2024-04-19 更新

CU-Mamba: Selective State Space Models with Channel Learning for Image Restoration

Authors:Rui Deng, Tianpei Gu

Reconstructing degraded images is a critical task in image processing. Although CNN and Transformer-based models are prevalent in this field, they exhibit inherent limitations, such as inadequate long-range dependency modeling and high computational costs. To overcome these issues, we introduce the Channel-Aware U-Shaped Mamba (CU-Mamba) model, which incorporates a dual State Space Model (SSM) framework into the U-Net architecture. CU-Mamba employs a Spatial SSM module for global context encoding and a Channel SSM component to preserve channel correlation features, both in linear computational complexity relative to the feature map size. Extensive experimental results validate CU-Mamba’s superiority over existing state-of-the-art methods, underscoring the importance of integrating both spatial and channel contexts in image restoration.


Guided Discrete Diffusion for Electronic Health Record Generation

Authors:Zixiang Chen, Jun Han, Yongqian Li, Yiwen Kou, Eran Halperin, Robert E. Tillman, Quanquan Gu

Electronic health records (EHRs) are a pivotal data source that enables numerous applications in computational medicine, e.g., disease progression prediction, clinical trial design, and health economics and outcomes research. Despite wide usability, their sensitive nature raises privacy and confidentially concerns, which limit potential use cases. To tackle these challenges, we explore the use of generative models to synthesize artificial, yet realistic EHRs. While diffusion-based methods have recently demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in generating other data modalities and overcome the training instability and mode collapse issues that plague previous GAN-based approaches, their applications in EHR generation remain underexplored. The discrete nature of tabular medical code data in EHRs poses challenges for high-quality data generation, especially for continuous diffusion models. To this end, we introduce a novel tabular EHR generation method, EHR-D3PM, which enables both unconditional and conditional generation using the discrete diffusion model. Our experiments demonstrate that EHR-D3PM significantly outperforms existing generative baselines on comprehensive fidelity and utility metrics while maintaining less membership vulnerability risks. Furthermore, we show EHR-D3PM is effective as a data augmentation method and enhances performance on downstream tasks when combined with real data.
PDF 24 pages, 9 figures, 12 tables


2024-04-19 更新

eMotion-GAN: A Motion-based GAN for Photorealistic and Facial Expression Preserving Frontal View Synthesis

Authors:Omar Ikne, Benjamin Allaert, Ioan Marius Bilasco, Hazem Wannous

Many existing facial expression recognition (FER) systems encounter substantial performance degradation when faced with variations in head pose. Numerous frontalization methods have been proposed to enhance these systems’ performance under such conditions. However, they often introduce undesirable deformations, rendering them less suitable for precise facial expression analysis. In this paper, we present eMotion-GAN, a novel deep learning approach designed for frontal view synthesis while preserving facial expressions within the motion domain. Considering the motion induced by head variation as noise and the motion induced by facial expression as the relevant information, our model is trained to filter out the noisy motion in order to retain only the motion related to facial expression. The filtered motion is then mapped onto a neutral frontal face to generate the corresponding expressive frontal face. We conducted extensive evaluations using several widely recognized dynamic FER datasets, which encompass sequences exhibiting various degrees of head pose variations in both intensity and orientation. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in significantly reducing the FER performance gap between frontal and non-frontal faces. Specifically, we achieved a FER improvement of up to +5\% for small pose variations and up to +20\% improvement for larger pose variations. Code available at \url{}.


AIGeN: An Adversarial Approach for Instruction Generation in VLN

Authors:Niyati Rawal, Roberto Bigazzi, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara

In the last few years, the research interest in Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) has grown significantly. VLN is a challenging task that involves an agent following human instructions and navigating in a previously unknown environment to reach a specified goal. Recent work in literature focuses on different ways to augment the available datasets of instructions for improving navigation performance by exploiting synthetic training data. In this work, we propose AIGeN, a novel architecture inspired by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) that produces meaningful and well-formed synthetic instructions to improve navigation agents’ performance. The model is composed of a Transformer decoder (GPT-2) and a Transformer encoder (BERT). During the training phase, the decoder generates sentences for a sequence of images describing the agent’s path to a particular point while the encoder discriminates between real and fake instructions. Experimentally, we evaluate the quality of the generated instructions and perform extensive ablation studies. Additionally, we generate synthetic instructions for 217K trajectories using AIGeN on Habitat-Matterport 3D Dataset (HM3D) and show an improvement in the performance of an off-the-shelf VLN method. The validation analysis of our proposal is conducted on REVERIE and R2R and highlights the promising aspects of our proposal, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
PDF Accepted to 7th Multimodal Learning and Applications Workshop (MULA 2024) at the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024


