
2024-04-18 更新

Know Yourself Better: Diverse Discriminative Feature Learning Improves Open Set Recognition

Authors:Jiawen Xu

Open set recognition (OSR) is a critical aspect of machine learning, addressing the challenge of detecting novel classes during inference. Within the realm of deep learning, neural classifiers trained on a closed set of data typically struggle to identify novel classes, leading to erroneous predictions. To address this issue, various heuristic methods have been proposed, allowing models to express uncertainty by stating “I don’t know.” However, a gap in the literature remains, as there has been limited exploration of the underlying mechanisms of these methods. In this paper, we conduct an analysis of open set recognition methods, focusing on the aspect of feature diversity. Our research reveals a significant correlation between learning diverse discriminative features and enhancing OSR performance. Building on this insight, we propose a novel OSR approach that leverages the advantages of feature diversity. The efficacy of our method is substantiated through rigorous evaluation on a standard OSR testbench, demonstrating a substantial improvement over state-of-the-art methods.


Uncertainty-guided Open-Set Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Target-private Class Segregation

Authors:Mattia Litrico, Davide Talon, Sebastiano Battiato, Alessio Del Bue, Mario Valerio Giuffrida, Pietro Morerio

Standard Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) aims to transfer knowledge from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target but usually requires simultaneous access to both source and target data. Moreover, UDA approaches commonly assume that source and target domains share the same labels space. Yet, these two assumptions are hardly satisfied in real-world scenarios. This paper considers the more challenging Source-Free Open-set Domain Adaptation (SF-OSDA) setting, where both assumptions are dropped. We propose a novel approach for SF-OSDA that exploits the granularity of target-private categories by segregating their samples into multiple unknown classes. Starting from an initial clustering-based assignment, our method progressively improves the segregation of target-private samples by refining their pseudo-labels with the guide of an uncertainty-based sample selection module. Additionally, we propose a novel contrastive loss, named NL-InfoNCELoss, that, integrating negative learning into self-supervised contrastive learning, enhances the model robustness to noisy pseudo-labels. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over existing approaches, establishing new state-of-the-art performance. Notably, additional analyses show that our method is able to learn the underlying semantics of novel classes, opening the possibility to perform novel class discovery.


OSR-ViT: A Simple and Modular Framework for Open-Set Object Detection and Discovery

Authors:Matthew Inkawhich, Nathan Inkawhich, Hao Yang, Jingyang Zhang, Randolph Linderman, Yiran Chen

An object detector’s ability to detect and flag \textit{novel} objects during open-world deployments is critical for many real-world applications. Unfortunately, much of the work in open object detection today is disjointed and fails to adequately address applications that prioritize unknown object recall \textit{in addition to} known-class accuracy. To close this gap, we present a new task called Open-Set Object Detection and Discovery (OSODD) and as a solution propose the Open-Set Regions with ViT features (OSR-ViT) detection framework. OSR-ViT combines a class-agnostic proposal network with a powerful ViT-based classifier. Its modular design simplifies optimization and allows users to easily swap proposal solutions and feature extractors to best suit their application. Using our multifaceted evaluation protocol, we show that OSR-ViT obtains performance levels that far exceed state-of-the-art supervised methods. Our method also excels in low-data settings, outperforming supervised baselines using a fraction of the training data.
PDF 28 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables


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