoph Angermann, Markus Haltmeier, Ahsan Raza Siyal

Unsupervised image transfer enables intra- and inter-modality image translation in applications where a large amount of paired training data is not abundant. To ensure a structure-preserving mapping from the input to the target domain, existing methods for unpaired image transfer are commonly based on cycle-consistency, causing additional computational resources and instability due to the learning of an inverse mapping. This paper presents a novel method for uni-directional domain mapping that does not rely on any paired training data. A proper transfer is achieved by using a GAN architecture and a novel generator loss based on patch invariance. To be more specific, the generator outputs are evaluated and compared at different scales, also leading to an increased focus on high-frequency details as well as an implicit data augmentation. This novel patch loss also offers the possibility to accurately predict aleatoric uncertainty by modeling an input-dependent scale map for the patch residuals. The proposed method is comprehensively evaluated on three well-established medical databases. As compared to four state-of-the-art methods, we observe significantly higher accuracy on these datasets, indicating great potential of the proposed method for unpaired image transfer with uncertainty taken into account. Implementation of the proposed framework is released here: \url{}.
PDF Accepted to ECCV 2022 Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision (UNCV 2022)


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