Multi-objective evolutionary GAN for tabular data synthesis

Authors:Nian Ran, Bahrul Ilmi Nasution, Claire Little, Richard Allmendinger, Mark Elliot

Synthetic data has a key role to play in data sharing by statistical agencies and other generators of statistical data products. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), typically applied to image synthesis, are also a promising method for tabular data synthesis. However, there are unique challenges in tabular data compared to images, eg tabular data may contain both continuous and discrete variables and conditional sampling, and, critically, the data should possess high utility and low disclosure risk (the risk of re-identifying a population unit or learning something new about them), providing an opportunity for multi-objective (MO) optimization. Inspired by MO GANs for images, this paper proposes a smart MO evolutionary conditional tabular GAN (SMOE-CTGAN). This approach models conditional synthetic data by applying conditional vectors in training, and uses concepts from MO optimisation to balance disclosure risk against utility. Our results indicate that SMOE-CTGAN is able to discover synthetic datasets with different risk and utility levels for multiple national census datasets. We also find a sweet spot in the early stage of training where a competitive utility and extremely low risk are achieved, by using an Improvement Score. The full code can be downloaded from\_EGAN\_pytorch.


Referring Flexible Image Restoration

Authors:Runwei Guan, Rongsheng Hu, Zhuhao Zhou, Tianlang Xue, Ka Lok Man, Jeremy Smith, Eng Gee Lim, Weiping Ding, Yutao Yue

In reality, images often exhibit multiple degradations, such as rain and fog at night (triple degradations). However, in many cases, individuals may not want to remove all degradations, for instance, a blurry lens revealing a beautiful snowy landscape (double degradations). In such scenarios, people may only desire to deblur. These situations and requirements shed light on a new challenge in image restoration, where a model must perceive and remove specific degradation types specified by human commands in images with multiple degradations. We term this task Referring Flexible Image Restoration (RFIR). To address this, we first construct a large-scale synthetic dataset called RFIR, comprising 153,423 samples with the degraded image, text prompt for specific degradation removal and restored image. RFIR consists of five basic degradation types: blur, rain, haze, low light and snow while six main sub-categories are included for varying degrees of degradation removal. To tackle the challenge, we propose a novel transformer-based multi-task model named TransRFIR, which simultaneously perceives degradation types in the degraded image and removes specific degradation upon text prompt. TransRFIR is based on two devised attention modules, Multi-Head Agent Self-Attention (MHASA) and Multi-Head Agent Cross Attention (MHACA), where MHASA and MHACA introduce the agent token and reach the linear complexity, achieving lower computation cost than vanilla self-attention and cross-attention and obtaining competitive performances. Our TransRFIR achieves state-of-the-art performances compared with other counterparts and is proven as an effective architecture for image restoration. We release our project at
PDF 15 pages, 19 figures


Improving Bracket Image Restoration and Enhancement with Flow-guided Alignment and Enhanced Feature Aggregation

Authors:Wenjie Lin, Zhen Liu, Chengzhi Jiang, Mingyan Han, Ting Jiang, Shuaicheng Liu

In this paper, we address the Bracket Image Restoration and Enhancement (BracketIRE) task using a novel framework, which requires restoring a high-quality high dynamic range (HDR) image from a sequence of noisy, blurred, and low dynamic range (LDR) multi-exposure RAW inputs. To overcome this challenge, we present the IREANet, which improves the multiple exposure alignment and aggregation with a Flow-guide Feature Alignment Module (FFAM) and an Enhanced Feature Aggregation Module (EFAM). Specifically, the proposed FFAM incorporates the inter-frame optical flow as guidance to facilitate the deformable alignment and spatial attention modules for better feature alignment. The EFAM further employs the proposed Enhanced Residual Block (ERB) as a foundational component, wherein a unidirectional recurrent network aggregates the aligned temporal features to better reconstruct the results. To improve model generalization and performance, we additionally employ the Bayer preserving augmentation (BayerAug) strategy to augment the multi-exposure RAW inputs. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate that the proposed IREANet shows state-of-the-art performance compared with previous methods.


Learning Feature Inversion for Multi-class Anomaly Detection under General-purpose COCO-AD Benchmark

Authors:Jiangning Zhang, Chengjie Wang, Xiangtai Li, Guanzhong Tian, Zhucun Xue, Yong Liu, Guansong Pang, Dacheng Tao

Anomaly detection (AD) is often focused on detecting anomaly areas for industrial quality inspection and medical lesion examination. However, due to the specific scenario targets, the data scale for AD is relatively small, and evaluation metrics are still deficient compared to classic vision tasks, such as object detection and semantic segmentation. To fill these gaps, this work first constructs a large-scale and general-purpose COCO-AD dataset by extending COCO to the AD field. This enables fair evaluation and sustainable development for different methods on this challenging benchmark. Moreover, current metrics such as AU-ROC have nearly reached saturation on simple datasets, which prevents a comprehensive evaluation of different methods. Inspired by the metrics in the segmentation field, we further propose several more practical threshold-dependent AD-specific metrics, ie, m$F1$$^{.2}{.8}$, mAcc$^{.2}{.8}$, mIoU$^{.2}{.8}$, and mIoU-max. Motivated by GAN inversion’s high-quality reconstruction capability, we propose a simple but more powerful InvAD framework to achieve high-quality feature reconstruction. Our method improves the effectiveness of reconstruction-based methods on popular MVTec AD, VisA, and our newly proposed COCO-AD datasets under a multi-class unsupervised setting, where only a single detection model is trained to detect anomalies from different classes. Extensive ablation experiments have demonstrated the effectiveness of each component of our InvAD. Full codes and models are available at


COMBO: Compositional World Models for Embodied Multi-Agent Cooperation

Authors:Hongxin Zhang, Zeyuan Wang, Qiushi Lyu, Zheyuan Zhang, Sunli Chen, Tianmin Shu, Yilun Du, Chuang Gan

In this paper, we investigate the problem of embodied multi-agent cooperation, where decentralized agents must cooperate given only partial egocentric views of the world. To effectively plan in this setting, in contrast to learning world dynamics in a single-agent scenario, we must simulate world dynamics conditioned on an arbitrary number of agents’ actions given only partial egocentric visual observations of the world. To address this issue of partial observability, we first train generative models to estimate the overall world state given partial egocentric observations. To enable accurate simulation of multiple sets of actions on this world state, we then propose to learn a compositional world model for multi-agent cooperation by factorizing the naturally composable joint actions of multiple agents and compositionally generating the video. By leveraging this compositional world model, in combination with Vision Language Models to infer the actions of other agents, we can use a tree search procedure to integrate these modules and facilitate online cooperative planning. To evaluate the efficacy of our methods, we create two challenging embodied multi-agent long-horizon cooperation tasks using the ThreeDWorld simulator and conduct experiments with 2-4 agents. The results show our compositional world model is effective and the framework enables the embodied agents to cooperate efficiently with different agents across various tasks and an arbitrary number of agents, showing the promising future of our proposed framework. More videos can be found at
PDF 23 pages. The first three authors contributed equally


AdaIR: Exploiting Underlying Similarities of Image Restoration Tasks with Adapters

Authors:Hao-Wei Chen, Yu-Syuan Xu, Kelvin C. K. Chan, Hsien-Kai Kuo, Chun-Yi Lee, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Existing image restoration approaches typically employ extensive networks specifically trained for designated degradations. Despite being effective, such methods inevitably entail considerable storage costs and computational overheads due to the reliance on task-specific networks. In this work, we go beyond this well-established framework and exploit the inherent commonalities among image restoration tasks. The primary objective is to identify components that are shareable across restoration tasks and augment the shared components with modules specifically trained for individual tasks. Towards this goal, we propose AdaIR, a novel framework that enables low storage cost and efficient training without sacrificing performance. Specifically, a generic restoration network is first constructed through self-supervised pre-training using synthetic degradations. Subsequent to the pre-training phase, adapters are trained to adapt the pre-trained network to specific degradations. AdaIR requires solely the training of lightweight, task-specific modules, ensuring a more efficient storage and training regimen. We have conducted extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of AdaIR and analyze the influence of the pre-training strategy on discovering shareable components. Extensive experimental results show that AdaIR achieves outstanding results on multi-task restoration while utilizing significantly fewer parameters (1.9 MB) and less training time (7 hours) for each restoration task. The source codes and trained models will be released.


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